
Friend commited suicide last night. . .

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not only did two friends die in car accident two weeks ago, but another friend committed suicide wednesday night. he hung himself in his house. i don't understand what would drive a person to take their own life. life is given to us, but it is NOT ours to take!!

i feel so numb right now. too much to deal with in such a short time.

too many deaths.

take care of each other, please. [:/]

i need hug!

*edit to correct spelling
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Hey Ashley....Major Vibes and a back cracking hug. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. If you need to talk, feel free to PM me. we're with you..and I'm sure dz dots watch out for each other.
"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
-9 toes

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There is lots of support out here for you. don't be afraid to seek professional help if you are having a hard time understanding why.

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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Hate to hear this. Suicide is the ultimate selfish act. Be strong and band with your family and friends to get through these travesties. [:/]
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that...

As skydivers, (and just as people), we have to deal with grief and loss quite often, and it always seems to gang up on you when you've had about all you can handle. Try to keep your head above this.. you've got a great support group here.. we're all thinking of you and your friends, and their families.

{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}


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Suicide is the ultimate selfish act.

Perhaps, if done as a cry for help or attention, but for some folks going through pain and mental anguish, it simply distorts their view of the world so much that it seems like a reasonable solution. It usually never will seem like the right thing to do by those left behind, but know that for the person that simply wants the pain to end, that pain must be unbearable for this to appear to be the only option.

I hope I never truly understand it from that perspective.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Ashley, I am very sorry for all that you are going through right now. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as the days go on. When a friend does such a thing, we spend hours beating ourselves up. Wondering what we could have done, what didn't we see that we should have, how could we have made a difference. Know that if a person has chosen this route, there is NOTHING we could have done, should have seen or known. Unfortunately the demons were not ours to battle. During the Viet Nam era, my husbands best friend chose this route, rather than Viet Nam. He still deals with it, but one of the ways that helped him was to spend time with his buddies mom. Through the years, he helped her, she helped him, just by being buds, and remembering their common bond. I hope that you can find the kind of peace that they both have.
[email protected]

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thank you all for the prayers, hugs, and vibes! it is much appreciated. I don't have anyone I can really talk to here in Manhattan, KS, but I know I can always look to you guys here on dz.com.

Thanks for the support.
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Suicide is the ultimate selfish act.

Perhaps, if done as a cry for help or attention, but for some folks going through pain and mental anguish, it simply distorts their view of the world so much that it seems like a reasonable solution. It usually never will seem like the right thing to do by those left behind, but know that for the person that simply wants the pain to end, that pain must be unbearable for this to appear to be the only option.

I hope I never truly understand it from that perspective.

You are right - depression can take on such a strong hold, that others' feelings and the love and support from friends and family seem to be not enough. It is horrific that this person felt so much anguish that he felt it better to leave life. I am sure his friends and family are reeling in pain over his loss and I feel so badly for them.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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