
Things you loved but quit for skydiving

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"I gave up any kinds of beauty treatments."

Wow! You need beauty treatments? I'm not so sure about that.;).

That's so sweet. Thank you, JP. :$ Actually, I never really have done much of that, but I was trying to do more in the beauty treatments area, like all the other women that I know do. I feel like I never do enough to help myself in that department. (I'm not getting any younger, you know.) I thought that perhaps I would need some sort-of maintenance or something for my skin or whatever, but it doesn't matter now because I don't have the money for it, anyway. :ph34r:

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I gave up:

- Flying airplanes (too expensive to do both)
- Riding my motorcycle (I really need to sell it)
- I don't rock/mountain climb, mountain bike or ski as much as I used to.
- Desire to keep up to the Jones.
- Desire to be career oriented.
- Desire to invest in the markets like I used to.
- Desire to save for my retirement (having savings is good though).
- Desire to live in my house up in Canada (it's too big for a single guy).
- Desire to own expensive sports cars.
- Desire to have my Avs season tickets.
- Desire to sell gear from hobbies I no longer have interests in.
- Plus many many more ...

What I gained

- A new addiction stronger than drugs (good and bad aspects to this).
- Desire to travel North America and the world.
- A new positive outlook on my life and my role in society.
- A new outlook on my friends, family and death.
- Weather permitting, knowing what I'll be doing on weekends.
- Desire to obtain gear to do all the different sorts of jumps which interest me.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I met these two sisters at a bar on a Friday night. I was talking about just trying new things. I was perusing a copy of Creative Loafing (our local sub-culture magazine). Loads of stuff to do for the weekend.

Skydiving, let's do a tandem on Sunday. I call up on Sunday and her mother answers. "No, she is not going skydiving and kill herself. She is not dating someone who skydives either. Do not call back until you get that silly idea out of your head."

I wonder if she has been waiting on a return call since 1994. B|

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My snowboarding fell WAY off. I went from 20+ days a year to 1-2. I also quit riding my mountain bike as a "real" mountain bike (though I still occasionally ride on roads and simple terrain), and I never hang out at bars till closing anymore. I no longer spend nearly as much time with my non-skydiving friends, but I didn't completely ditch 'em. I just spend more time with different friends now.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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good lord, the things, people Ive lost/given up.

1942 Willis Jeep CJ-1
other misc toys
barely see my Wuffo friends anymore (they just dont get it)
giving a damn about a career (except to pay for jumps)
school (but Im back there again)

one currently tryin to get rid of is my 1991 VR4 Galant (my go fast car)
and countless other things that are to come.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Snowboarding and weed.

Moved to Louisiana for the jumping, and snowboarding isn't really an option. Decided money was better spent on jump tickets than drugs, and that decision probably made my life a lot better than it would have been if I was still a burnout
I got nuthin

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Actually, I never really have done much of that, but I was trying to do more in the beauty treatments area, like all the other women that I know do.


No worries. I was just givin you hard time about something that seemed. . . . . . .unecessary.:P

Well. . . . . . . . .you look pretty darn good to the rest of us DZ.commers regardless of beauty treatments, no beauty treatments, old, not old.
Nevertheless, I can understand why women feel the need to do beauty treatments etc. given that the world we live in a world that places so much more emphasis on the attractiveness of woman first, and other qualities and accomplishments second.

THe way I look at it, my body may be getting older, but skydiving keeps my mind youthful and free.;)



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- Desire to live in my house up in Canada (it's too big for a single guy).

So, where is this empty house, is it near any dz's, and where are the keys? I sense a place to stay on holidays... ;) j/k

Let's see...

Gave up gardening. Some days that really stings, I love getting my hands dirty.

For the first 1 1/2 years I gave up writing. This is BIG. I usually spend several hours a day writing, and for a long time I did none. I couldn't concentrate on anything but skydiving. :D
Happily, I've begun writing again and feel much more balanced.

Stopped jiu-jitsu.

Stopped doing back country camping, although I'd love to get back to that.

Gave up any semblance of financial stability.

All in all, I'm completely happy with these changes!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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So, where is this empty house, is it near any dz's, and where are the keys? I sense a place to stay on holidays...

It's not empty, I have renters. And it's in the northwest Calgary community of Edgemont, which is I don't know about a 90 minute drive from Didsbury (a Cessna DZ if I'm not mistaken).

I just made the comment that recently I decided that I likely would never live in this house again (a 4 bedroom side-split in a nice neighborhood) because it's bigger than what a single guy needs, I'm not into the lawn care and I'm not sure if Calgary is the best place for me to be once my time in Colorado has expired and the INS tells me to get out of the US (I'm sensing that this will happen sooner rather than later). I don't know if I could handle the rain come winter time, but maybe buying a modest condo within driving distance of Pitt Meadows will be my only refuge when the time comes to leave. Ah heck, I should just sell the house, buy a trailer and live (illegally) at some southern DZ and be someone's packing #@!^&. Now how's that for irresponsible thinking? :) I wouldn't have health insurance though and that could be bad. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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hmm. I gave up wuffo friends, which were not all that great any ways...

shopping every friday night
going out to clubs every friday and saturday night
taking trips to relax

a great boyfriend
a house
a pretty rig and gear
a new set of awesome friends
a new family
a new sense of meaning in life

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I gave up any chance of shooting in the 70's. I don't care anymore.
I gave up six years of martial arts training, not enough time.
I gave up a wife. at least in part, as a by-product of the time I spent jumping.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I think I am quitting snowboarding next winter.

Sounds odd, but I have to get up at 7 every Sat-Sun to go teach it part time all winter, and I had the summers to sleep in.

Getting up for jumping too makes has me up at 7am 365 days a year. Ugh. I am sleeping in next winter!

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