
What do you do if the second parachute don't work?

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Did a couple of night loads this weekend. There was no moon and very little starlight, not good situation to land out of the lights, especially if you’re loaded much over 1/1. Anyway, we did have 3 land in the dark, one without a flair, sent him to the hospital in an ambulance. Turns out that he didn’t do any real damage to his back, or really hurt at all, but it could have been bad.
That brings me to my point, he was wearing a camera, it was some interesting video, or at least audio. Talking about it later with the boys, I came up with a new answer to the age old question. “What do you do if the second parachute doesn’t work?”, “Turn off your camera!” you don’t want to film your own death!
I think it’ll be my new tag line!
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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“What do you do if the second parachute doesn’t work?”

You'll be the first to the ground!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I think the funniest one I ever read was to take one shoe off and put it down your pants. People will go nuts trying to figure out what happened.

I knew a guy who turned on his side for the impact (double total on a Piglet) when his reserve opened about 400'. He thought it would improve his chances.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I think the funniest one I ever read was to take one shoe off and put it down your pants. People will go nuts trying to figure out what happened.

ROFL!!!! :D:D:D:D

That is hilarious! I never heard that one, but now I have all kinds of fun ideas for if I ever have a double mal! :D[:/]:D:D:D

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This same thing happened to me, no moon, off DZ landing, no forward drive, heading towards a train. Didn't flare, didn't even have my hands in my toggle as I was trying to throw my glow stick I had on my head down to count the delay. Bad situation, glad it was a freshly plowed field.

If I even had a double mal, I'd try to be the first to land a wingsuit...
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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you know, this is funny, i just remembered the dream i had last night. I was wearing an OLD pilot's parachute, i guess i got shot down or something, i dont know, and i pulled the lil' D ring thing on my harness, and the pilot chute thing, which looked more like a droque with the really thick bridle came out wrapped around the canopy and i was doing everything i could to get it off, but i couldnt. So eventually i hit the ground, got up and went to the rigger and gave him all kinds of hell for fucking up my parachute so badly. :D

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I've been there. I had a 1400' reserve total. I pulled it at 1700' and it opened at 300'.:o

In between I'd thrown the ripcord away to make sure I'd pulled it (after looking at both pins), rolled on my back to blow off a hesitation (nothing but blue sky), and anything else I could think of. I actually gave up, thought "reserve total, I guess I'm dead," and was waiting to hit. When I gave up I immediately calmed down. The panic and hurry to do what ever I could turned off like a switch. I was going to hit a house size brush pile across the road and behind a building. The last thing I thought was that I was going to go straight to the bottom and "I wonder how long it'll take them to find me."

People would have thought I waited to long to pull. The reserve PC, captured by one loop, would have come loose on impact. I've wondered how many others fatalities were like this.

When it opened I looked up and thought "I'm alive!"
Then I looked down, saw the power lines I was heading for, and thought "I'm dead!" I had enough time to turn the round and land in front of the power lines in the same brush pile I was going to hit.

I like the shoe in the pants idea, but don't think I had enough time.:S

And there wasn't any grass to grab!!!

That was in 1981 at about 80 jumps.

I've been on bonus days ever since.B|

Hmmmm turn the camera off? Why, they need something for Max X. Maybe wave bye bye in the camera.:P Yeah, that's it.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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you know, this is funny, i just remembered the dream i had last night. I was wearing an OLD pilot's parachute, i guess i got shot down or something, i dont know, and i pulled the lil' D ring thing on my harness, and the pilot chute thing, which looked more like a droque with the really thick bridle came out wrapped around the canopy and i was doing everything i could to get it off, but i couldnt. So eventually i hit the ground, got up and went to the rigger and gave him all kinds of hell for fucking up my parachute so badly. :D

I had a dream like that, double malfunction. Like you, I was pissed, but walked away form it. Maybe it's all about dying in a dream causing your real mortal end on earth as well.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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I knew a guy who turned on his side for the impact (double total on a Piglet) when his reserve opened about 400'. He thought it would improve his chances.

It's been done before. A tandem master, here in Florida, rolled over on his back before impact and saved the passengers life.

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I think I will be trying this

Took this fromhttp://www.greenharbor.com/fffolder/carkeet.html

the parachutist's "five-point landing" is useful to remember even in the absence of a parachute. Meet the ground with your feet together, and fall sideways in such a way that five parts of your body successively absorb the shock, equally and in this order: feet, calf, thigh, buttock, and shoulder. 120 divided by 5 = 24. Not bad! 24 mph is only a bit faster than the speed at which experienced parachutists land. There will be some bruising and breakage but no loss of consciousness to delay your press conference. Just be sure to apportion the 120-mph blow in equal fifths. Concentrate!


Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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A tandem master, here in Florida, rolled over on his back before impact and saved the passengers life.

Is that just a story or is there something out there to help validate it?

If its true, that's one hell of a cool thing for the TM to do, even though I'm sure it was a "hope and a prayer" situation.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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