
Do you like your job?

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My job pretty much sucks right now. I get paid in a sum that is worth more in cans of refried beans. My boss can't make decisions at all and can't organize his office, much less a department. I love my co workers, that's about it. The actual job is rewarding, but the surroundings aren't. If luck is with me I'll get to give my notice at the end of the week, pack up, and move on to bigger and better things...


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Theres nothing wrong with my job except that I am not challenged *at all*. I have three managers above me and therefore no decision-making authority, although I'm the one communicating with our clients.
However, I work 11am to 7pm and make $400 per month on top of my salary for working this shift. Its low stress (due to lack of authority and challenge).
I've never been in a job where I did not advance in to management exceptionally fast. I dont see that happening here. I dont like being stuck in a cube all day either.
I just applied for a position in software implementations (as opposed to analysis.. what I do now), and I would be on the road 80% of the time. I am hoping for an interview because that would fit me to a tee.
So I guess.. I'm tired of being bored, but I cant complain because I make good money. But if I get this other position, I would be much more inspired and I would be making even better money.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
:)So yah theres the long answer to your short question. :$

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I actually can't stand my job. I'm to the point now where all I do is go to work and play on the internet all day. We are moving our office Friday back to the building we were at when I first started working for my employer 8.5 years ago (up on the 70th floor, we were on 65 before). I think it is the beginning of the end. It would be a good time to make a move I guess. Money is good but I am not happy in the least.

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I love my job too but as mentioned bfore the pay SUX

I'm earning 60% of the money I earned 15 years ago.
I was a steel rigger then and had no qualifications.
I'm now qualified, with post grad dilpmas and all and I earn Stuff all by comparsion, but I'm not bored shitless anymore:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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my office is so cramped that in order to get to my seat/desk i have to tell this 300 pound dude with no front teeth "excuse me", then i have to rub elbows with him all day (literally) .

but that's just my day job. would anybody like to hire a newly licensed Esthetician??? :)

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eh, it's alright. I have no real complaints ... if i get pissed off, i just remind myself, fuck, i'm bringing in cash like none other, and in a year two, i'll be really bringing it in and will a lot of experience on top ...

the company's really nice, manager's cool ... i get to play ping-pong at lunch and at 5:00 ... i go in late about an hour every day, and leave an hour early ... but i work fast, so they really like me ....

so i guess i should be loving my job. problem is, i just don't like working.... but that's just the story of my life ;)
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my office is so cramped that in order to get to my seat/desk i have to tell this 300 pound dude with no front teeth "excuse me", then i have to rub elbows with him all day (literally) .

but that's just my day job. would anybody like to hire a newly licensed Esthetician??? :)

Why is a beauty therapist sitting next to a 300lb toothless dude:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
Would he not be really bad for bussiness;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Been at my awesome job for 9 years now. Went back to school and turned my hobby into my job. Still my hobby. Half the days I'd do it for free (well, as long as I got paid double the other days).

Before that was a series of M-F day jobs.

Here's the test:

Back then, the test for me was to figure out what time on sunday i'd start to get depressed. 6pm's probably close to normal, but when that would back off to 11am, that's when the resume edits are underway. And then when that bummed out feeling would start to creep back into saturday afternoon? That was the time to hook the static line and make a strong tight exit.

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In Reply To

my office is so cramped that in order to get to my seat/desk i have to tell this 300 pound dude with no front teeth "excuse me", then i have to rub elbows with him all day (literally) .

but that's just my day job. would anybody like to hire a newly licensed Esthetician???


Why is a beauty therapist sitting next to a 300lb toothless dude
Would he not be really bad for bussiness
Flying Hellfish #407
Have a nice day, unless of course, you've made other arrangments"
"My Life Rocks, How's Yours' Going"

haha... we cozy up at the car auction where i slave over used car dealers. i dont work at a spa right now. hence why i was asking if anyone wanted to hire me. sooooooo, DOES anyone>? ;)
i can wax a mean eyebrow.

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I love my job! Co-workers are really fun, traffic in the city is light at these times, getting techs to cover phone svc calls from 4 different states can be a challenge and rewarding. I think of our "customers in need" as I would my family, if they had a problem.:)3-11p=differential and ot pay for weekends with a shift that allows me to jump still while soaking up the $28 base rate+diff. X's weekend/OT.
Better yet, it will eventually allow me to jump with Laurie/DZ Diva at Chambersburg again:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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[How much do you like your job?]
I would love to be a full time skydiver but it does not pay the bills. My job consists of estimating, scheduling, dealing with aholes and telling people to F___k off and then turning around and kissing someones ass. Construction is hectic but just like a doctor, something always needs to be fixed, serviced or built.

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I didn't vote because I tend to vacillate between "meh, it's alright" and "no, I despise going to work".

I do gov't contract work, so there's a whole lot of penny-ante bullshit to it. Not a lot of actual WORK but TONS of stupid paperwork.

Kinda like the Maytag repairman... I mostly sit and wait for stuff to break...

Edit: Forgot to mention the 12 hour shifts, not having a day off except for when I take vacation (2 weeks every 6 months) and the fact that the contract officer is an idiot... at least the pay is pretty good
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I don't look forward to going to work, but I don't dread it either. I don't really have much to do, and most of what I do do (that's awful but I don't feel like re-writing it) isn't that difficult. The management style is pretty much, "Here's what I need, here's when I need it, if I don't hear from you I'll assume everything is going fine." That suits me.

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Like it sometimes (busines-trips) for the rest ...
Well it pays alright. In each case it pays more than I can make with full-time (tandem) jumping in the netherlands.

Ok I'm a senior design engineer Landing Gear, so all my bussines-trips go to helicopter and airplane builders (No free jumps out of prototype airplanes till now)

Using your droque to gain stability is a bad habit,
Especially when you are jumping a sport rig

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My job is pretty good for the most part - I'm an industrial maintenance technician. The pay is decent. I get to do what I've enjoyed doing since I was a little kid and learned how to take things apart. Except now I have an awesome set of tools and a great shop to work in, and I can pretty much run things the way I want.

Hassle is the people I sometimes work with have high powered degrees in far-out sciences engineering fields and have a tendency to talk down to me because "He's just a mechanic". So I just build it the way they want it, watch it break, then repair it the right way. If nothing else it's job security. I think the more edumacation gets pumped into a brain, the more common sense gets pumped out. "hey - this system is going to be running at around 1800 PSI - We're gonna need more than just a couple of quater-inch bolts holdin' this cover on -"

The other shitty part is when I get a call from Production, a machine is down, and I go out to find it in pieces (obviously taken apart my some ham-fisted person just trying to help or what ever-) and get "It just came apart like this" or "I found it this way" from the guy - "Really? What's that hammer doing over here then?" Again - Job security!

Boss? what boss? EVERYBODY is my boss! Then there's that guy I see once a week who approves my time card - -

Easy Does It

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I used to really like my job,but I have been doing it for a long time and not as fun as it used to be. I have a management position and I don't work very hard, it just pays so damn good I don't really want to leave. :P
"there's a fine line between hobby and mental illness"

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I love my patients,(well, most of them) but my job sucks small hairy ones! Somedays I think I just may combust out of sheer boredom.
I have reached my ceiling so the only move is horizontal, which leaves me sooo uninspired!
I have been thinking of taking side trips next year to donate my skills on missionary excursions to third world countries....I am in the dental field. At least I'll be doing something needed and meaningful.

Another option is to find a field where not many people have thought of entering ....thus giving me room to grow. Any suggestions???

Just remember.....if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

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Here's my daily schedule: I get up at 5:30am, get to the airport at 6am, fly at 6:15....arrive in corpus at 7:30.....sleep until 11am....go to lunch till 1pm....sight see suntil 3pm..study until 5pm....fly back to houston, get there at 6:30pm.....and get paid 150 bucks a day to do that all.......my job is so boring..I do jack shit all day long and jack left town.....

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I can't imagine a more rewarding job than the one I have. I took a huge (25K/year) pay cut to switch to this office, but I'm glad I did. It's more rewarding, patients appreciative of what I do, far more medical care involved than before, and I can honestly say I've saved 3 lives in the last month alone. Plus helped many legally blind individuals learn to see again. I drive 1.5 h to get to work and back, but it's worth it. Plus my new job is 15 mins from the DZ :-)

Only bad part is that I payed 125K in tuition alone to get my graduate degree, and am now paying most of my income to student loans. In 5 years I'll be a happy girl, but right now I'm kissing 2K a month goodbye.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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