
Do you like your job?

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I show up to work, sit down at my desk, throw on my headphones, listen to music and do my work. I surf dz.com and another board here and there but I get a lot of work done. I don't really have to answer to anyone ( I do have a managers of course, though, but it's rare I need to talk to her; and when I do, she is awesome ), I take my breaks and lunch whenever I want, and I have a great shift ( 7am-4pm). Only downfall is the pay. It's alright I guess, but it could be considerably better, seeing how we are the lowest paid department in the entire company.

So overall, I like my job, I could really just use a better paycheck.

How much do you like your job?

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I HATE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to really enjoy my job. I really liked my boss and coworkers. I had interesting work to do. I was learning a lot. I love working in Chicago.

That all changed. I've been through so many bosses that I'm repeating. I told them I'm leaving, so they give me all of the absolute crappy work to do. Basically, my job is like a bad relationship where they don't want to break up with me, but they're going to act so jerky in the hopes that I break up with them.

I really really hate my job.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I went from making a comfortable amount of money in Washington state, to making less than half of that here in NC. The financial math isn't difficult to use when coming to a conclusion about my job. But, it pays (most of) the bills.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Freedom from high stress and insanity is worth a lot per hour. I'd rather push the wheelborrow than be an out-of-work executive with tons of bills.
Pick up a hobby/job where you can make a few bucks on the side.
I'm still wondering why you haven't been "Discovered" by Hollywood yet. B|

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I like my job. I hated it at first, but now that i'm settled in, i enjoy it very much. I can't be on dzcom during the day anymore, but i still have yahoo IM for when i'm bored. The only downside is the pay, it sucks!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I used to love my job but over time I've come to absolutely detest it. I spend most of my days working alone and the people I do work with are all "experts" in my field (industrial robotics). I still can't figure out why they call me for help when they already "know" what's wrong and how to fix it? I also get to work in a lot of simply put, nasty environments and yes, to top it all off I have to travel all over the country -blah. I just got back from San Francisco and of course, Alskan Airlines lost my luggage......again. That makes 3 times they've lost my luggage in 4 trips. Any body lookin' to hire someone to answer the phones????


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There's no option for me. [:/]
I have no job, so I guess I love it. :)I have no money, so I guess I hate it. >:(

I'm going back to college, starting this September, to finally be able to do something I love, teach! :)Only took me 15 years to figure out what I wanted to do when I grow up. That's cool, 'cause there's some out there that never figure it out. Now, to do what I wanted to do when I grew up, without actually growing up, that's the fun part. :)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Depends on the day.

If I can sell gear and talk to skydivers all day long I love my job.

If I'm stuck doing stupid, bullshit, meaningless paperwork all day long I think I'd rather be a sandwich artist at Subway.

If I have to put on my fire chief hat and put out fires left and right all day long I think I'd rather be a homeless beggar on the street.

I love my job most during the first two weeks of August. Cuz that's when I don't have to be there.

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If I have to put on my fire chief hat and put out fires left and right all day long I think I'd rather be a homeless beggar on the street.

Heh, just let em burn baby, let em burn.

I like my job, though I wouldn't mind a bigger paycheck(who wouldn't?). I work from home which gives me a lot of flexibility, but I'm pretty much on call 24/7 if there's an emergency.

Maybe one of these days I'll get enough guts to work for myself and start up some biz that doesn't involve a lot of effort(something I really enjoy) for a decent living.

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I love my job. I started here about a year ago, and absolutely hated going to work every day. A big change from where I came from...so it was a very difficult transition!!!
Now, I am really enjoying the company, the people, and the challenge. I just needed to stick it out for awhile. :)
Good salary, awesome boss, and really interesting group of people I work with. Very happy!! In all areas of life! :P

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Right now, I love my jobs. For the summer I'm working in a Bakery and a Floral shop....

The bakery is so much fun...baking yummy cookies and breads and decorating cakes all day...its fun! And yummy too...especially when someone "accidentally" knocks over an entire tray of fresh baked warm chocolate chip cookies...can't sell them, and its such a shame to throw them out when they fall onto a perfectly clean floor...that only leaves one option...eating them!;)

The floral shop is fun too...there's just something about flowers that makes ya wanna smile all day...plus i get to make pretty arrangements and play with dirt all day:D


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My job sucks. I hate my boss more than I have ever hated anyone before. Not just because he is an ass, but he does some of the stupidest useless things I have ever seen. I work 12 days straight and 2 days off. Thats atleast 12 hour days as well. It pays the bills and gives me jump money, not to mention the 3.5 weeks vacation every year. The worst part is having to work all the holiday weekends and missing the boogies, can't use vacation days for weekends either.[:/] Yep work sucks.

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Great timing on this thread, I got fuggin fired today for the first time in my life [:/] I kinda knew it was comming but its still sucks , o well at least im leaving for the bahamas friday. I'll probably just cash in my 401k and jump for a month :)

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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On most days I do. :)
I find the more I stay out of the political BS that goes on in the office, the happier I am. Soooo...I'm trying to stay outta that crap.

Decent benefits, nice 401k, and next year I get an extra week of vacation, so I'll have 6 weeks off. Not too bad.

And my job isn't really well-defined, so I keep focusing on the stuff I feel like focusing on. Plus I hardly ever see my bosses. (I'm not even sure who I report to)

Hopefully there is a raise in my future though. I need more cash. I'm working on it. :)

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Don't think I'd say I LOVE my job, but I do like it a lot. I work as a project assistant for a general contractor. I'm at a jobsite office so it's pretty casual, come to work in jeans, t-shirt and tennies. It's only a mile from my house so no traffic to fight. I work from 7 - 3:30, so am at the gym by 4. Great benefits, medical, dental & vision insurance for my whole family paid for by the co. 401K with employer contributing a percentage. 4 weeks vacation. Pretty decent bonuses, Annual company pic-nic, golf tournament and x-mas party. For what I do pay is okay ($22/hr., 40 hr. work week), but since I'm married and we have two incomes I don't need to make a lot. Oh, and the company is always growing and hiring new people and they pay employees a really nice finders fee if they refer someone and they are hired. Right now they are looking for Project Managers, Asst. Project Managers and Project Engineers. If anyone is interested please PM me. I could sure use the finders fee to help pay for my new rig!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I really like my job...but that may change shortly.

My broker resigned yesterday, and I am sincerely hoping that the assistant broker will do the same, and NOT get promoted (he finageled our broker's resignation...it was very sad and sorry to watch...). I am doing my best to let the corporate suits understand exactly what sort of twerp my AB is, and how ineffectual and absolutely unsuited he is for a position like that. They are listening to me, but if he gets the promotion, I'm gone.

So much backstabbing lately...it's really getting old, you know? LOL!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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