
So it's a setback. No big deal...right?

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Tune out now if you don't want to hear my drama.

I have a head injury (which most of you have read about ad nauseum) for almost 20 months now. About a year ago, I started to have chronic viscous headaches. I really thought they were sinus related and treated them as such. Last August the pain hit such a level that I lost consciousness about 5 times and was rushed to the hospital. After tons of morphine, atavan and some other drug the pain broke after about 12 hours or so. My CT Scan was normal. So I go on with life. Most of my neurological function is healing nicely and I am quite encouraged. The headaches continue though. I'm still thinking it's sinus or allergies. A few weeks ago, the pain hit the stratosphere. This time I was told I lost consciousness about 25 - 30 times. Once again rushed by ambulance to the ER (I think I'm working on 'frequent ambulance miles':P). Once again the CT Scan and standard Xrays of my sinuses are negative. Once again they pumped me with the same 3 drugs and the pain finally broke many hours later. I went to an ENT specialist. He told me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my sinuses or any allergies. He seriously believes it is related to my injury and referred me back to my neurologist to "dig deeper." My neurologist is actually on sick leave, so I have to see a substitute. The two things they are suspicious of is excess fluid on the brain or cranial hypertension. Meanwhile the headaches continue at a rate of 4 or 5 times a week. I am literally terrified of a headache now. My doc currently has me on percocet for the pain, which I have to take while the headache is still mild in order to prevent it accelarating. This makes me uncomfortable as Percocet is a narcotic and I do not want to risk addiction.

Anyway, there is a part of me that is really discouraged as the results of this injury has gone on for a really long time and I just want to get back to normal life and work. The other part of me is resignation. The strong me is going with the flow and concentrating on the positive. I do realize there are so many people dealing with much worse and I hate self pity. I'm fighting that one with everything I've got. I just really don't want to have my head cut open.:(

Believe me when I tell you that I know I am not the most suffering person in the world. I just think I need to really work on being a stronger person.

Anyway my friends, thanks for letting me vent. It really helps to put my thoughts into words. I chose this place because you folks come up with such wisdom...I mean that.

My best wishes for blue skies for you all,


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(((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))))))))

That's some scary stuff here, Chris.:( It's good to see you write this with a little humor in parts though. It sounds as though ambulance rides should offer 'frequent miles' programs. Headaches are sometimes unbearable, but I can't imagine them as severe as you are experiencing. Careful with the percocet but take them as needed. I know some here will say 'enjoy', but seriously, know the consequences of addiction. My wisdom?....:S:D hang in there.

Hugs to you and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Dude, reading your story fills me with a huge load of sympathy, but also helplessness because I realize that there is nothing I can do to help/change things for you. [:/]

I understand a sliver of what you are suffering only because I simply know what a bad headache can feel like. I am not someone who suffers chronic ones, or migraines, though. But I know enough about them to realize that pain in any part of the body pales in comparison to pain in the head. One can get along at work and everyday chores with pain in an extremity. Put that excruciating pain in the head, where your consciousness resides, and it is altogether different: it's like it takes over your being.

I really wish you luck in conquering whatever the source of these headaches is, and luck in returning to full health. :)
Blue skies, friend,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I chose this place because you folks come up with such wisdom...I mean that.

dude, you know some of the stuff on here is so profound you would think that the dali lama or budah was here, but then again you get people also talking about the lizard that appears when theyhavn't jumped much in the past few weeks, so with saying that i'll just say this............supercalafagalistickexpealidosious.....and use "a spoonfull of sugar, it makes the medicine go down...."

wishing ya the best n you rroad to recovery though....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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That's scary as well as unacceptable. I hope they can figure something out, because I imagine functioning is not easy right now. Here's a hug ((())) and I hope you're not too sore to receive it right now.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I chose this place because you folks come up with such wisdom...

And here is proof for any one who still wonders, that your head injury is real... ;)

Damm, I'm hoping they can figure out exactly what is going on with you so you dont have to keep on taking all them pills...

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oh stop chris.
its all in your head:o:o:P:P

sorry i had to. Man I really hope you find the smae thing I have with the medical profession. they are all quacks.
hopefully one of them will have a moment of clarity and find out its only your sinus'.
if I typed up all the reasons why I dont go to the dr.s it would take a month to read ( because something that long is bound to have too many typo's in it)
usually I tel the doctor whats wrong with me then they insist its something totally different THEN they do their tests and find out its exactly what I told them it was....
llike my broken rib ABD hernia that the doctor told me was an ulcer. WTF???

so I am only hoping that you are dealing with thte same incompetance that I see.
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This makes me uncomfortable as Percocet is a narcotic and I do not want to risk addiction.

Chris, if you took them for anything other than relief from the pain I'd worry about addiction. That and the fact that you are thinking that tells me that you don't need to worry about getting hooked on them. Use them as needed and be thankful for the respite from the pain.


I just think I need to really work on being a stronger person.

You've gotten through this crap this far with a great attitude. Can't imagine what you're being prepared for but it's gonna be huge cuz you're already one of the strongest people I know.

Keep your faith. Vent often. And don't forget you owe me a two way RW skydive that I intend to collect on sometime in the future.

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First of good {{{{{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}}}}}} your way and I hope you get to feeling better. I notice in your posts that they are doing CT scans, have they ever done an MRI? I am not a neurologist or anything, but I have been a paramedic for almost 20 years. I had a friend that had neuro issues that the CT did not pick up on, but an MRI did. Just a suggestion.

Also like the other person stated, watch out for percocet, very addicting.

Get well soon,


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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Hang in there. I can't believe how strong you are being. How many people do you think wouldn't be wallowing in self-pity? The fact that you can even keep your suffering in such perspective is amazing.

We're all pulling for you sweetie. Keep up the positive attitude and have faith.



you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I don't know U and I didn't know about your head injury, but wanted to send U some


It sounds like U are handling it very well. I hope the doctors figure it out soon. Try to stay positive!

Get well soon!! :)
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We've never met, but I'd like to echo what peacefuljeffrey said as far as the empathy/support/feeling of helpfulness.

Disclaimer for what follows: I'm not a physician. As far as copng with the pain, my take is a little different from some of the other responses. I would suggest using any pain meds as directed by your doctor and deal with possible addiction concerns after the situation with your headaches stabilizes. At the same time you can explore alternative pain treatments and use any that you find effective.

Best wishes for putting this behind you.


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Don't know what to say. My heart goes out to you. Hopefully they will find out what is causing the headaches and fix it. Till then try to stay strong.

If there is anything you need, I'll do my best to help out.

I've heard 2 hookers work really well for a headache.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Sorry to hear about this one bro. You've been down a really tough road for a long time now. But hey........keep your chin up. Keep fighting. And I do have one suggestion. If you ever feel like the pills are too much. Try some weed. It's not addictive and tends to work very well for pain on most people. ;)

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I admire you! You always seem to keep such a positive beat. I never would have known that you are still experiencing so much pain. It takes a beautiful person to put their own pain aside and make others lives better (you do this daily with your wonderful posts). You are strong!

I pray that the doctors will come to a quick diagnosis, and you will live pain free soon.


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.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Have they even talked about getting you into an MRI scanner?

Sorry your not doing as well as you'd like but hey atleast by the time your all healed up i'll have have my rig and we can go jumpin as Father and Son. :P:P
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>The two things they are suspicious of is excess fluid on the brain or cranial hypertension.

That sucks. Have they considered placing an ICP monitor? It wouldn't solve the problem but it might at least tell you what the problem is.

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Hey Chris,
Sorry to hear about this. You have every right to vent. You may not have had it as tough as some but you've had it a lot tougher than many. Hugs and vibes to you. I hope they figure out what's wrong and fix it soon. Your positive outlook is amazing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Awe Chris I feel for you. I hope they find out what's causing the problem and get you healed once and for all.

Also, a friend of a friend (they were on the same bowling team) used to get really bad migraines. When this guy would get one during a tournament, he'd go down to the end of the alley, pick up a bowling pin and pound the shit out of his hand with it. When questioned about his action, he explained now his hand hurt much worst than his head and it would take the focus off the migraine. So I say go bowling young man :S;)

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I've had minor headaches that've lasted a couple months caused by an issue now fixed, and I couldn't imagine having to deal with long term pain like you've had to do. I can totally relate how you're scared of getting more headaches now and the only thing I could think to say is that one day you will not have this problem anymore and the pain and suffering you feel today will be a memory that fades and 10 years from now you'll remember the good parts of this time in life and not the bad.

Keep digging for the cause, it's the only way you'll get cured and it can take docs a long time to nail the issue. Tough it out, do what you have to do to get through to the other side. That other side is a great place to be and well worth the trip to get there.

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My doc currently has me on percocet for the pain, which I have to take while the headache is still mild in order to prevent it accelarating. This makes me uncomfortable as Percocet is a narcotic and I do not want to risk addiction.

I can help you with that. Send the buggers to me.

I'll dispose of them in a controlled and safe manner, by metablosing them in the company of a nice Bollinger.

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