
Weekend Numbers June 11/12

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Effin awesome weekend in Denver and at Mile Hi! 1 Rockies game attended, 2 jumps, and I'm sure I owe a ton of beer! I kidnapped my sister this weekend and brought her with me, and made her do a tandem! muahaha She did it, and is hooked! Got to be on the load with her, and she got to see me jump out! I'm in love with turbines! OMG! And I found it really humorous to hear all these dytters go off at 1k. (The cessna is noisy - I only ever hear mine! I found humor in it, okay?!) :D Can't wait to go back next weekend for the boogie and for the Skyvan!!

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1st time pass AFF7 yeah baby :)1st level 8 fun jump
1st sunset load
1st Caravan lift
1st Triathlon 215 (1.0 wl)
1st time contemplated a chop
1st time jumped with an active duty military guy (on his two weeks R&R from Iraq)
1st time caught breath due to the cuteness of another jumper
:D :D (1st time bought beer)

Sweet T, I'm gonna get a least one family member up for a tandem this summer, already looking forawrd to it. ;)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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I did however have a little time for the hump department

Dont Firemen have to stay at the station for the entire shift? :o

btw, Jonathan ROCKED through my private AFF course. 2 Days, 6 jumps ;)

Be safe.

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First time at the controls of an airplane. :o

Congrats ... I read a bit in your other thread about you wanting to get into flying. I'm contemplating getting back into it as well after making a trip from Boulder Colorado to Twin Falls Idaho and back last weekend in a Piper Twin Comanche (albeit getting back into flying in a very limited way as it's super expensive). I was a licensed pilot before I was a skydiver. You're doing it the other way. Either way, I think the 2nd discipline we try will come a little easier than the first one we attempted (I'm referring to learning to land as you've got tons and tons of info to learn in order to be a pilot). I find landing an airplane more mentally challenging than landing a canopy (more things to keep track of), but they're both fun and well neither one is safe. Jumping is cheaper though. But I'm guessing you're getting into flying as a career?

Oh ... back on topic.


I got back into some swooping today after a little over a week off. It was easy to forget about flying airplanes for a while while I was swooping. Hmmm ... too many things to do ... not enough time to do it all ... more importantly ... not enough money to do it all. :(

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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That tongue is sticking out for a reason:3 swell jumps:1 case for the first time I needed a rigger in a pinch-both of my toggle keepers blew out on the same jump. Any reason to buy beer is a good reason.
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

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Jumping is cheaper though. But I'm guessing you're getting into flying as a career?

Nope...I'd never base my finances on what I could earn in the air. That's just silly. :ph34r: (for me...professional pilots if you like it go for it ;))
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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First 2-way dock (exit was unlinked)
First linked exit
First downsize (Sabre 190)
First nonstop series of 12 landings less than 50m
25-jump milestone

12 jumps in one weekend. This was a record for me. My jump number went up more than 50% from 23 jumps to 35 jumps.

I intentionally jumped my ass off on Saturday, and relaxed most of Sunday. Every other load, and I appreicate the packer for packing adequately fast enough to let me jump every other load. ;)

A big thank you to all the volunteer coaches/instructors willing to jump 2-ways with me!

Edit: I have my jump experiences posted at:

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I got fucked by the wind, and that was the only action I got.

Welcome to the world of skydiving....wind holds....wind holds.....me too in previous weekends!

You'll get some blockbuster weekends soon enough. Keep visiting the dropzone!!

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The disk array at work bent me over the table and fucked me like a bitch. Somehow I managed to sneak six jumps in, including my friends 3000.

StorageTek thanks for making such a piece of crap. I've made hundreds of jumps due to all the OT I've done cleaning up your shit.

Blues Benno

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uh, no!:7:1 (I think...)

Attempted some 9/10 ways on saturday in between watching the Swoopers...

Got a couple of Helo Jumps, a solo (trying to bootie fly...), and a HAHO turned pickup 4-way on the way to altitude (with out my jumpsuit... the other three were a bit fast at 136mph ave speed :o I just couldn't keep up...:S)

And I got a kick but Turf surf in one of the post rainstorm puddles on the last load of the day... where I got drenched :D but it was sooo Awesome (I wish there had been video... B|)

Edited to add: I met a bunch of other DZ.commers at the SDA boogie this weekend... B|...)

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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oh no Kel! :( That sucks! I hope it doesn't hurt much and I hope you're back in the air soon!!!!!! :)

As for me:


Fantastic weekend - in the upper 90s all weekend. No much wind, which was not fun, but lots of sunshine and good folks!

First weekend where I packed each and every time... which sucks :P:D

Arianna Frances

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1 demo canopy I need to return:6:0

Only went out Saturday this weekend. Did 6 jumps and we were'nt able to be there before 2. the Sunset clear and pull at 13k was SO much fun. Uppers had died to less then about 10 knots so we could and did fly a bit of everywhere. 6 of us playing under canopy was a LOT of fun.

I have been jumping a Nitro 120 for the last two weekends. I need to write up a review of it soon. Fun canopy. :)
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Despite weather until midday both days, Fourteen jumps out of our lovely Kingair at the Skydive Atlanta Anniversary Festival (we missed you this time around weege!). It was actually Travis' and my anniversary too! It was such a fun weekend! Thanks for all the jumps everyone!
"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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I did however have a little time for the hump department

Dont Firemen have to stay at the station for the entire shift? :o

btw, Jonathan ROCKED through my private AFF course. 2 Days, 6 jumps ;)

Be safe.

I worked a trade until 3:00pm (had gear in car to head to Lodi) Damn phone rang, it was the boss with a mandatory shift from 4 pm till 10 pm. I was not the least bit happy >:(

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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