
Goodbye Colorado, Hello Vancouver

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Today is the last day that I will be online here in Colorado. Sometime later in the day I will need to pack up my 'puter and return my cable modem to Comcast. My string of almost 8 years here in the USA (all in Colorado) is about to come to an end as I've run out of visas (first work, then visitors). I've joked in the past that I was being deported, but in reality I'm not being deported. I'm just going to honor my current visitors visa to ensure that I don't fuck myself in the future. Tomorrow morning my stuff will be packed into a moving van and I will start the long drive up to Vancouver BC (which will be home for at least the wet wintery months) and of course I'm hoping to have some decent jumping weather in Twin Falls Idaho come Thursday as I've got two BASE rigs packed read to huck myself from the Perrine Bridge.

This is so long for now, but I sure hope it's not a goodbye. I'm hoping to make it to the Ground Launch Championships in CA in early November and possibly the SkyQuest swoop comp in FL later in the month (if they'll let me compete which right now is still up in the air). I also hope to be at the Eloy Holiday Boogie as I've been to the last 3 and I am entertaining evil thoughts of taking next summer off of work again, obtaining a new 6 month visitors visa and returning to Colorado in the summer months to train on the swoop pond 5-7 days a week. It's not going to be cheap, but I saw very good progress with my swooping this summer and I'm thinking that another summer of training 5-7 days a week could only make things even better.

So hopefully we'll see all you Ground Launchers, possibly you SkyQuesters, Eloy Holiday Boogers and Colorado peeps in the not too distant future. It hasn't all been rosy all of the time, but I have had a good time for the most part here in Colorado these last 8 years and I really am going to miss some of the best weather I've ever lived in here in Colorado.

C'ya when I c'ya ... :|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Damn dude, your leaving the day I get to colorado :( Im getting out there tomorrow if all goes well AM, or worst case PM.... [:/]

Good luck to ya man....Might have to come to Vancouver so you can take me up to Whistler this winter ;)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Hey Steve, it was great to get to know you, see you around the dropzone, and make a few jumps with you! I loved watching you hit the pond from the plane on the way to altitude on almost every load I have been on in the last few months. You are by far one of the most level-headed people I have met in the sport. I have seen you give some of the best advice out there to many people...espically aspiring swoopers.

I hope to see you again at the Eloy boogie. If you ever find yourself back in Colorado, you've always got a place to stay if you need one.

PS.. thanks for the spice rack and movie ;)

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Might have to come to Vancouver so you can take me up to Whistler this winter

Yes not everything is a negative with this move (even though I'm not the happiest of campers right now). I will be closer to the world class ski resort of Whistler/Blackcomb. Plus if people need/want to get in touch with me, I plan on keeping this DZ.COM account alive at least for a little while, so you can always PM me if you plan on visiting BC.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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so you can take me up to Whistler this winter

Always looking for an angle Renee! lol

Happy trails Steve! And see you at Xmas if you come to Eloy!

Ahh kiss my ass Remi! I would have taken him to dinner before he left, except he is leaving before i get there :| Hey wait B|

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Are you changing your online handle to CanuckInCanada?

I don't know ... I could change my moniker, but then nobody would know who I was (which may not be such a bad thing). So I don't know ...

It's time to sign off now folks and return my cable modem to Comcast. I know I have some friends here in CO who sound sincere when they say that they will miss me. But I'm also certain that a few people, mainly some but not all of the people who work at the DZ will be happy to see me go. They never really were all that friendly to me ... but you know how DZ politics go.

Goodbye for now ... I hope to resurface on the other side in the not too distant future.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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[:/] This thread makes me sad.

Steve, not sure when you will see my post, but Dave said it all. You are one of the most level headed jumpers/swoopers/base jumpers around the area.

Good luck to you.

I can't believe I'm posting that ugly picture of me:ph34r:
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Hardly seems fair that they're kicking you out, but letting Remi stay....you'd think it would be the other way around. :)
Good meeting you, great to see you around at different boogies, and thanks for the videos. Good luck in the Great White.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Are you changing your online handle to CanuckInCanada?

I don't know ... I could change my moniker, but then nobody would know who I was (which may not be such a bad thing). So I don't know ...

If RkyMtnHigh can live in FL, I don't see why CanuckInUSA can't live in Canada.

So did Sunshine back out of her offer to marry you? ;)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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