
Are you a bitch?

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You know what's funny is I would have thought I'd been called that WAY more than I have.

In fact, I think I've only been called that twice in my life (at least to my face). Once was my father.:D

Certainly, whether I am or not and whether you think I am or not doesn't mean jack to me.:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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You didn't leave an option for "sometimes, especially when the situation warrants it".

That's what I would vote...'cause it's true.



That's right! sometimes the situation warrants it! I just don't wanna be there when that happens![:/]


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Why yes, yes I am.:| My boss said that I was possibly "heart less" today. Whatever the fuck that means.:D

Don't be afraid Chuck.;)



He really said that? What a jerk! I'm not really afraid... just messin' with ya'.


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Why yes Turtle I am a bitch.

When I was a young girl, I began to irritate men, other people, give off a bad attitude. Especially when I was on the rag or things just were'nt going my dang way that day. I let others know it by being a bitch. I have built up my reputation as a bitch for years and now that I am 39 I can proudly say that I am no longer a bitch in training. I am a bitch. Fully Certified. Thanks for the inquiry.-Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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I think it may be contagious and I know the "carrier".

Email 1 "My cat is sick... blah blah"

Return email "That's one tough place to be... "

Email 2 "Nobody is going to tell me to kill my cat..."

Return email "WTF ? (written as... maybe you misread my comments)"

Email 3 "I am on a low-carb diet and people have been telling me how to live my life and I am in no mood..."

Return email "Maybe you should identify who you are mad at... Is your cat talking to you now, you psychotic...?"

See how my mood progressed? Caring -> Concilliatory -> Defensive, fearful, and abusive. I caught the B-disease. :o

I fear for society.

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