
Self portrait from my Life Drawing class

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It's beautiful, Chelle!

One suggestion is that you could use much more shading for definition, especially on your back and around the face/hairline/hands/even the glutes as there would be more variations of dark/light shading there, due to natural shadows.

I've taken Life Drawing classes for about 7 years. (I also have a Bachelors of Fine Art degree from Otis Parsons College of Art & Design.) I could show you some of my work, someday. I'd love to see more of your work, too.

After I graduated many years ago, I used to meet with fellow artists in an art gallery in Bev. Hills at night, after it closed. We'd pay models, so we could do life drawings of them. I miss this kind of art form. Where did you take this class, and are you thinking of taking more?

You should definitely keep going with your artistic progression, Chelle. This was very well done, sweetie! B|

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Well it hard to comment. It appears as though your aiming for a very realistic portrait. To be able to compare and judge how well you achieved this goal, I'll need you to post a photograph of the model to compare this to.

Don't cheat... the drawing is nude so the photograph will have to be too :)
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Thanks Rosa! I know the drawing could have lots of improvements (in fact I think I will work on it some more), but I only drew for about an hour and it was already late. Aiden got sick the day before it was due and I didn't have time to work on it, so I rushed and finished it the day after it was due when Aiden was better.

It does need more shadow I know, and that's what I'm going to add some more of. I've never been too good with hair though, it just doesn't look right. :|

Thanks everyone! :)

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Oh Chelle, it's already a beautiful drawing. Don't be so critical. My suggestions are based upon seeing this and your dragon sculpture in the past. I know that you can push yourself more than others because you have obvious natural talent.

Also, if you only took an hour +, then you draw much quicker than most! If you have hundreds of sketches due each week, like I used to...I understand. It can get crazy. B| I think that this is amazing for an hour, and that you look incredible, after having given birth to a baby only a few months ago.

Everyone draws very differently, but your drawing style is just gorgeous and soft/feminine. I love it. You should definitely keep taking more classes, if you have the time.

Also, I don't know what kind of sketching tools, that you're using, but Staedtler Mars Lumograph pencils would be great for you to use. (HB is exactly in the middle of hard and dark/soft pencil lead types.) I use the Berols (turquoise) for definition (hard) sketching when you have to be more detail-oriented. It seems to cast a harder, finer line. I've used every one of those two from 4H-4B. I prefer to used no harder than 2H and no softer than 2B.

Oh, and don't worry. I agree that drawing hair is effin difficult to master! :S You are very good. Congrats on your work, sweetie!

PMing more inspiration info...:)

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oh how beautiful... nicely done, I really like it.

one thing... the shadow on her left leg looks like it could be improved a little bit, I think. I'm not sure why, it just doesn't look realistic enough to me. then again, I'm no expert, so I could be totally wrong about it.

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Great job.

The comment of the shadow on the left leg seeming out of place. Obviously the light source is drawing left, so it is where it needs to be.

Hair is very difficult. You might try scratching some highlights in using an exacto knife.

But again, great job.

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I was a very good pencil artist in high school, although I haven't drawn anything since. But that portrait is very good. If I can find my old drawing book, I'll post some of my work. They're from 20-24 years ago though. :)
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