
Lies Your Parents Told You

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I am looking for common lies that parents tell their children. I am -specifically- looking for lies that parents tell their children in an effort to get them to behave or control them, but any and all parental lies are welcome. The more common the better.

Here's a short list of things I already have;

Parents can tell when you’re lying because;
If I lie my mouth will stink.
When you lie you tongue turns black.
Your eyes turn green.
They would know, because God would write it on your forehead in invisible ink, that only parents could read.

Santa Claus

Frosty the Snowman

The Stork


Magic Tricks

If you eat the cookie dough you’ll get worms.

If you keep making that face it’s going to stick.

Romper Room and the "Magic Mirror".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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if you masterbate you will go blind
if you masterbate your hands will grow hair
if you masterbate god kills a kitten
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate

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if you masterbate you will go blind
if you masterbate your hands will grow hair
if you masterbate god kills a kitten
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate
if you masterbate

Holy crap that's funny. But your parents must be pretty cool (in an odd sort of way) if they even TALKED to you about masturbation.

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If you stick your tongue out a bird will come and peck it off (or will come and poop on it) :P:P:P

I told my son that flies would land on it. He quit sticking out his tongue...lol. It's funny, because he and I were laughing about that just the other day. Now that he's 11, he doesn't believe it anymore. HA!

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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my sister was over the other day, and we were questioning her lil 5 year old about a 'boyfriend' that she kissed. Her mommy was telling her that if she didn't tell the truth, that bugs will start flying out of her mouth.

and she tells both kids, to keep them inside, or going out without a jacket, that the flu BUG will get them.
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Lies? It was reverse psychology...

Any food the kid doesn't want to eat will make their ears (or nose) fall off.

"Please don't eat your peas, if you do it will make your ears fall off."

"Adults are immune to this effect. But little kids are in danger. Don't eat your peas."


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Lies? It was reverse psychology...

No. Reverse psychology is when they specifically tell you to do or not do something in order to get you to do the opposite. Reverse psychology is when Br'er Rabbit tells Br'er Fox to NOT to throw him in the briar patch in the hopes that he will.

Everything that I've listed and most of the things that others have listed up to this point are just outright lies. The ones I especially "like" are the lies told by parents to control behavior of lies in children.

BTW, I'm not really looking for "joke" answers, I can make up jokes all day long. What I'm looking for are actual things your parents lied about in attempts to control children. Sure, some of them are going to be "funny", but they don't have to be in order to be included.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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First off kids are horrible liars, so I could always (still mostly can ) tell when mine were lying so up until about 2 years ago I used to tell them that its in a book. If I knew they were lying Id keep asking and say "are you sure? cause I can just check in the book and it will tell me" . I still tell them "Ill sell you on ebay" but they all know thats a joke / they are racking my nerves.

The big lies I never told them, ie santa, easter bunny, and the tooth fairy. I figured the truth was better then the lie.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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My parents always said I could be anything I wanted to be...I told them last night that want to be the Dallas Cowboys Quarterback, and they pretty much fell on the floor laughing at me. **sigh** a girl can dream, right? haha :P


Irgity Dirgity

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