
Who is the most inspirational Dz.Commer?

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Someone who you admire for things they do both online and off line. Tell why and post photos if you have them. :)
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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So many for different reasons, but I'll post one that I've admired since I first started posting here.

wmw999 - She's brilliant, beautiful on the inside and out, and a straight forward down to earth person.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Someone who you admire for things they do both online and off line. Tell why and post photos if you have them. :)

Lisa H without a doubt. I hope I get the chance to meet her one of these days!

Do I even need to say why?!?! We all know Lisa H is the best.

Kim Mills
USPA D21696
Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I

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Nearly everyone ... for different reasons.

Some for their wisdon, others for their humour and others for the crap that they spread which inspires me to rise above it:)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Dale Elliott
Sets goals and reaches them. Always has a _great_ attitude and inspires me to want to reach higher.

Andrea Miller L. (Skymama)
Smiles in the face of difficult personal adversities, and kicks serious butt when necessary. Seems to have a hand ready for anyone that needs a "pick me up."

Scott Callantine (SDCTLC)
Never quits learning, never stops teaching, always a terrific personality. Almost always has a kind word for everyone around him. Has a _lot_ of accomplishments under his belt but his primary focus is his family. Someone that can *always* be counted on.

Mark Kirschenbaum (Bomb420)
ALWAYS has an upbeat attitude, always good for a smile or a laugh. Totally dedicated to improving aspects of the sport of skydiving, usually at great personal expense. Someone that can *always* be counted on.

Chris Warnock (Parachutist)
The kind of guy that will hold your hand when no one else is there. He'll clean up the bedpan when there is no nurse, and he's always got an optimistic way to see the worst things.

JP Furnari (DiabloPilot)
Yeah, he's kind of an asshole, but he calls it like he sees it and safety is his first concern. The strength he's exhibited in calling people out for unsafe behavior both on and offline has forever changed how I handle these situations

Michael J. Owens (Sparky)
His advice influenced several canopy purchases in my early years, his "fatherly" advice and his "take no prisoners" attitude have helped me learn at an accelerated pace. Putting someone else' survival ahead of his own... Loyalty to a friend and his unwavering willingness to be whereever or whatever he needs to be to fix a problem are inspirational on many levels. Everyone of us could draw a lesson or two from Sparky. Looking forward to seeing him at Perris or s'nore again to share a beer.

Norman Kent (NormanKent)
A monster photograper, he's always willing to share his time and explain his talents. He's creative, and has pushed the sport into new directions, and gotten the sport a lot of attention it wouldn't have otherwise received.

Finally, most of you guys will never have heard of Mannie Frances, I don't know his DZ.com handle (but he does have one), but he's brought a lot of attention to this sport in the broadcast and tradeshow world. A number of photographers work would never have been seen in large venus had it not been for Mannie.

There are more...I'd easily add John/Valinda Mitchell to my list, Jack Guthrie, Debbie Zimmerman, Sean Horton, Craig Girrard, Jay Stokes, Millertime24, Granny in the Sky/Pat, Les Stachrya...all because of their unwavering desire to teach, learn (or both), and their passion for the sport. Add to that their dynamic and wonderful personalities, and it's all of a sudden a huge challenge to stop adding names.
So, I'll just say I'm grateful to those that have helped me grow and learn in this sport whether I was their instructor or student.

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Funny DSE is the last post, I'd say DSE. To have such a positive attitude after, (and still ongoing, for that matter) all the pain he's been through since he got hurt has been a great inspiration. His music isn't bad either;)

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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If I was to choose one person who I’ve ‘met’ through dz.com who has inspired me to be better in things I do professionally, I’d say it was Keith [BIGUN].


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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There is no "right" answer to this question. :)
But an interesting thought.

I think that I am most inspired by the "normal" ones out there. Those that give to others in the community - whether it's cleaning a friends toilet or donating time and money for a charitable cause (AIDS walk, Wigs on Fire, Leap for Lupus). The brave individuals that welcome strangers into their circle by the bonfire and into their lives. The spirits that dare to live instead of fear to die... and the spirits that have dared to die.

And... just to add another +1 to Max... but I think that he's a "normal" one too. B|

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Thank you so much, LuckyMcSwervy. I am so touched by your kind words. You're a love. :)
To answer Deedy's question:
I am consistently inspired by the JFTC organizers & participants, as well as the World Team organizers. That said, when I think about who I am greatly inspired by as a woman, two more DZ.commers come to my mind:

Taz (Taya Weiss)

Kbordson (Karen Bordson)

Each one of these ladies is accomplished, yet has a heart of gold. They both seem to constantly be on a mission to better themselves and the world around them. They inspire me by how they live their lives, both in the little things that they do and in the far-reaching ways in which they impact the community and beyond. We could all use more Tayas and Karens in this world.

***He isn't around anymore, but I cannot help to think about Tonto, when I think about Taya. Eric was/is also a true inspiration.

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Someone who you admire for things they do both online and off line. Tell why and post photos if you have them. :)

Without doubt for me it was Tonto.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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