
Wrinkles in Mirage reserve Pack job?

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Hi There,

I've had a Mirage G4 for a year now, and I'm really happy with it.

Having said that, our riggers here don't seem to be able to pack it without it looking a bit crinkly..

The container is an MT, canopies are a PD 126R and a Safire 119.

Any suggestions?

It's the year of the Pig.

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I have an MT-1/2 (same reserve size, slightly smaller reserve tray) and I found I had wrinkling problems when I lost control of the neatness of the freebag bridal stows. A friend who was assisting me with the latest pack job sugested cratering the freebag real well to recess the P/C and flaps slightly helps as well......

good luck!
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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IIRC (manual is not at hand right now) the freebag bridal is suposed to "christmas tree" and if you let if slip and "stack" it creates a slight lump which promotes the wrinkles.....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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well i have almost the same setup mirage g4.1 mt with pd126R and 120 main and i don't have any wrinkles at the reserve part of the rig.
on that picture i have them between the reserve and the main though. but that's because of a sloppy packjob of a main canopy.
"George just lucky i guess!"

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The Mirage is one container that sometimes just have wrinkles in them like yours and there is nothing you can do about it. I have done every combo of bulk at the bottom , bulk at the top , you name it I've tried it and what it comes down to is the outter layer of cordura sewed onto the flaps is sometimes alittle more than needed and the result is the wrinkles. It appears that this is just rig by rig. I have several Mirages G-3 and G-4 that look excellent and wrinkle free when finished and I have others that no matter what I do have the same wrinkles every time. So when it comes to Mirages I wouldn't blame the rigger for the wrinkles. He is probly more frustrated about them than you are.

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What it comes down to is the outter layer of cordura sewed onto the flaps is sometimes a little more than needed and the result is the wrinkles. It appears that this is just rig by rig. I have several Mirages G-3 and G-4 that look excellent and wrinkle free when finished and I have others that no matter what I do have the same wrinkles every time.

What he said...
I have only had one instance however, where the Mirage container wasn't 'fitted' properly. Most I have come across have been normal. If the riggers place bulk properly (toward bottom) etc, yours may be from the wrinkle batch Tonto :S


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Hi Tonto

I've noticed that if you have your Mirage packed so that the reserve container gets wrinkled(and then let it sit for 6 months), it's next to impossible to get rid of the wrinkles on the next repack as they've been set into the fabric. So you may be out of luck.

Does anyone know if you can iron cordura?(semi-:P)

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Hi Tonto

I've noticed that if you have your Mirage packed so that the reserve container gets wrinkled(and then let it sit for 6 months), it's next to impossible to get rid of the wrinkles on the next repack as they've been set into the fabric. So you may be out of luck.


Ditto for Talons, Vectors, Racers, etc.

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Check Your Dropzone.com email. I sent You Mike Gruwell's PIA Power Point Presentation on the Mirage Packing Tips. Hope this helps you and your rigger.

It is a large file 1.2MB. Maybe you can copy it and play it on a computer that has Microsoft Power Point if you don't have it installed on yours.

Skydive Houston

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After having the mirage mod done. my g4 (that did not have these wrinkles before) is much much worse than tonto's. Is this to do with the packer or the mod?? I am not happy and I am considering getting another reserve repack from another rigger!!

Edited to add: The wrinkles are quite severe. Although it doesn't look nice, I guess/hope there are no safety issues (photo to follow!)

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