
lowest pulled

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That would depend. Lowest pull was 1300' on a hop and pop from 1700'. From a full altitude jump, I think the lowest pull was about 2000'. 8-way, all but one of us kept turning points until our 8th tracked back to the formation and got our attension.:)

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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After a succesfull mister bill, The guy under canopy goes. you have about 15 sec. Look at the ground great. Look at the alti 2.5 to 2.7 great. I have about 10 secs. Bye my friend, left on a stand, rolled in a headdown. got on my belly deployed. at 1500 I think had time to setup for a 180º frontriser turn. I was glad i got slamed. I never regret that hard opening in my Jedei.
It was a eye opening experience

Cielos Azules

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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Static line from 177 ft on a BASE jump.

400 ft @ terminal on a BASE jump.

1100 on a skydive under reserve after a total.

*Disclaimer* Being at terminal under 2000 ft is a deadly deadly game. Please never ever do this even if its witht he proper equipment that yields consistent opening times. Unless you very bad with altitude awareness and your other option is no pulling at all.

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We pulled a 4-way off a Cessna at about 2200 once. Pulled subsequently after tracking, so was probably open about 1500. Not real swooft.
But at least we didn't try to turn any points...
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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In the olden days we lost track of altitude while building a four way. I started tracking and saw this huge number on the end of a runway coming up to get me. I pulled my rip cord and luckily my para-commander opened fast. I was in the saddle at about 500 ft. Yes, I did have to get some new underwear. Steve1

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when i had about 30 jumps i tracked just alittle too long and didn't pull until it look like the ground was shaking, it was probably me. anyway i was at 800 ft. and then i had to deal with a dual deployment. wide ride.

"It's hard to fly with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys."
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The lowest I ever pulled was around 800 ft. ,
for the second time!!
Many years ago, me and a couple of buddies were hanging around drinking and doing drugs, and we decided to do a low pull contest just for grins.
So we go up and do a 3 way no contact and wait.
Finially one guy smiles and opens around 1400, I thought- what a pussy. the next guy opens, I thought I WON and pulled around 1200.
The next thing I see is the first guy screaming by me and then he pops his reserve!! The fucker had cut away a good main! The next instant the other guy goes by, same thing. Not wanting my victory snatched away from me, yes I did the same thing.
I was surprised at how close the ground was and
immediately pulled my reserve, its sorta funny how time slows down when you are waiting for your reserve to open. It seemed like forever, but I was in the saddle around 700-800 ft.
Amongst much laughter and hand slapping we decided it was a tie.

Please DO NOT try this at home!! :-)

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