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  1. Today
  2. I’m looking for a Reserve Pilot Chute, Bridle and Free Bag for a PD143 Reserve. Best condition in stock. contact me @ [email protected] or @ 1-918-351-4135 via txt Respectfully, Scott Brackett
  3. Why do you only speak with your 'good friends'? I keep waiting for you to announce an episode where you speak with 'some random asshole who thinks they know something about Cooper'. haha
  4. Yesterday
  5. Ummm... kinda not the guy to put on a pedestal for training dogs.
  6. As I mentioned in the thread over in Bonfire, the H5N1 virus has jumped to humans (2 so far) and thus now poses a real public health threat. We can hope that it 1) it has difficulty jumping to humans, 2) that if it does it causes only minor symptoms or 3) that it's hard to pass from human to human, but if any one of those assumptions is wrong then it will present a significant health problem, and will likely lead to a pandemic. I have already seen a few Facebook memes where the first frame is Biden saying "we have to force everyone to vote by mail, else we will lose" and in the second someone is yelling "release pathogen X!" Trump supporters are going to want to see H5N1 get as bad as possible for two reasons: 1) They can spin this as "the government released H5N1 to try to steal the election!" 2) Chaos helps Trump; the more he chaos he can point at, the more he can say that only he can solve it. Hopefully there will be more reasonable republicans who can drown him out, but at this stage I doubt it.
  7. "the right thing" over partisan ideology. That is pretty rare these days in the USA
  8. billvon

    H5N1 warnings

    Agreed. This has the potential to get very bad, very fast. We're now at the point of two infections, both controlled. From here a lot of things could happen (from best to worst) 1) It could turn out that this virus simply has a hard time of moving from cows to humans, and it never gets to be a big problem. 2) It may be able to make the jump fairly easily to humans, but not be infectious in humans. In that case, better protection of dairy workers solves it. 3) It may be able to make the jump fairly easily to humans, but not cause much harm to humans. (i.e. conjunctivitis and that's it) 4) It may be able to make the jump and spread easily but not make people too sick. In that case we'll see death tolls in the thousands. 5) It may be able to spread easily in humans, and then we may see a variant that's considerably worse - and we may see something in the COVID range. While 1-2-3 is more likely, we should be preparing for 5. Because the cost of preparation is far lower than the cost we will see if 5) comes to pass.
  9. Kristi probably grew up listening to Johnny Cash....
  10. Yes you have, you said the dog killed some chickens. How do you know it killed any chickens? Were you there? Why didn’t you stop it?
  11. I dont know what imaginary fantasy world you are in. i havent tried argueing any of the facts. I wasnt there.
  12. Can't post due to this error: No decode delegate for this image format JPEG@error constitute.c/ReadImage/575 No replies from you after leaving messages and error posts Redog
  13. Are you incapable of finding and reading the excerpt of her book that she wrote? Are you actually trying to argue that she was in fact the owner of the chickens and shot someone else’s dog? Because I’ll be honest, I think there’s more value in talking about things that did happen in the real world rather than things you have imagined happening in your fantasy world.
  14. kleggo

    H5N1 warnings

    Did you read the article in Sunday's NYT? Apparently the reporter spoke to officials at the USDA and was met with conflicting stories and general ignorance of the situation. Not Good.
  15. I didn't remember that. Could have been worse; At least he didn't tie it to the bumper like Chevy Chase.
  16. Agree stupid owner equates to a stupid dog. Cesar Millan is supposedly worth $20 million all earned through his dog training empire. Then there are endless You-tube videos on training dogs.
  17. Im glad you were there to observe it all and know exactly what happened. Why didnt you stop her.
  18. So a match made in heaven!. ....Well an evangelical heaven anyway.
  19. My understanding is that Elon is saying the existing network will be maintained at its current high reliability level, but it won't be expanded anymore (or at a very reduced rate) so new chargers will have to come from other providers (which the reliability will be ??)
  20. Is Noem too young to remember the Mitt Romney dog controversy? Voters love dogs. If you mess with a dog and get found out it will cost you. Rightly or wrongly.
  21. Probably defines herself as pro-life.
  22. if that was true then it would be truly psychopathic.
  23. Even better, one of them is a woman.
  24. The longest journey starts with the first step.
  25. 100% accurate. Nor was it a spontaneous act of protecting the chickens or other family. She took it to a gravel pit to put it down when she could have let an animal rescue group ascertain it, find it a home, or let a vet determine if it was to be put down.
  26. There's no reason to come after me.
  27. She wasn’t the neighbour, she was the owner. She took a dog that was bred to catch birds, that she had been too lazy to train, that was hyped out of its mind because she’d let it loose in the middle of a shoot it was totally unprepared for, to someone else’s chicken coop. What the fuck did she think was going to happen? Killing the dog as a response to her own abject failure as an owner is completely different to being a livestock owner protecting your own animals from someone else’s dog during an ongoing attack. And if there’s still any shred of doubt what a fucking soulless psycho she is - her idea of trying to ‘train’ the poor thing was using a shock collar.
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