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dudeman17 last won the day on February 20

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  1. That seems to be evidenced by the top photo in Nancy's post #18 above. Ten-man speed stars out of a '3. I miss that. Indeed. ----------------- I'm still curious how the milk carton got the better of him.
  2. Haha, I thought the lawyer in you might cite that. Obviously I was making a joke, but I would be curious your legal opinion on the manner by which Blevins obtained the invoice. I don't buy that he intended to pay the bill, even if small. He may have, but I'd guess that his whole motive was to obtain a document that is essentially none of his business.
  3. Aww geez. Let's see... The museum should sue Ulis for payment of the bill. Ulis should sue Blevins for invasion of privacy and public slander. The museum should sue Blevins for fraudulently obtaining the invoice. Ulis should sue the museum for sending the invoice to Blevins. Can Blevins sue anybody? Anyway, this should all happen on Judge Judy so we can all watch, munch popcorn, and laugh.
  4. So who's the new suspect? (I'm not on f-book, so I can't read about it there.)
  5. I remember when this happened. We got a laugh out of it because it was warranted. Vincent was being a media hound, and burned a few sites. Definitely post the video.
  6. I'm guessing that you just mistakenly clicked 'quote' on the wrong post, but congratulate Nick, not me, haha! (And my apology to you was for the 'social media' type post.)
  7. Congratulations! Looks like you did a great job and had fun. Good on ya, dude! That guy right behind you in the exit lineup is Scott Smith, a longtime jumper. He's done some Hollywood stuff, and and was involved in training David Blaine for that balloon thing he did a while back. Again, congrats!! Black Death! ----------------- (Apologies to georger)
  8. Call the office at Perris. Someone there likely has a contact for him, and would probably forward your contact to him.
  9. My first post was simply about photos, looking for potential new suspects. Georger has added the idea of much more information, which is fine. But... Again, I understand your point. My supposition (guess?) is that there are a lot of old photos (and information) that have been uploaded to the internet.
  10. I get that, but I'm guessing that there are a lot of old photos on the internet on various historical archive type sites?
  11. I'm not all that tech savvy, I don't know if this is even possible, but if it is, I've wondered if someone fed an AI program all of the sketches and descriptions and told it to scour the internet for matching photos taken between '60 and '80, if it might come up with viable suspects to investigate?
  12. Do you know if she made more than one jump, how many, did she get past static-line and into freefall?
  13. Sure, it's all speculation... I have speculated that he may have asked for two sets so that they wouldn't tamper with them for fear that he might make someone else jump with him. I agree that there would be no reason for him to actually do that, but my thought is that just introducing the possibility that he might, might make it less likely that they would tamper with them. I'm not sure about that. Those chutes are pretty basic. Whoever stretched it out to inspect it, any cut/missing lines would be readily apparent. As for how many lines he cut, how long is that, would he have enough or run out...? My thought is that he cut what he needed. If he had needed more, he would have just cut more?
  14. Cutting them open? Yikes! But as for opening them at all to inspect them, considering the spring-loaded pilot chutes and all (on the back chutes), unless he was a rigger and/or knew what he was doing and had at least some basic rigging tools, it would be unlikely that he could get them re-closed properly. So opening them would have rendered them unusable. ----------------- Really? I hadn't heard that before. In those days they didn't have tandems, where people can go make a one-time jump and treat it like a carnival ride. Anyone making even one jump had to train through the first jump course, and make a solo static-line jump, where they would be responsible for everything, dealing with their opening, possible malfunction / reserve ride, reading the winds, flying the canopy pattern and landing. That's ballsy, Alice!