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Everything posted by spage

  1. Awesome, congrats!!! I've enjoyed every cartoon. In many cases they coincided with my own student progression, and captured every emotion that was a part of it. You have talent, for sure
  2. Seriously? If so, that's some bad luck - hit with lawsuits over this AND the Stratos project simultaneously. Regardless, they've done a really poor job relating to their fans throughout this. The Human Flight facebook wall is nothing but pages of fans asking what is going on - with not one response from Red Bull. Sorry - not sure how to make clicky.
  3. spage


    I couldn't agree more! One of the best customer service experiences I have ever had. I bought my first rig through ChutingStar recently. Mike and Laura both spent a ton of time answering all of my questions, and they were extremely knowledgeable about anything that I asked. They provided valuable advice to a noobie like myself. They shipped promptly, and were able to accommodate special requests. Follow-up after the order was great as well. I have limited experience in the skydiving world, but the service I received at ChutingStar made me a customer for life. Bravo, guys.
  4. I feel your pain. Many series that were readily available on megavideo are now inaccessible. To add insult to injury, most other sites like videobb have become scared and removed almost all content. Sorry I can't help, but my searches were fruitless as well. Hopefully the major networks see the light soon and follow megaupload's business model.
  5. Thanks for the advice! Nothing was really tightened down in that picture, I just had to see how it all looks together. I'll tighten down the leg straps tonight and see if it rubs.
  6. 2012 is really not a good year for online TV. Megavideo (megaupload) got raided and shut down about a month ago. The owners of Piratebay were convicted shortly after. Most of the other streaming sites got scared shitless and deleted everything on their servers. If you're having a hard time streaming or downloading TV, this is probably why. Edited to add: Many torrent sites (demonoid, backup servers) are still hosting torrents for downloads, but don't count on this for very long.
  7. Just got my Wings! Love it. It's my first rig - huge props to the crew at both Sunrise Manufacturing and at ChutingStar, they took some serious time to answer all my questions and help me out. Had to try it all on and make sure everything matches - can't wait to jump it
  8. Thanks for Airtwardo for the writeup, and thanks to popsjumper for this thread! I am sure this is something that cannot be overemphasized. As a new jumper, I have been reviewing EPs in my mind all winter and hope to demonstrate proficiency at the upcoming safety day. Hopefully I never have to demonstrate EPs in the air, but I know it will probably happen some day - better to prepare for it now. During the FJC we would hang in the suspended harness and practice EPs while our instructor held photos of various malfunctions over our heads. We had to demonstrate the proper reaction before we went in the air. Is anyone aware of a malfunction "flashcard" program or web page that would facilitate this at home? How do other jumpers practice their EPs at home?
  9. They have been through bankruptcy before, as recent as 2009. I don't think the Twinkie is going anywhere.
  10. Clearly this study was not performed at an autocross event
  11. Bummer. Try this one: It's in Greek, but all you have to do is enter a Month/Year.
  12. Old thread, but bumping with this find. Looks a bit scary
  13. Tandem Student: "Is there anything we can do if the reserve doesn't open?" Instructor: "Yeah, we find the rigger's car and aim for it!" But one of my favorite quotes (can be skydiving related): "I will not tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death."
  14. Wow, this is the complete opposite of my home DZ. I am typically a very quiet and withdrawn individual, but my fellow skydivers have gone out of their way to make me feel at home. Everyone walks up and introduces themselves and people are super friendly. After just a few months I really feel like a part of the community. Maybe you should visit another DZ and see if things are different?
  15. Another newb here, Although I've only listened to the first 50 or so episodes so far, I feel that SDR has been very beneficial. There have been some great safety-related discussions, and a few fantastic episodes concerning the physics of canopy control. It's also entertaining to hear about the history of skydiving, as well as Dave & Stump's antics. Tune in!
  16. Congrats on the decision to quit, it is a huge step in life. I smoked for 10 years straight before deciding to quit. Quitting took a few attempts and was very difficult, but I am so happy it is over with. Tell everyone you know that you are quitting, it will help you stick to it when you are around them
  17. Wow, that looks exactly like my log book so far. It is encouraging to see that someone who had the same struggles as I am having turned out to be a pro. Thanks for that post.
  18. Congrats on the B license! We had amazing weather here in Ohio as well, two straight days of 70+ degree sunny days, I am 7 jumps closer to that A license now.
  19. New here - interesting to get to know you all! I'll play along: 1. Whats your name? Shawn 2. How old are you? 30 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? It was a "bucket list" item, and after my tandem I knew I had to learn this sport. The other bucket-list items can wait
  20. Disappointing, to say the least. I had this marked on my calendar as well. Next year maybe??? (crosses fingers)
  21. I'm in the same spot, OP - I have my clear-and-pull jumps on Sunday, and am a little nervous about them Everyone I talk to says there is plenty of altitude and it is a piece of cake as long as I relax|arch|reach|pull. Lots of good advice in this thread, thanks!
  22. Hello to another S/L student! I can completely relate, it is difficult to practice everything learned in class during those 6 seconds of sensory overload It gets easier with each jump. Cheers!
  23. It is all my leg positioning at this point in time. My instructor is a fantastic person and a patient teacher, and takes the time to debrief my jumps in detail. My arms seem to be doing what they should, but during that critical second or two after releasing the strut, my legs are obeying their reflexes and searching for ground. Each jump is a little better than the last. During my first S/L jumps my legs were kicking, now they are just flinching a little bit when I let go. I'm determined to overcome the reflex and get this right!
  24. Thanks! I think I did OK for my first time in the tunnel, I managed to stay stable through my practice pulls. My current struggle when actually jumping is with "the hill". I'm searching the forums here, surely someone else has had the same struggles.