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Everything posted by Trafficdiver

  1. Absolutely not true. 100% of females who have jumped out of planes have landed.
  2. Absolutely not true. My fat ass can't. But others certainly can. That being said I agree that 10-15 minutes is a great starting point.
  3. This! ***This all works for me, but it does not get me to an exact landing point. So, when I read that based on the SIM I'm supposed to be able to land within a certain number of feet of a pre-chosen location every time, I feel like I'm failing miserably. The exact landing location is always the thing that I adjust so everything else can fit--so it's my last priority. I can hit a location pretty well, when the wind direction is the same one on landing as it was when I planned it on the ground, but in all other cases it goes straight out the window. You have 50 jumps. You will get better with accuracy the more you jump. It is far more important to land away from others than to land with someone in the peas. I will choose a long walk back as opposed to a short crawl back any day of the week. With more experience you will learn to avoid others and land accurately MOST of the time. Sometimes it's better to land off than get yourself killed by someone else.
  4. Sounds like a slammer that broke the elastic. Shit happens, move on. Don't blame the packer unless you know it was their fault, which you don't
  5. Hi. No need to post in General Discussion. Post your experiences here. Good luck.
  6. Beautiful video. Super talented athlete. Wrong sport. Wrong forum
  7. Being able to fly on your head in the tunnel 10-15 hours. Being able to do basic VfS in the sky 20 hours. Being able to do big ways 50-60 hours. Being able to not be that guy ... I have no idea. I'm at 70+ hours and I still am that guy.
  8. I just went there for the Shredfest boogie for the first time and loved it. Great DZ. Beautiful landing area. Great planes, lots of cool people. I think one thing that you need to understand is that Northeastern folks are incredibly friendly once you get to know them but tend to be a bit standoffish at first. I suggest go a few weekends in a row and you will have a new DZ family in no time.
  9. Everyone sucks at the tunnel. Even when you see really good people flying in there...when they get out they think they suck too. Keep on jumping!
  10. Flight one has an outside camera I'm wondering, did they let you use your camera with less than 200 jumps and did they use your footage in the debrief? Yes they did. The outside camera is useful for landings, not so useful when I'm wanting to know if I performed drills correctly up high, or got the intended effect out of it. Where was this flight one course held? Was it at a USPA DZ? Who was the instructor?
  11. Then you are missing out on one of the true joys of skydiving. Walking up to some rando, telling them you suck and are new, and asking if they want to jump. If I am not doing a camp or something that I paid extra for I would definitly jump with you and make sure you know that I expect nothing and I hope you fuck everything up on the jump as most of my jumps go to shit anyway. ' That normally takes any pressure off you and then we will go out and do something easy and awesome and I will only be pissed if you don't have a big smile on your face after you land. So, yes, go to a different DZ and finish your A license and then go and funnel some formations! PS Put the SIM next to the toilet and you will have read the thing cover to cover within a month.
  12. Flight one has an outside camera I'm wondering, did they let you use your camera with less than 200 jumps and did they use your footage in the debrief?
  13. When you go out imagine you're trying to fuck the prop. And relax.
  14. Ahh the cuck that banned me from SC years ago is back. Fear the truth getting out, ehh comrade?
  15. Bullshit! This is one woman obsessed with hatred of *all* aviation, who managed to few partially sympathetic friends on the Internet. Just watch her FB & Twitter pages, and you will see she posts news stories about any kind of aviation accident anywhere in the US, as well as any news stories about complaints over airliner noise (especially FAA NextGen route changes). How is that related to skydiving? It isn't. She just hates aviation. Her hatred of aviation and capitalism are not independent of each other. She is trying to find any way possible to crush this business and who know, if she find a sympathetic judge, she may do it. Although I doubt it as much as you do.
  16. I tend to agree, but this may be more of SC discussion at this point. Well I'm banned from SC so.... I'm not surprised, with the BS you just posted here. Your opinion means a lot to me. I will really sit an ponder this brilliant retort. I may actually kill myself after pondering the sheer weight and brilliance of your reply. You are the smartest person in the entire no solar system if you count the people orbiting us now. Please let me publish this great work of yours.
  17. Classic response.. and yet so far off it's not funny. Well, maybe post 14 isn't the time to let us know that this is a family member and you are not trying to make a buck selling a smaller than necessary canopy to an unsuspecting student against all the advice of the instructors at the DZ....which is exactly what this post looks like to anyone here and is why you got so many cynical answers...hhhmmmm? oh right because safe, applicable answers are only meant for family members... right.... Maybe YOU need to ask questions first before responding and sounding stupid. Maybe you should go to an instructor for safe, applicable answers and not an internet forum and prove yourself stupid.
  18. I tend to agree, but this may be more of SC discussion at this point. Well I'm banned from SC so....
  19. Classic response.. and yet so far off it's not funny. Well, maybe post 14 isn't the time to let us know that this is a family member and you are not trying to make a buck selling a smaller than necessary canopy to an unsuspecting student against all the advice of the instructors at the DZ....which is exactly what this post looks like to anyone here and is why you got so many cynical answers...hhhmmmm?
  20. Yes. Keep it to yourself though as we don't want whuffo's to learn that we don't simply use our sky gills to trap oxygen out of the air. Double super secret tip: If you scream CATS! at the ground as long as you can and as loud as you can you will take a massive breath at the end of the jump. This is due to the cat human skybond created by Leonardo Davinci in the late 15th century. Try it. You're welcome.
  21. I've said this before in this thread and I'll say it again. This is not about her being bothered by an airplane. This is about a leftist using the government to destroy a legitimate business. Her and all of her supporters are far left wing activists. This is really a fight about free market capitalism.
  22. Malone or VSA? Either or it is beautiful country up there and every jumper I know from that neck of the woods is real friendly. Enjoy the trip!