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  1. Hola. I'm fairly fresh, soon to be B license. Just moved to the area so I will be mainly going to cross keys. I haven't been there yet but how is it? (Also saw online that they have a bunkhouse...Anyone know if that's available year-round? I live about an hour and a half away and would be nice to hang out for a few beers after without trekking home in the winter). As far as myself goes, I'm from out west. Fairly crappy in freefall besides tracking, leaning more towards the canopy work side of things and plan to milk this Sabre1 for a solid 300 jumps :) Since coming here I've been to Above the Poconos and STL, both were OK but lacked the fun/welcoming environment that we had out west IMO. Hoping Xkeys will be good, but I'll be out there either next week or beginning of September so holler if I'll see you out there!