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Everything posted by Trafficdiver

  1. Let me're trying to sell her a canopy that might kill her and everyone on the DZ is saying no, but you want to find someone who says it's ok so you throw the question to the wolves and your pissed they don't give you the moronic answer you are looking for to make a quick buck. Am I right?
  2. I envisioned that in my head. I'm now under my desk, in a fetal position, weeping. Point taken. Sooooo, BG, come join the flock bro, what are you waiting for??? Not afraid of a few line twists are ya?!?! lol But seriously hook up with the right instructors and taste some hang time. And about that "stunt" video in question, now that you know who the stunt man is, yea, THAT'S shit only people with an ass load of WS jumps do, because you know, there comfort level is there! Last year I made a snide remark about wing suiting to a FF coach who I really respect and he basically said that the parts of angle flying that I really love, can be amplified in a small wing suit and that I'd love it. So I went from never going to wing suit to going to wing suit, someday, somewhere. But I don't want to dabble in anything I like to learn it slowly and completely and I don't have that time now. But soon...also sometimes I look at puffy clouds and get jeoulous as fuck of you guys.
  3. I agree. I was trying to clarify why I think my home DZ is a great place to jump. And I was agreeing with you
  4. I did that on mine a few years ago and I was glad I did. I demoed a Optimum 176 at Z Hills to see what it was like. My first few toggle turns I realized it takes much more input than my Sabre 2 150 did. Much more than I would have assumed. I realized that if I was low and had one chance to make it to a safe LZ i wouldn't have if I had not demoed and understood the canopy beforehand. Of course my next chop I was in the saddle at 1900' and had plenty of space, but still.
  5. I'm just a noob, and haven't been to a ton of DZs, but I just wanted to give a dissenting opinion, since Lexington is my go-to dropzone. First, there's been only one fatal incident involving a skydiver (a gentleman who was 61 years old and apparently incorrectly performed EPs) and that happened back in 2012. Second, the DZ has been under new management for a while now. I did my AFF there, and I'm a giant wuss- if I'd felt at any point that my odds were higher of being hurt there than elsewhere, I would have finished somewhere else. The dropzone is actually super noobie friendly- big landing area, few canopies out at any given time, virtually no obstacles, lots of bailout spots... pretty much as safe as it gets. Seriously, it's a great place run by very professional and safety-minded people. BTW, Lone Star is cool too... their King Air is seriously fucking sweet. If you judge a DZ by it's fatalities you are going to have very few to choose from.
  6. I envisioned that in my head. I'm now under my desk, in a fetal position, weeping. Point taken.
  7. Yes, thank you. I did not realize it was Andy Farrington. This is a case of a noob (me) watching a super experienced person and thinking how hard could it be... I feel like there is a scientific study on that.
  8. Hello fellow skydivers. I have never wingsuited. I know nothing about wingsuiting. I am a complete neophyte in regards to your discipline and have no plans on getting into it until I am satifsfied with my freeflying on every level (so 4-5 years away if ever). So if after reading this title or this question your immediate thought is that I am an idiot who knows nothing about wingsuiting let me say that I agree with you and am just curious. So my question is this. Does pitching on your back avoid some of the burble related issues that come with wingsuiting. I ask because I saw a video of someone doing it (don't remember who or when) but thought....that takes care of the burble issue. So can it make a better opening. It is a bad idea in freefall because you are falling straight down and it will wrap around you, but it seems (to my untrained and inexperienced mind) that it would be less of an issue with a wingsuit because the pilot chute is flying behind you more so than on top of you. Anyway looking foward to the insults flying and I do hope they are creative because well, life is too short for unremarkable insults. I do hope you don't just ignore me because that is the sharpest cut of them all.
  9. I've often heard the saying on Skydiving "Safety 3rd" and I find this misleading and dangerous. It should be "Matchey-matchey 3rd...saftey 4th...if there's time for it". Carry on.
  10. You didn't fail. You survived a skydive and lived to post on . Landing off is part of the game ... I've missed the entire town before. The world is your DZ. You learned and did something the vast majority of the world will never try. Good for you. The tunnel will help but watch out as you my find a new addiction in the wind tube as well.
  11. The end of it would be exciting...for everyone watching.
  12. But I bet your worst ones were in front of everyone on the entire drop zone during its biggest least That's when I do all of my crap landings.
  13. I disagree with you. Experience doesn't eliminate the risk, but it certainly reduces the risk. Snag hazards are not the only risk cameras pose. Lack of altitude awareness because you have one more factor weighing on your mind is a real risk with a newbie jumping a camera. I recall seeing a video a few years back where two newer jumpers with cameras on fought to dock the entire skydive, never checking their altimeters, and had a docked double cypres fire...then checked their altitude Four times on the ground . Your first 200 jumps should deal with becoming aware of your surroundings in the sky...not recording it.
  14. At the door someone with 30 jumps should be thinking about exiting stable, falling stable and working on the range of motion in free fall, the dive plan, breaking off safely and pulling at the right altitude and stable, ep's if it goes wrong, safe canopy flight with a head on a swivel, making sure the GoPro is on, what caption he will add on Facebook to impress his whuffo friends and cool hand signals and sayings as soon a his canopy opens. So yeah, sounds like he's a mad skiilz pro, don't hold him back with your overbearing wife stuff.
  15. I've said this many times day the fear will be gone and yo will miss it. What you're experiencing is a normal human emotion towards the unknown. Enjoy because soon you will be just as fucked as the rest of us.
  16. You will be able to but it will be a struggle on both of your parts. I'd suggest you jump with people your size (funsized) and he jumps with people his sized (full figured) and you both will be able to learn more with out having to arch or flatten out so much. One day you will have enough skill to jump together without it being so damn annoying if not downright impossible.
  17. I had no idea what any of the stuff I am doing now was 8 years ago. I was just going to do one tandem at a DZ in MA that as far as I knew was the only place to skydive in the US.
  18. One day that apprehension will be gone and you will miss it. You are in a wonderful time of your skydiving career and your fear and how you handle it will shape the rest of your jumping. Face it head on, understand the risks and rewards, and overcome it. It will manifest itself in all aspects of your life. You are becoming a stronger person.
  19. Mine was around 1050 and it was a slammer opening followed by spinning diving canopy with my head pinned against my chest. Gave it the old 1,2 fuck you and chopped as it was spinning faster. Everything worked perfectly. When I landed I had the best adrenaline rush I had since my first tandem. I was high as a kite. I honestly loved it.
  20. Judging by your name you are going to fit into the skydive community just fine. Enjoy the ride.
  21. Wow. Looks awesome. European tunnels seem to be more like cafe's and social areas where as Ifly in USA is just the tunnel with no other amenities. With that said Skyventure New Hampshire has an awesome wave pool and a cafe, but it is the exception.