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Everything posted by smooth

  1. Chris, dude, you slay me - love the clock!! You got the bling bling ma man! Diablo 150 in the house - I'll be representin' at the Convention on Wednesday. Peace, out.
  2. The whiteboard at the tent
  3. PD has flat-packing instructions in their reserve parachute manual - These are in English (it's an 18Mb download)
  4. Why??? My philosophy has always been: you're the one that's under it when it opens . . . pack whatever way you feel comfortable with. (assuming that it's done safely)
  5. First of all - what skymama said. I hope . . ? - I think you'll know by then. Be careful what you ask for (joke about) . . . seems like it becomes reality for you. . . isn't this how you got engaged in the first place ?!?
  6. I have some back issues of Parachutist. When I get a little free time I'll scan the dive pools from them and upload them here.
  7. smooth

    New RW Team

    what happythoughts said . . . also take a look at the Airspeed Articles link at the top right-hand side of this forum. Good luck!!
  8. maybe they saw THIS video
  9. Hahaha, I see you've been to my webpage. That's Brian Voss, one of our local Hinckley jumpers on the left and you obviously know who's on the right
  10. Thanks for the information!!
  11. Damn, another slap in the face - I see I've got a lot of making up to do.
  12. did you say finance? -- ooops, that's fiance. so *that's* what an evening in the Otter gets you Congratulations ! ! ! May you days be prosperous and may all your KNIGHTS be GOLDEN.
  13. Quade's recommendations are excellent!! The videos (4'99 & 8'99) also come with a book! If money is a factor check out GK4002 ( For the price - $10 - you might want to get it anyway. It shows the Golden Knights doing all of the current blocks and randoms but there's no explaination.
  14. you might also want to add Summerfest - Skydive Chicago
  15. smooth

    100th Jump

    Congratulations to all of you!!! love those double-zero jumps. You can get some whipped cream revenge this weekend on Drew.
  16. 100 : 4 : 1 found out I had $100 on my account when I arrived at SDC . . . 4 MWSL competition jumps . . .1st time jumping with the complete team. Nice meeting some of the faces behind the names here. Cora - your avatar doesn't do you justice. Just wanted to add kudos to KC Wiese for flying video - he shot video for 3 teams!
  17. You gals rock too!!! Congratulations on your win! (and finding your helmet)
  18. Andy, The logo came from "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" who were "underground" comic book characters back in the '70s. (but I don't remember any of it - hahaha) Do a search on "Furry Freak Brothers" on Yahoo or Google and you will be enlightened.
  19. It helps to call for their current delivery times., it varies with the season. On May 6th they told me that the delivery times were 10 weeks regular, 4-6 weeks rush, 2-3 weeks double rush.
  20. Uh, congratulations - I think. . . another Hinckley hottie promoting the sport! " . . We've developed a new drink called the SKYYdiver which is SKYY Vodka and an energy drink with a twist of lime. . " Think I'll have one of these tonight.
  21. I currently have 1333 jumps - first jump in 1974. I'm trying to keep up with Wendy W.