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Everything posted by smooth

  1. I'm the one that had the cutaway at the NSL meet (and I was on a different team) so . . . there were more than one of "us" there!!
  2. (against my better judgement ) . . . Will this end the bet ?
  3. Congratulations on becoming a "licensed" skydiver!! I was gonna say you should make AndyMan take your last name but the new one is much easier to spell. And yes, you two should get a room.
  4. And maybe Diablos after that!!
  5. Erica - aha - a reason to have a real conversation!! I'm in the market for a 9-cell canopy myself and we can compare notes. I just returned a demo Sabre2-150 BTW: there's a wealth of infomation on this subject already on For what it's worth, I've jumped . . . 7-cell (Triathlon, Spectre, Diablo) 9-cell (Sabre, Sabre2) and I'm gonna try the Pilot.
  6. smooth

    RW formations

    J.K. - I like your new avatar. It's you dude!!
  7. smooth

    Which pic?

    In the order that I liked them => 4, 5, 3, 7 & 8 Thanks for sharing the photos. Nice talkin' to you both last night. See ya this weekend.
  8. The only thing I can add is what's already been printed in "Skydiving" The five-day camp will include one hour of tunnel time plus 24 jumps, with more of both available for those with the money and motivation. Day one is a full day of tunnel work that includes 30 minutes of one-on-one time with a coach. The next three days start with ten minutes of tunnel time in the morning, followed by a minimum of six jumps, followed by additional tunnel time at night. The last day calls for eight jumps.
  9. After a bad landing at Rantoul. It got worse in a few days.
  10. Hi G - Nice words. Thanks for sharing. (And a lesson from a first aid class I once had . . you can't help others until you've helped yourself.)
  11. There's actually some relation to this thread . . . Cracks found on Navy helicopter (see attached photo)
  12. A 13-year-old Oregon student was suspended for using Scope mouthwash in school because it contains alcohol. Lawyers are getting rich(er) because of this lack of common sense.
  13. I still have my Pegasus - in the closet. It was my primary canopy until 8/4/99 then I bought a Diablo 150. (a radical change ?!?) BTW: I still have a Strato-Star in my closet too.
  14. Short answer : proper presentation to the relative wind (prop blast) on exit. Easier said than done
  15. Taking this opportunity to laugh (at you) Hope you have a good weekend!!
  16. There seems to be a lot of truth to that!!! I know quite a few people that have left (military, marriage, job, etc) and returned later, for whatever reason. For me an ideal would be to have a summer home and a winter home - Chicago in the summer and somewhere warm in the winter. Another thing I like about this town - the number of free events each year: concerts, "festivals, outdoor movies, etc. Chicago - Hey, that's my home town!!
  17. smooth


    illustration here
  18. Erica - Follow the poll ! ! ! Please don't borrow from your 401K, it's for your retirement. If you borrowing from it now you'll be starting a very bad habit!! Now the canopy choice - that's an entirely different subject. As an analogy, I love my Diablo when I'm in the air but when I get closer to the ground I remember that it can/will/has hurt me. P.S. Have I ever given you any bad advice?
  19. Chicagoland Skydiving Center is having a trip to the SkyVenture Tunnel (Orlando, FL) on February 19 - 22.
  20. I was there! Saw you and your blue hair. For a reference, I was on the "dick dive" with Aimee & Matt.
  21. currently: Percocet due to a landing injury @ Rantoul. (also Vicodin)
  22. Hi Aimee, glad you've overcome your shyness. Welcome to DZ.COM P.S. - I love my teammates!!