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Everything posted by jumpsalot-2

  1. Good video to watch on this 90 deg. F. day. I think I cooled off just watching it. Thanks Life is short ... jump often.
  2. I think just saying "No" would be easier. Life is short ... jump often.
  3. Do you think the ZP tail pocket will hold up over time, with the lines running across the small non-velcro'd opening over and over ? Is ZP a proven material for a tail pocket ? Life is short ... jump often.
  4. All of this extending just to get a good shot of your nose. Don't forget to cut away your helmet before your main. Life is short ... jump often.
  5. I have a CF2 189. It opens softly like a Safire 2. No long snivel , just perfect. Life is short ... jump often.
  6. They do have free condoms though ... just look under the beds ..... Life is short ... jump often.
  7. Complete opposites. Sabre 2 is aggressive. Safire 2 is mellow. What do YOU want. Life is short ... jump often.
  8. Aloha Malihini ....... Life is short ... jump often.
  9. After reading the article, I don't see any views on "what is the truth" as analyzed by the "Union of Concerned Scientists". This would be useful in determining the accuracy of the news networks. All, even UCS thoughts I'd imagine, are subjective. Life is short ... jump often.
  10. Quote I vote this as "BEST POST" in this thread ....... Life is short ... jump often.
  11. There is always the USA. Life is short ... jump often.
  12. "E" is the size of the thread. You can have "E" nylon, cotton, or polyester. MEL Thanks Mel, I have a lot to learn. I have done a lot of sewing and have tried to learn from my mistakes, and search for the answers. Is it true, as I've tried to follow, to use nylon thread on nylon material ( especially on canopy/wingsuit material ) polyester thread on polyester material, and cotton thread on cotton material ? Also needle sizes. I don't have trouble running #69 (nylon) thru #16 needles, but if it's wrong, I'll stop doing it. Life is short ... jump often.
  13. Para-Gear sells it. Don't use polyester thread on nylon, it doesn't stretch like nylon thread. E thread is nylon. Life is short ... jump often.
  14. Was it a pilot chute in tow ? Bridle tucked too far into shell ? Life is short ... jump often.
  15. *** Quote This thread is quickly becoming ..... Sick and Twisted Life is short ... jump often.
  16. April 1 or not, I see everyone came to watch the car wreck..... Life is short ... jump often.
  17. Consider using "ball point" needles on ripstop nylon, they push thru rather than rip thru. You can use your #69 thread with other smaller needles (14,16) if you want. If it'll go thru the "eye" , it'll be good to sew with. Life is short ... jump often.
  18. I stuffed a 209 Safire 2 into my I-44 for hundreds of jumps and it packed fine. Not the prettiest, but not the ugliest I've seen either. Life is short ... jump often.
  19. Send the picture and story to Ellen Degenerous. She can get the million likes for you (and maybe a million tandem jumpers for us). Life is short ... jump often.
  20. I can honestly say that I've never tacked PD slinks that had steel rings. Aerodyne makes soft links with steel rings. Sparky I know, but PD doesn't. QuoteSorry about the miss quote (PD). I should have said slinks with steel rings. I've gone thru some gear, and have steel ring slinks and soft tab slinks on different rigs. My second to last new canopy was a Storm. I thought the steel ring slinks came with the Storm, but I am obviously wrong. I don't know anyone who tacks slinks. Mine (and others I've seen) tend to keep their "crown" and not rotate, although the soft tabs stay in between the risers better. The steel ring type tend to stay low just outside the riser set on one side or the other (and stay put). Life is short ... jump often.
  21. You tack slinks ? I've never heard of that. How about PD slinks with the steal rings ? Life is short ... jump often.
  22. If you are at a high volume drop zone, and have enough cash to cover the jumps, you can complete your entire AFF in two or three days. Especially in California. Then move on to your A license requirements. Life is short ... jump often.
  23. Big in the news last week. Ellen Digenerous ( ?) was hosting the Oscars. She and her buddies go for a "selfy" picture. One of the guys ( in the pic ) grabs her phone to get a better angle. This picture, worth a lot of money they say, is now the property of the guy who took Ellen's phone from her and snapped the pic. ..... Life is short ... jump often.
  24. Even worse. It is actually held in place with a small cloth loop which can wear over time and jumps. Check it often. Life is short ... jump often.
  25. Yes, Sacramento International is the closest major airport. Yes the weather is always awesome. Lodi is open everyday. It's not out in the middle of nowhere, so motels are available. One up the street is $ 39/ night. You might find a couch from friendly locals. Also, don't listen to negative feedback from people who have never been there. 5, 4, 3, 2, .............. Life is short ... jump often.