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Everything posted by verticalflyer

  1. Aaaaarrrggghhh, having just collected the pieces of my exploded head from around the room. Look at the manufactures websites, read their information, talk to a local wingsuit coach/instructor and then make a decision. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  2. One mans ferrari is another man BMW, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Working man or not, i wouldnt be jumping a Velo if the approach was deploy and hope. have a chat with PD about what your doing, they dont design canopies to deploy like nightmares, however twitchy they might be. Also if mentally your thinking this come pull time its likely you'll reflect this in your body position. Hope it improves and keep enjoying the flight. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  3. Yes Cross bracing makes a more rigid canopy, it also means less deformation in flight so you change the wing shape rather than depress the wing shape through partial deflation change in pressurization. However with the benefits this brings in terms of performance, glide path efficiency and construction it also means that on deployment any assymentry can create a far greater rate of change in canopy direction, surge and recation depending on the situation, line twists, assymetrical loading etc etc. So as I said in my earlier posts jump what you like but use common sense, the information is out there and the information from tens of thousands of jumps is pretty clear. As for a working mans crossbrace, hmm and lets have a working mans F1 car wouldnt that be great. No not all things are for all people and what is a working mans crossbrace anyway? Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  4. You can jump any canopy you like with a wingsuit you just need to assess the level of risk you wish to personally take. Their is ample common sense advice that will state if you wish to decrease the risk of potential malfunctions or deployment issues your better off with a non elliptical non highly loaded canopy. We seem to ask the same questions over and over again, the advice is out their have a look and decide upon it. Anyone can tell you I jump thsi or that and its fine, but you have no idea of how they fly, the packing, deployment or wingloading or personal risk levels. So read the well established advice and make a decision. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  5. Thanks for sharing that. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  6. Nice glide path, quick conversion gives you 135mph forward speed and 44.55mph vertical speed. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  7. They offer a free gypsys curse if you fail to buy their suit. They sound pretty desperate and if this is the marketing approach at best they'll piss a few people off at worst they'll put someone in a suit who really shouldnt be their. Perhaps if this guy is your friend you should have a quite chat. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  8. I hope they got binned for that little stunt, i had a 19 way were someone decided to pull a similar tactic but they hit my legs, I was bruised but nothing more , as I was leading the flock I fortunately had my camera mounted backwards so no excuses were valid. Just stupid flying. We had a chat.... Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  9. Mike, Good to hear from you, ignore my previous just tuck a wing and post the video ;) Hpope your enjoying life down under. Cheers Fraser Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  10. As already mentioned works well with shoulders leading, but have found cleanest 360's when carrying good forward speed then turning as I flare out then accelerate out back into full flight as turn completes. Practice at high altitude as if you lose stability you may go onto your back and spin but should not be a problem. Have fun Fraser Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  11. "Careful what you ask for" is an old saying. I have in the past shut shit down hard and fast. The problem is that people get butt hurt, bottom lips start sticking out, teeth gnashing and hair pulling starts, people take their ball and go home, and people stop posting all together. It also tears threads up when we have to remove/hide posts in large numbers, as is often he case when the BS starts. It is far easier for us to shut a post down then it is to clean it up, but people get upset. In this case, I'd have to go back to where the BS started and weed through all the posts and edit out the crap, which would in effect remove a couple of pages from this thread and in the process and of course people would start jumping up and down and start screaming censorship, end of the world, etc. The flip side of not editing it out and letting it roll, is that everyone can now see who "those people" are that constantly bring this BS to the forum and perpetuate it ad nauseum. Funny old thing, I rarely post ever on here for the very reason that there is so much rubbish already on here. The brand wars is one thing the BS ego's that feel the need to share their wisdom which to be quite frank is often either obvious and if its not obvious your in the wrong sport let alone discipline; or in the tragic cases entirely misguided or just plain incorrect. Their are some little gems of insight that occasionally come through but their is way too much dick waving on here and people who seem to need to respond to anything and everything as they are somehow the fountain of all knowledge when in reality they have a strong merchant banker (slang work it out) trend. So yes a leaner forum would be welcome instead of having to wade through all the BS and bitching etc but hey their are a lot of ego's and they like to position themselves as the be all and end all. At the end of the days those who can get on with it and dont need to sing about it and advise every man and his dog. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  12. Please if your interested in learning and possibly saving your own life have a look at the link below which discusses canopy collisions, avoidance tactics and dealing with them if they occur. Its an excellent piece by Brian vacher. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dont just talk about it, Do it! Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  13. I just enjoy climbing out onto camersteps with wingsuit oin and then having to climb back in as we overrun the climbout, its a laugh and entertains all inside. ;) Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  14. This is all well and good but as soon as we start introducing spars and extra cables and exteneded wings etc we reinvent the hangglider. Whilst landing is a nice aspiration I would really like to be able to take off ;) The reality is we have a niche between aircraft and hanglider and non wingsuited freefaller. If you chose a big air bag as in certain ideas, or a ski slope you could land the wingsuit today. However what does that actually achieev if not repeatable safely at low cost. Its a nice stunt, I expect the "stunt" will officially be done at some point. But I dont think we will be landing safely repeatedly for all any time soon. Would love to be wrong. :) Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  15. , and dont forget kids to wear knee pads in case you slip on the ice on the ground if its really cold. And if its really cold we can always wrap you up in cotton wool on the flight line just incase you forgot to do something for yourself. Do we have to point out the obvious to those who should know better, or should I just wait to read about them in the darwin awards if we dont point out the obvious. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  16. Being a Brit I am fairly sanguine about this so off to open a beer (hey its rainign again what else was I going to do LOL); I enjoy reading interesting threads about progressing human flight. Not a load of BS trolls that come from people who dont even own a wingsuit let alone those who do( why would you bother raising this random topic otherwise. So can we all be cool and not bitch left right and center about which squirrel had the first wings and how curly his tail was and if he infact copied his tail design from a raccoon etc etc Cheers Fraser Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  17. Fatalities happen because newbies jump and dont have the experience or judgement to know when not to jump and to know what they are and are not ready for. If they want to lob off exits and sites they are not ready for they still will whether some titles are posted on here or other sites. Whilst its admirable to try and reduce this people will sadly still end up getting hurt when they try hard enough. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  18. Nice Dan Dare style story, but jumping in storms is pretty dumb as an operator. Was a DZ in PA in 1996 and watched a load go up get hit by storm and 1 out of 9 jumpers landed on. 2 broke there legs on landing, one his pelvis and the rest out as far as 8 miles. So if I see storm clouds I tend to sit on the ground, I love flying but I also like being able to keep flying. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  19. Packing grommet to pin or any of the other wingsuit mods don't require you to change anything if you decide to do RW, FF. I pack grommet to pin using the same set up I use for wingsuiting when doing RW/FF with no issues, many like myself have been doing it for years. Thanks I was thinking more of larger PC, extended bridle lines etc not grommet to pin. I pack as normal and since flying suits in 2001 had no problems with standard pack job and closing orientation. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  20. Have used standard gear pc and bridel length for last 1000 wingsuit jumps without any issues. i like being able to switch disciplines without even thinking about different packing or approach. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  21. I did this back in 2005 fortunately through the company I work for who has its own altitude chamber and centrifuge for g training. Cheers Fraser Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  22. Look forward to seeing you guys there. 1. James McAlinden 2. Macca (LO) 3. Jarno 4. Fraser Corsan Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  23. Quote "I dont think theres a reasonably easy way to use a filter on a fisheye lens." I have two filters on a UV general filter and a Circular polarizing filter on my Sigma 10-22 works nicely no fogging and supper clear shots with depth. Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  24. You then have to watch groups forming around the country who sit in planes stare into space and make random tai chi style moves with there wings as they visualize, before going out missing a point landing and bitching about who screwed up!! Dont just talk about it, Do it!
  25. Practice seems like a better fix, than gear-modification.. Completely agree and I dont like any bridle possibly getting into an exposed position, which miught occur with a central modification, hence corner bridle cover is always tight to ensure no flappage!! Dont just talk about it, Do it!