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Everything posted by grega

  1. as was said, i think it's still safe as long as it's attached. You should know though, that with loose chest strap handles for cutaway and reserve probably won't be on the same place as with the chest strap tightened. Especially after cutting away, the rig could shift... "George just lucky i guess!"
  2. And why the hell did he pop up at the beginnig of the swoop? Was he a little too deep in the corner or ... ? Because as far as i know gaining height means loosing power and speed...? Or is there something i'm missing? "George just lucky i guess!"
  3. I had the same problem. In my case it was ACE mega codecs pack. After i uninstalled that it worked flawlessly. Try uninstalling all codecs or codec packs you have on your computer and then try again. it's most likley not a problem in your dvd burner but in compresing/transcoding the video or audio. p.s.: you could also try reconfiguring your codecs but that would take hella lof of time to figure out which is the one that makes problem, if you have lots of codecs installed. "George just lucky i guess!"
  4. Not to mention you'll have to change your shoes much more often if you'll drag toes over ground regulary... Same face plant can happen in snow if it has a frozen crust... "George just lucky i guess!"
  5. Well you can check curent results here "George just lucky i guess!"
  6. well yeah i'm used to put the excess calbe outside under the velcro pocket. but the odyssey doesn't have a pocket. well it does but... well if you put anything in that so called pocket, you can't close it because the cable will prevent the two velcro sides to hook together. it't not the same pocked as at mirage, wings, atoms, ... it's more just a cover than a pocket to put cables in. so if you fold them and put them under that cover ("pocket") they'll unfold very easily. unless i hold them there where they are supposed to be and then put the freebag in so it'll hold the cables in place. but i doubt it was designed for packing this way... and i sure rather put them in the same pocket as the main unit is, than to be in doubt wheather cables unfolded and are really close to the lines... hmm... thanks for the link but in cypress manual sais put the excess cable in the outside velcro adjustable pocket. and if there isn't any "pocket" "George just lucky i guess!"
  7. That's what i though. thanks "George just lucky i guess!"
  8. this is question for all the packers. Where do you put the excess cypress 2 cable, because jav odysseys don't really have a pocket for excess cable only a "cover" with velcro. so: -do you put the cable under that cover and try to close the cover even though the cable is between both sides of velrco -or do you put the excess cable in the same pocket the main cypress unit is in? -or do you just leave the excess cables at the botom of reserve container... ??? "George just lucky i guess!"
  9. hmm i somewhat agree with you, but every single simple thing that happens in this world has a reason and explanation. well maybe we're not inteligent enough to understant every single thing that happens around us, but i just don't believe in word "shit happens". i think that for every opening there are reasons. Since you were talking about packing...i think that not even one single pack is "exactly the same" it can't be it's so much fabric and lines, and puting it in the bag, can't be. well maybe there are two exactly the same packs in about milion packs. and the body position is hardly "exaclty the same" every time. maybe your rig is 1/10 of an inch more to the right than it was previous jump. so there almost aren't any constants in packing or life itself. Not to mention air that is the most unpredictable thing. You could open in a slight turbulent air. how could you tell, you can't see the turbulence, but the canopy can definitely feel it even during the opening. So i think there is always a reason why you had a mal, though there are sooo many variables that you can't be 100% sure that it's a packers fault, or body position fault or... so we just say "shit happened" Maybe in milion year we'll have a device that will measure and watch every movement and action and will be able to tell if it was exaclty the same as the last time... But i agree, you can't be sure that it's packers fault and can't blame him, it might be your bad body position or air turbulence, or whatever reason we don't know yet... "George just lucky i guess!"
  10. Huh i have no idea where he is, but i just got his former canopy for a repack. My friend bought his old javelin odyssey, but it looks as new... "George just lucky i guess!"
  11. ok it's been a long (hmm... or maybe not ) time since i acted like a smart ass so: Well we all know that a lot of people are trying to swoop at "fairly" low jump numbers. Well i got encouraged to write this and remind you all, because lately i saw quite few posts where people under 300 jumps say that they are doing 180 or 270 turns for swooping. Well that might be ok for them, i don't know i'm not a super hot swooper and i didn't see them land or know them. But my thought is that if you wanna swoop long or fast and safe and look cool. I think the important thing you have to learn is to evaluate the distance from the ground before and in a turn in order to finish the turn at the exact altitude that is perfect for having most lift/speed out of that turn. And i don't think that the learning curve is the best neither safest if you're learning that with turns of 180 and more under 300 jumps. Guys why not learning that on 90turns or maybe 45. and when you finish the turn at exact altitude for the best powerband 10 times in a row, then go on with a little sharper turn and so on. I have around 500 jumps on the same canopy learning on 90 turns and i still didn't finish the turn with the best powerband 5 times in a row. well maybe i'm just stupid i don't know but i think it's a lot safer. And you learn the very details of turning and flaring when you're doing the same turn over and over and over again. Because you're so used to it that you can pay a lot more attention to what is happening with the canopy, wind, toggles, surroundings, your mind,... instead of using all your brain just to finish that turn above the ground.. Just my thoughts. "George just lucky i guess!"
  12. it also depends alot on the talent the person has. And of course if you're mixing type of jumps like FS and freefly all the time, the progress of learning will go slower too. We have a lot of skydivers with 3000+ jumps that barely know how to fly stable (unfortunately), but they can hit a coin at landing almost every time... "George just lucky i guess!"
  13. well i have almost the same setup mirage g4.1 mt with pd126R and 120 main and i don't have any wrinkles at the reserve part of the rig. on that picture i have them between the reserve and the main though. but that's because of a sloppy packjob of a main canopy. "George just lucky i guess!"
  14. you should also ask what kind of canopy and wingloadig did you have at the time...I started on PD 9-cell 210. loaded 1:1 "George just lucky i guess!"
  15. Hmm and why do i still see the old page??? how do you open new one. on address i see the old page "George just lucky i guess!"
  16. Put focus on manual and set to infinity. that should solve the problem. Unless you have ultra wide lens on it. Then put focus on auto, point the camera at the object that's far away and while it's pointed there set it to manual and leave leave the focus where it is. everything should be sharp. that's how i do it... "George just lucky i guess!"
  17. Sorry, didn't know that. But that doesn't help us in skydiving much, unless we are in military... "George just lucky i guess!"
  18. gladly... here are two most visited slovenian skydive pages: but it's not a lot of info in english so i'll explain them a little... the first is DZ from Maribor, it's actually on the national airport in maribor. the problem is the only plane they have (for jumping) is cessna. though lately at least once/month if not twice pilatus porter pc-6 is rented for the weekend. unfortunately it's from slovenian army and they have a stupid regulation to fly only 12.000ASL which is about 10.000 feet AGL. (price for 10.000AGL is 15eur) the other page is from DZ that is in Loce near Slovenske konjice. They don't have the plane yet, so when we jump there we either rent antonov-2 (don't laugh) or the same slovenian army pilatus PC-6.(same price 15eur).But when did you plan to visit our country? because, well it's nothing sure yet, but this DZ just might get a turbine true skydiving aiplane capable of flying well above fu!^#%g 12.000 agl. sometime soooon. the third DZ is the most jumpable DZ in slovenia i'd say, but the sad thing is that all the jumps here are made from antonov-2 from 9000 AGL. the price is 17eur, but it's jumpable every weekend, and in the season even during the week, weather permitting of course. this is the DZ where people from Ljubljana (Capital) mostly jump. And it's located in Precna near Novo Mesto. There are other DZs too but,... well my advice is choose one of there three. so much about the thing i find very important are the people. on first DZ in MB there are all sorts of people FF,FS, young old, pretty, ugly,... you just have to find out who is who. it's also the DZ of our national team in FreeFly (when me and jerry81 get a decent cameraguy, things will change, i hope ), so if you'll be there just find them and you'll be fine or you can send him a pm he's here too (unutch) the other DZ (the one i prefer) are mostly young, 32 is the oldest guy i think. well at least skydivers (pilots are older...), they mostly jump Formation Skydiving, unles me or national team is there to do some FF. There are also national teams in 4-way and 8-way on this DZ. they're the most flexible and understanding people here if you ask me, and lost of fun. the recipe is: "just add beer" the third one is also mixed with all sorts of people. and they mostly jump to teach students. and they're very good at it. but that's about it. of course there's all sorts of fun jumping people there but nothing serious so far... ugh long post. but really not to bash slovenian skyidiving or anything but if you want to train and jump every day, go to kolomna. I mean they do so as many jumps in two weekends that we do in whole year. and they have the true DZ. on the other hand if you wanna see a country with a lot of trees, have fun with local skydivers, and jump every weekend you're very welcome.oh and we too have gorgeous girls in Slovenia, but there's only one way to find out if it's true
  19. How come my country (Slovenia) ended up in this thread. Oh and what's wrong with slovenian girls. "George just lucky i guess!"
  20. probably Atair USA is really fading away, though original atair from slovenia, just made something new. Hmm how should i say,... something radical ! "George just lucky i guess!"
  21. Huh good thing i'm using a desktop PC "George just lucky i guess!"
  22. Is it cancelled ??? where did you get this info? As far as i know only the MTV swoop competition is canceled. MTV beach party for new years eve is still on?!?... or not?? "George just lucky i guess!"
  23. Well i was looking for that solution too but ended up inventing one on my own. good thing is that i have some practice with making stuff out of carbon fibres with the previous "version" of my camera helmet. Actually as i write this i'm redesigning my bonehead optic. I'm adding custom made d-box with carbon fibers for my pc-109 that will be permanently attached to the helmet, somewhat like skysystems sidewinder only waaay smaller, lighter, tougher, more secure and really snag free! to answer your question: i too had to take off the camera to view/tape video on the TV/vcr. i thought that i could add audio/video connector adapter to the helmet. so prior to mounting the camera to the helmet i'll just plug it in the A/V plug, just as cameye in the lanc port and the screw the camera to the helmet. the other end of adapter (female part) would be accessible on the outer side of Dbox, so i won't even have to open the dbox to get the video of the camera. but i have this little problem, there is nowhere to get the female part of A/V adapter (the same that's on the camera). some retailers even said it exists only on sony cameras. so instead of one A/V exit (the one i can't get) i'll make 2 audio stereo exits, and connect the cables so one will send video with mono audio, and the other stereo audio signals. redesign the cable that i got with my camera a little (two 3.5mm stereo plugs instead of one A/V plug) and that's can also plut the normal a/v cable in one of the exits and you'll get video with mono sound. Like it's any difference in mono or stereo in freefall That's the best solution my imagination could come up with, if anyone knows of any better, speak...
  24. Only one more week of work.... or 8days till departure "George just lucky i guess!"