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Everything posted by misskriss

  1. That's cool!! I really like Aaron Tippen--that is when I have my occasional country music fit. Have fun!
  2. I think I have one of the few men that actually doesn't like nor watch American Football.
  3. YOu know as much as this sucks it is the first time in close to 14 months that I've actually done nothing. I have stayed in bed all day and even took a nap by myself. hmmmmmmmm... maybe this won't be a 24 hour bug.. maybe it will last 48 hours.
  4. Sick in bed with the stomach flu I finally stopped throwing up so I've got that going for me.
  5. Hopefully, she'll move out. There is no way they can make you "switch" apartments. She needs to use her Buddha ways to find a new place to live.
  6. I have to admit that I tip at Sonic. I guess because they bring it out to the car. I don't know why..
  7. I don't know... maybe it's our ages but my husband didn't want one. He said his life until he met me was a bachelor party and he didn't want or need that anymore. Guess he loves me.
  8. misskriss


    Mine is Kryspynka... Call me baby.
  9. Hey You.. I know we're not much but Hans and I are here anytime, any hour. It was good to see you today and we are thinking about you. The door is ALWAYS open.
  10. Quotethis sounds fun.... we can make this into the sex list... lets seeee.... 1. Valeska, my first her first too *but perhaps not* 2. Jessica . took her cherry, she liked it so much she cheated on my 3. Christy I was lonely and depressed.. nearly barfed afterwards, she was gross! 4. Angela, was lonely and depressed.. used her 5. Hope . i used her. oops 6. Jennifer -gave her a pitty fuck *rebound*.. strangely she was my first gf/kiss/oral stuff.. but we never actually had sex until years later. 7. Holly: mm, took her cherry too. we are still in relationship we'll see how it goes.. too bad she goes to school 400 miles away!Quote and then in your profile you say one of your interests is treating women with respect?? Also, i wonder how Holly would feel about you saying you "took her cherry." Yep.. that's respect for your girlfriend.
  11. So sorry to hear about this. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  12. Great pics!! Take care of yourself!!
  13. It was nice meeting you today... and the baby liked you so that's a good sign.
  14. Apparently that happened like five years ago when she was 17 before she ever thought of competing. I'm sure we've all made mistakes.
  15. I know him and let me tell you, it's true. Every last word is true and it gets worse when there is a full moon out. But he did watch Sound of Music with me last night. The whole thing... four hours worth of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Maybe he's not all that bad. (Sorry babes... I can't help myself... you know --since you lead such a sad and miserable life and all.)
  16. misskriss

    Boom, boom

    I heard it too... My first thought was that Hans blew something up out back.
  17. God, that breaks my heart. Many prayers for baby Ethan.
  18. That is so great!! What a fun and exciting trip for you guys. My daughter turns 18 next month and I don't have anything that cool planned yet.
  19. My baby son is NOT circumcised. There was absolutely no reason to have it done. In fact, his pediatrician asked me why I chose not to have him circumcised. I told him iI felt it was unnecessary and he said he agreed. His quote was..."circumcision is WAY overrated." Why put my child through the pain? and for what?? My grandmother said that it would be hard to clean?? This just baffles me. A baby girl is a lot harder to keep clean than an uncircumcised baby boy. And as far as women not wanting to give blowjobs to uncircumcised men...LOL I haven't heard that one before. Besides not looking any different than a cut penis in certain states of arousal if you know what I mean, I find it to be more fulfilling. But that's just my personal opinion.
  20. I don't know. We are just going to start looking at the programs and educate ourselves on the process. They said last night that it costs about $30,000. When we are ready and able to do so I want to know everything there is to know about it.
  21. There aren't as many Russian families willing to adopt so I think children born in the US already have a leg up if you will. I only hear this from talking with others so I could be wrong but I don't think so considering the amount of orphanages in Russia. Honestly though, I would adopt from anywhere. A child in need is a child in need no matter where they are from.
  22. So last night about 10:05pm a group of about 6 Russian children arrived at Orlando International. They are going to be spending 4 weeks with host families in the hopes of being adopted. We were there to greet them not because we are hosting but because my husband (JRAF-despite stirring up trouble on dz.com and being a dirty low-puller actually has a very soft heart) was serving as a translator between the orphans who spoke no English and the host families who spoke no Russian. THe children were aged between about 4 and 12 and I can tell you that I have never been so touched in my life. A couple greeted the little 4 year old boy with balloons and he was amazed. The way he looked at those balloons with such wonder is something I'll never forget. Another thing I'll never forget is seeing my husband speak to these children. They were so scared and nervous. He was kneeling by a little girl of about 10 or so. She was small and she was so shy and nervous. He spoke to her in Russian and told her it was okay and askedher if she wanted the top bunk or the bottom bunk at the family's home. He told her about their dog and before you knew it she was smiling. It made me love him more than I already do if that is possible. It made me think about all the children who weren't able to come over and it broke my heart. Hopefully, when we are able to do so we will be a host family. We had been thinking about when to have another baby of our own but after seeing these children I think it would be so much better to adopt. Not that I won't ever have another one but it just completely opened my heart to adoption. There are so many children all over the world waiting for homes. We took our daughter to the airport with us because we thought it would be a good experience for her and she just cried in the car all the way home. (not to mention the wet eyes of a certain troublemaker) I think she realizes how lucky she is to have parents who love her and a home and suddenly all of that stuff she wanted for Christmas doesn't seem to be that important anymore. I know there are some adoptive parents on dz.com and I think it's amazing what you do. If anyone has adopted from Russia and could pm me or post the organization you used or tell me about your experience it would be great. The organization that brought these children over was called New Horizons but I would like to know other groups as well. Thanks.
  23. hehehe... I have to admit my boobies are getting tired. Thank you so much.