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Everything posted by Zenister

  1. hmm one was wondering about that..i remeber something about a cat being able to survive falls from very tall balconys because it has time to get stable and slow down to a reasonable rate before impact..(picture i recall actually showed something like a box man too) anyone else ever see this? or is it urban mythos? ps. this isnt animal cruelty but i was once told a cat was no longer a kitten when it couldnt flip over completely in the length of its body. Test it sometime with a kitten, hold a kitten by upside down by legs 6 in above soft surface. they rotate almost before they fall ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  2. heya ive..been playing W3 as manofsand..look me up sometime Viking... ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  3. cool web site Q: is this the first documented case of a mr. bill? ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  4. well actually as of now eloy is about an hour into my future
  5. true i think establishing it initally is the biggest hurdle..since ive been doing this travel thing ive had like 3 semi-serious relationships but they seemed to fade if i was gone for more than 3 weeks or so...i would get statements like "youve been gone for a month and we are supposed to pick up right where we left it?" i always thought "of course what has changed between us since?" but... maybe its just me, but for people that really care about each other what does time or distance matter? ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  6. ive got lots of distance, who wants a relationship? ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  7. sitting in a hotel in El Paso wondering where i put the remote so i could fast fwd to 0600 when i fly back to PHX and then drive down to eloy to play.... grrr not the best end to the year, but definatly the best way to start the next.... soooo.. tiger print eh? one is a big fan of all things tiggerish, unfortunatly my sister had my VS account switched to her name when i joined the army (i spent far to much on a certain woman once and VS loved me forever for it) so i havent seen a catalog in a while... now where did that bacardi go? heya fallinW got a spare perky? ooohh neato at some point i became an old hand ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  8. that would really suck... on the odd times i do play i always use my social (it breaks up into numbers that fit) and then just pick whatever number float in thru the ether... oh yeah..i meant WIN the lottery..the small payouts ive gotten from time to time are only reembursment for previous losses. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  9. the day i win the lottery everybody at the DZ jumps for free.. of course if i actually played more often maybe my chances would improve
  10. indeed.. bad tv is killing me, i need something educational to watch.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  11. i met mike while on student status. he was amazingly cool and talked and jumped with me twice that day. i remeber the day B2 and he had reserve rides..even though he hadnt jumped in a while and that was the only jump he was going to get that day he was still bouncing around the DZ with a killer grin.. i knew going into this sport i could lose people i knew and loved, i just wish it hadnt happend so soon... Blue skies mike.. i will remembe you every time i see the desert skies.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  12. sorry, Warren Zevon is on letterman and that song is just one ive sung to many times around a beer table.. damn the cia and that son of a bitch van owen.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  13. mostly because i do not wish for the responsibility, or the 'politics'. I could not work inside the system, cannot work inside the system when, on occasion the solution is very obvious just not 'PC'. To often I see good ideas, great projects and endeavors shot down because of petty politics, empire building and infighting. "You cant have the money, time, resources because I don?t like him". "good idea but it doenst support my agenda", "what does it bring to my district?" etc. our current system may work but it doesnt work well or achieve much more than keeping the sheep fat, dumb and happy. (or scared and reacting in a predictable, controllable fashion, as is the case of late truthfully i just dont care enough about people, not as a group. some individuals, my tribe (skydivers and the like mostly) i would live, kill or die for (in that order) but taken as a whole humanity is the most blind, unthinking, destructive force in the world and I just dont have much use for it Ive long said I have a simple solution to all the worlds problems. kill off half the people The real issue is 'which half?' thats the question I havent found the answer to yet one law for lion and lamb is oppression -W.Blake
  14. ive long been an advocate of the ability to vote 'no' none of these choices are acceptable leadership. if acceptable leadership cannot be determined by this method then the system needs to be changed. while i love this country and the freedoms i enjoy because of it, IME far to many people in it are not qualified to cook breakfast, much less make decisions regarding who should determine national policies ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  15. give me a choice i can back and i will. until then it is my experence that thoose who wish to lead are often the least qualified to do so. i will glady vote for the first person who says they will keep the govt completely out of my life
  16. im one. once i get a base rig (and some time to work with the BASE guys i met, now i need the cash for the base rig) once i get that i'm off no matter if its 200 or 2000 jumps. but then i've been throwing myself off any and everything since i was 16. (static line rappels and trust falls) if i had met the right people then i might have BASEd before skydiving too. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  17. Well, technically I guess that's accurate...he does live on the surface of the state, and not down inside it.... so since once the otter takes off i'm no longer 'in' or 'on' AZ does that mean the rules dont apply? wheee the fun ill have on Fri.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  18. indeed i was really glad when they sold our division last year.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  19. add me to the Aikido camp..i got my shodan almost 3 years ago but work/travel has kept me from practicing much since..but it is IMO absolutely the best all around martial art once i get to WA i'll be snowboarding and pick up fencing and/or aikido again when i cant jump at kapowsin or make a jaunt down south.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  20. yes actually ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  21. *the sunnyone whispers to innocent B^2 what goes in the blank* zen offers to further enlighten both lovelys on the many ways to fill the blank
  22. cool they will be doing a night jump too during the boogie..i need it and i can get my D..wheeeee! well that and 30 jumps more which wont be to hard by then. i'm still picking you (and possibly someone else) from the AP early Xmas day correct? (and therefore must remember not to get too lit xmas eve) ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  23. Zenister

    Sex Search

    i for one, dont believe you. prove it ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  24. its possible, but not likely i should be working in WA most of Nov...come Dec however i'll be living at the DZ for the rest of the year
  25. i know where my towel is but the shades didnt survive their first freefall so...