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Everything posted by jverley

  1. Eloy was somewhat busy, but mainly because of he Arizona Challenge. The 100 challenger skydivers kept the planes going (I think they flew 50 loads on Saturday), but there were not a lot of fun jumpers despite $15 jumps and free beer. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  2. The rules only say "as depicted in the dive pool". The only clarification is the new rule which defines a sidebody. Based upon the picture in the dive pool, I think you are okay with all the scenarios that your describe, except N and 20. In those pictures, I think cat grips are defined well enough. Most of the other formations are vague enough that a argument could be made for the grips you describe. I think mixing grips is okay as well. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  3. Some members of our local CRW team have been exiting with both toggles in their hands. The very brief answer I received on why they were doing that involved new canopies (lightning 107's) and steering through the openings. Can any experienced CRW folks comment on the benefits of this? I thought that with the new rules, you had 30 seconds or so to build the first point before the clock started and therefore did not need too be as quick to the first point. I appreciate any feedback. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  4. Central Arizona gets tens of thousands of winter visitors (snow birds) each year. They stay in garden spots like as Arizona City, Casa Grande and Coolidge. If you ever go to Skydive Arizona during the winter there are usually a couple hundred geriatrics out for the day, just watching the skydivers. Again, I do not argue that Eloy is the best place for a museum. But it makes more sense than DC. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  5. I have to disagree. Eloy has held a prominent place in skydiving history for almost 20% of modern skydiving history (1960-present). In addition the general central Arizona area has a storied past (Casa Grande, Coolidge, Marana). There are certainly other places that have a valid claim to skydiving history such as Perris, Elsinore, and Muskogee. But DC is not one of them. I have no idea if a museum is really planned or not but it needs to be where the skydivers are, not the politicians are. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  6. One of my team mates was commenting that she had trouble learning the Letters and Numbers. Dan BC told her not to use them, he doesn't. He said, he was still able to turn 39 points in time going "Sidebody... Meeker... Bundy....Donut..." John Arizona Hiking Trails
  7. 84. I paid for all of them plus video, coaching and a packer in most cases. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  8. Nope. No emergency doors (it was built in 1943). I think one of the forward windows is an "emergency exit" but I doubt you could squeeze through one of those with a rig on. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  9. The story I heard about this photo is that when the owner was away, the jumpers removed the windows from the DC-3 so they could use the window hole as a hand hold to climb forward to the wing. Don't know if it is true, but a good story nonetheless. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  10. Clicky John Arizona Hiking Trails
  11. Yes. I don't have cancer, but I now have carpal tunnel syndrome. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  12. Wow, that gave me a headache just glancing through it! I gave up on that kind of math when I went changed my major form Physics to Business.
  13. A couple of thoughts: 1. Make sure your count and, more importantly, your movement is very rhythmic and crisp. My count is [INDENT]1. Shake (gets everyone ready -- If you see or feel the shake, the exit will be in 3 beats) 2. Hut (Ready! -- If you hear the ready we will be leaving in two beats) 3. Down (If you see me going down we are leaving) 4. ______(no words, just go! If they are in rhythm with you, you will all leave together) [/INDENT] 2. Since you have the count, they need to follow you, not the other way around. When you do the exit, imagine the rest of the team are not there and don't follow them. Just give the count and put yourself outside the plane where you need to be. After you get some success, you will start to realize when to speed up or slow down. Good luck and have fun! John Arizona Hiking Trails
  14. You could do, it but with two four-ways exiting that close together, treat it like a 9-way cuz that is what it is. I've done some fun 8-16 ways where you exit 2 groups at the same time and have a race. For example, in an otter, put out four floaters, the front two are part of team A and the back two are part of team B. The divers alternate and join either team A or B. Free fly the exit and the race is on. Both teams do the same dive. Which ever team completes the most points wins. Remember though when break off comes, you need to track 180 from the centerpoint between the two formations not the centerpoint of your formation. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  15. Usually not. I did not own a helmet until the 300 way. I am fine with or without. I normally only wear it when it is very cold or if I am doing a two way with a newbie (Thats just for the audible). Otherwise, I prefer not to wear it. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  16. I use Adobe 6.0 all the time and have not encountered any performance issues at all. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  17. He looks cute with swim fins and the tutu. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  18. jverley

    Camera in Eloy

    I believe his name is Mark Walsh. I don't have any contact info for him though. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  19. My team mate brought them wine! I told her not to give it to them until after we got our scores, but she gave it to them early. Silly girl. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  20. I don't want to talk about it! Actually we took second in intermediate 8-way. Should have done better but did ourselves in with some silly mistakes and a bust by a judge who forgot his seeing eye dog. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  21. I have no clue. Was not paying attention to any team's score but my own. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  22. For this meet it was Craig, Neal, Johnny Eagle and Andy. Airspeed Dragon was Todd, Dennis, Eliana and Pat Patton. Kirk was ill and Mike has a broken arm. For 8 way, they replaced Pat with one of the Knights. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  23. Don't have scores, but Airspeed won both 4 and 8 way easily. Due to illness/injury Airspeed had two fill-ins but still dominated. In 4 way open: Airspeed Golden Knights Airspeed Dragon (It was closer between 2nd and 3rd than 1st and 2nd) In 8 way there were only two teams and Airspeed beat a team made up of two player-coach teams run by Mark Kirby and Gary Beyer. It was avery low turn out. Only 8 4-way teams and 5 8-way teams. John Arizona Hiking Trails
  24. That's why I fart in the plane John Arizona Hiking Trails
  25. Posted a lot already John Arizona Hiking Trails