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Everything posted by DiverMike

  1. DiverMike


    +1 First thing I thought of. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  2. And the minority to which you belong is those people who spell it "capitalisation". From the ever popular Wikipedia: For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  3. I would have to agree with FlyingRhenquest. Nobody knows you or your sense of humor or speaking abilitities, but if we were gearing up and you were babbling and making as little sense as you did in your original post, I wouldn't let you on the plane for your own good. I think he (and the rest of us) are just looking out for you. Please don't be offended. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  4. One more small thing - In my First Aid I keep a pencil and paper to record the exact time everything happened, what was done as part of first aid, vital statistics taken, anything the person said, anything the people around the person said that might be helpful. I give the paper to the EMT's who take it with the patient to the ER. I am not sure it has ever helped, but the EMT's seem grateful for the additional information. I have also done mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing and given CPR to someone who did not make it. It is not something I would want to do again,but I would definitely do it if there were any hope the individual might make it. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  5. Please give an update in a few months as to your Concealed Carry experience. I got my CCW license a month ago, but haven't purchased a subcompact to carry yet. My concern is it would be too inconvenient to lug around for the once in a lifetime event I might need it. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  6. Made clicky: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EgGWFyxLD1ZMOp7VF5mTSugxqrAUb07IZK-US2_JH_s/viewform For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  7. I know it has been settled in case law , but nowhere in the constitution does it give the supreme court the power of judicial review of the constitution. They just assumed it. The congressman can certainly voice his opinion that the Supreme court has overstepped their constitutional bounds. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  8. If someone is posting about a skydiving question, I do look at their jump numbers. If someone is posting about an F.A.R., I look at the intelligence of their argument. There is no correlation between number of jumps and being able to understand and discuss Federal regulations. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  9. DiverMike


    What are your feelings towards inheritance tax? Today a widow does not pay inheritance tax. What if there are 6 widows married to the same man at the same time? What are your feelings about entitlements like government funded pension plans? Are you saying the pension should stop at the death of the worker who earned it, and the non working spouse(s) should get nothing? I don't believe it is a cut and dry as you are making it. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  10. DiverMike


    Must . . . . not . . . respond. Temptation . . . overcoming . . . . me. Arrrrrrgh. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  11. [Joe Philosopher] Yes, but then it escalates. I need to give a 3 year old a Glock 26 to defend himself against a rugrat who has a history of assaulting defenseless animals. Or maybe I could get him a Kahr 380, since the size of the hand grip on that gun is only suitable for a 3 year old. [/Joe Philosopher] For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  12. Not quite. I thing you have to agree it is only the right of mentally competent individuals. I am not sure a 3 year old is mentally competent to bear arms, yet alone a newborn. A birthright by definition is a right you are born with, not grow into. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  13. I learned a new word in the article: "Sedevacantist". Apparently some bishops are declaring "you are not the boss of me" to the pope. Confusing. Some Bishops believe there is an absolute truth that is ordained by God except for the man who is assumed to be infallible. You can't really have it both ways. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  14. DiverMike


    Why should only one spouse get benefits? That is not the current tax law. A divorced woman who has never worked can claim part of her ex husbands social security if she was married to him for 10 years even if he remarries. This realistically means 5 or more women can claim the benefit of a single working man. Is it really fair if one man was married to two different women at different times and they both get benefits, but if they are married at the same time only one gets benefits? For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  15. [sarcasm]Well that certainly clears things up.[/sarcasm] For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  16. huh? I am the VP of IT at a rather large company, and I don't see how you filling out where you skydive or how many times you have done it would make a single bit of difference in tracking your computer activity. You might believe your explanation, but I for one do not. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  17. I wanted to respond to some of the rambling, but my personal rule is not to post to the incidents thread unless I have some personal knowledge about the incident. I am baffled as to why this stayed in the incidents forum as long as it did. Now that it is in Bonfire, I can ignore it like other bonfire ramblings of drug inspired skydiver wannabes. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  18. Pretty cool. Just wondering how you choose the airports to display. Hook field in Middletown http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/zoa/getobext.php?sid=KMWO doesn't show up, but Butler County Regional http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/zoa/getobext.php?sid=KHAO does. I only ask because one of the largest/most active DZ's in the midwest is located at KMWO. OOPS - nevermind - I found it zooming in on the map. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  19. I regret to this day that I reported a sleep test that indicated I showed signs of sleep apnea. Wore the stupid CPAP. Had the UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) surgery. Still couldn't get a clean test. Lost my Private Ticket because I couldn't jump through all the hoops to maintain a stinking 3rd class med. No big deal - I was getting tired of the $150.00 hops to buy a hamburger, so I started skydiving. I am not sure what, if anything, my sky diving career will be, but I won't be a TI because USPA thinks I may fall asleep under the canopy. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  20. I started watching - I could not make it through. Human beings are evil. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  21. I agree. Why single out those expenditures that aren't directly related to income tax? Why not include other expenditures like government employees, politicians, farm subsidies, etc. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  22. But it completely ignored the relativistic effects when the limousine approaches the speed of light. (1 / sqrt( 1 - (v/c)^2)) For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  23. Welcome to a new world. You will notice the similarity between Scuba and Sky Diving. It is theoretically possible though highly unlikely you could be legally jumping a wing suit in 2014. It seems you are already aware of the 200 jump requirement. Having spent some time underwater in confined environments myself I understand where you are coming from. The skills you have developed understanding and mitigating risks will help you well in skydiving. It is far more common to be seriously injured or die in skydiving because of too rapid progression than it is even in the world of cave diving. Take your time and enjoy the experience. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  24. If someone in getting Social Security 'benefits' because they paid into a broken system for 35 years, that is quite different than being a lazy deadbeat living of the government. Mathematically though, it isn't any different. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  25. I find this similar to the hijinks played among scuba instructors Some would sneak up behind another instructor and turn off their air at the surface in the pool. No big deal, but it escalated to doing it at the quarry in 60 feet of water during open water training. I never found that funny either. I never joined in on the scuba game and made it clear I didn't want people to mess with me. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.