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Everything posted by DiverMike

  1. I think he is trying to tell us "Timmy fell down a well". For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  2. Yes - the "spare oxygen in their wings" is far more indicative of bad journalism than not referring to "the Bends" as Decompression Sickness. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  3. Good app, but has some GUI issues. I can understand using the international DD-MM-YYYY format, but the way dollar amounts display is weird. On another note, where else can you go to 13,000 feet for $17.50? For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  4. I personally liked the subtlety of the blue collar. It is like the "E" and "X" in the fedex logo making an arrow. Having said that, blue collar and white collar jobs don't really exist anymore. The only people I know who wear white shirts and ties to work are bankers - and everybody hates them. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  5. I guess you could say any line malfunction is caused by packing error, since if you didn't pack the chute in the container you wouldn't have had the mal. :) The only line over I have had was caused by a delay in the chute coming out of the d-bag. It was a temporary bag lock that cleared itself, but not before the bad flipped through the lines. It could be argued that the temporary bag lock was probably caused by a packing error. The only thing unusual about the pack job was I had to replace two line stows. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  6. People have been predicting the demise of Groupon for years. From June 2011: http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/13/why-groupon-is-poised-for-collapse/ +1 For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  7. Just to rerail this derailed thread, do you have a date for 2014? I haven't been to Fitz yet and I might be interested if I can cash in one of my bumped Delta Airline Tickets. I have one that expires soon. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  8. I'll be honest with you. I have made queries for multiple time frames like you are trying to do, but I could never figure out the elegant way to do it. I created a temporary table that had the two time frames defined in it and then built records into it. The first timeframe SELECT statement was basically a INSERT INTO. The second SELECT statement I had to step through the recordset and INSERT or UPDATE the temp tabale as needed. SOME SQL languages allow a MODIFY command to add a record or update existing, but I'm pretty sure SQL 2014 does not. Once the temp table was created, I could do a simple SELECT * to get everything, then DROP the table when I was done. As you can imagine, this is a brute force way of doing it that uses no SQL Optimization. So I admit I am not a really good SQL Programmer , but I could do it in VB. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  9. You can't use a LEFT JOIN and expect to get records from both tables. You will get all the records from the left table, but will not get the records in the right table that don't exist in the Left table. You would have to use a FULL OUTER JOIN. See example: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join_full.asp For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  10. I doubt at this point any answers will be forthcoming. All we can do is update (derail) the thread so the title keeps appearing on the first page. Not sure if that would be considered passive or active aggressive. "Rich Winstock Swoop Incident Coverup" can become like the "DB Cooper" or "BillyVance's sick and twisted and/or NSFW photo attachment thread" and never die. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  11. I would think it is the membership organization's duty to disseminate pertinent information to member dropzones. If I were a DZO, I would certainly like to know that someone who showed up at my DZ has been banned at another DZ. I would then ask additional questions or take other steps to determine if I would let him/her jump. USPA won't get involved in creating/maintaining such a database because of the liability, not because it doesn't like DZO's acting unilaterally. It would be relatively database to maintain. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  12. I look forward to your detail. It appears to me that 7.2 says, "You can't play in my privately owned sandbox". 7.3 has a greater reach and because of that has a semi judicial review with appeals. It seems like a good system to me. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  13. No. A parachute opening is a random and chaotic event. A parachute that is 'perfectly packed' (a definition upon which you would likely not have a unanimous consensus) can still open into a fatal slammer. It has been stated several times in these forums: "You can do everything right and still die." For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  14. 1st of all, sorry for being so USPA Centric. I didn't stop to think pointing a finger meant anything but "pull now". I agree the floating handle is not likely to extract the reserve pin all by itself. Maybe the best thing to do is ignore it, unless you have enough time to point to your own. In this video, it gets noticed right when the person is breaking off, so there isn't much time to do/signal anything. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  15. clicky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2JC10BmtwY&feature=youtu.be at 2:44 you are clearly giving him the 'pull' signal when you are pointing to his floating ripcord. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  16. I've never heard of a foil either, but I like 164 For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  17. Yep - what I get out of this is nobody has any idea what is going to happen to population growth in the next 50 years. Depending on the source (and their agenda) it will either stay the same, soar, or drop precipitously. 78% of all statistics are made up 34% of the time. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  18. wow - a Ted talk by Hans Rosling from 4 years ago. I looked at the transcript of the speech and there was nothing about rate of change of population growth http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_and_the_magic_washing_machine/transcript?language=en I can't give a lot of credence to a Wikipedia article either. Those aren't the best sources you have ever quoted. I would really like to believe the 2nd derivative is negative because that is good news. I can't based on those sources. Is it negative .0001 or negative 100? Wikipedia also shows based on UN estimates the 2nd derivative could be positive, negative, or zero based on different estimates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population#mediaviewer/File:World-Population-1800-2100.svg edited to add pretty wikipedia graph For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  19. Could you site your source that the second derivative is negative? I googled it and could only come up with a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution paper using the population growth of a tropical herb as a case study. I haven't been able to find a source that the 2nd derivative of global population growth is negative. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  20. 2+2 = 10 in base 4 2 + 2 = 11 in base 3. See - I was right. I agree with you. I am one of those a-holes who has some strange need to be right all the time. I am certainly compensating for something.
  21. Technically, we are all taught if you point at them, you are telling them to "pull now". I think most skydivers would correctly take it in context and check their handle, but some might not and immediately pull. No question pointing at your own handle is currently the best way to pantomime the problem. It would be nice if the USPA or other global governing agency would recommend a hand signal for a floating handle. Does anybody on the Safety Committee hang out in DZ.com who could respond? For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  22. This brings up an interesting point. Does anyone know of a hand signal that indicates you have a loose handle? It is a rare occurrence, but extremely important to communicate when it happens (especially in freefall). Maybe it could be something as simple as closing/opening your fist to indicate "check your handle". For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  23. I don't use the foam inserts. You can adjust the frame so well you don't need them. I do use the strap on an open face helmet. My Liquid Players have a prescription lens in them, so I'd hate to lose $300 because they fell off at 3K. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  24. First - I too am glad they pulled off the jump. Second - I clearly know the difference Third - You are correct, the NTSB only handles appeals when the FAA takes action, so if nothing bad happens or nobody sees it, the NTSB will not get involved. Last, I don't know what the conversation was like so you got me on that one. Technically, the RD is not violating USPA BSRs if he approves an A or B licensed jumper to do a demo into an open field with spectators. It is in section 7-1 of the SIM which makes it a recommendation and not a requirement and the RD can ignore or override it. He must have determined this jumper had mad skillz and the experience and ability requirements did not pertain to him. So, yes, I am second guessing that decision without knowing all the facts. Isn't that what the internet is for? For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.
  25. +1 What he said. I am also not a lawyer, but did the contract you sign have a completion date? Also, the vendor seems to be fair in saying if the time frame is not agreeable you can get out of the contract. That to me implies the time frame was not already agreed to in writing. For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.