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Everything posted by jclalor

  1. If you like, give me a call and we can drive to Lodi for some jumps, they are the most reliable for jumping any day of the week. I live in San Jose.
  2. Remember when it was all the rage on the right when Obama "Bowed" to a Saudi king? Remember when Trump Tweeted that Michelle was disrespectful for not wearing a scarf while in the KSA? https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/05/20/president-trump-slammed-as-hypocrite-for-bowing-to-the-saudi-king/22100809/
  3. Just when you think it can't get worse for Trump... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-comey-idUSKCN18C2Q8
  4. Let's not be hasty drawing premature conclusions, let's be patient and wait for Rush to come and sort it all out for us.
  5. So my Fiancé is pulling into The Starbucks drive thru when the person in front of her throws it into reverse and hits her. she says her lower back hurts a little. If she goes to the doctor will this now be considered a "Pre existing condition" from here on out?
  6. That was also the first time I actually read that, fairly interesting. I'm thinking Pence already has a template.
  7. Psst! Your copy/edit missed a word. The more observant critic would have found more than one.
  8. I have a vision. Donald J Trump became the thirty-seventh President of the United States on January 20, 2017 by the electors of thirty of the fifty states. His term in office continued until his resignation on August 9, 2019 Pursuant to resolutions of the House of Representatives, its Committee on the Judiciary conducted an inquiry and investigation on the impeachment of the President extending over more than eight months. The hearings of the Committee and its deliberations, which received wide national publicity over television, radio, and in printed media, resulted in votes adverse to Donald Trump, on recommended Articles of Impeachment. As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Donald Trump has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States. Whether or not he shall be so prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate grand jury and on the discretion of the authorized prosecutor. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution. It is believed that a trial of Donald Trump, if it became necessary, could not fairly begin until a year or more has elapsed. In the meantime, the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former President of the United States. The prospects of such trial will cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States. Now, THEREFORE, I, Michael Richard Pence, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Donald J Trump, for all offenses against the United States which he, Donald Trump, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 2017 through August 9, 2019. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America on the two hundred and forty sixth year. Michael Richard Pence
  9. President John Tyler, elected in 1841, still has grand children alive. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/tylergrandsons.asp
  10. As another side not, Savage is an idiot and if he ever finds himself in a similar situation as a Alex Jones, he'll claim it's all an act. Selling supplements to cancer patients with the promise of being cured is about as low as a person can sink.
  11. I'm still baffled why a man who is convinced that his time on a earth is just a tiny fraction of of his whole existence, would even worry about earthly affairs.
  12. Alex is now asking the media to respect his children's privacy and let this stay a private family matter. Interesting coming from a guy who hounded the families of Sandy Hook.
  13. I wonder how he's doing after he heard the latest news about Alex Jones.
  14. Just wondering if you still stand by your claim that Obama spent billions on presidential vacations? And then perhaps you can remind us what the ninth commandment is and then how a devout Christian would use that commandment in his day to day life?
  15. I think as quickly as Tiger made the sport explode, his absence has made it deflate. 10 years ago when I was paying $100 for a round, I'm now paying $30.
  16. I'm thinking the Korean Peninsula as we now know it may soon cease to exist. http://thebulletin.org/timeline
  17. Biblical prophecy in the making, standby for further developing events. Matthew 16:28 Nothing ever happened, they all tasted death.
  18. When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you. Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic. Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills. You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this What do you think? I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch. I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH. While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men. one reaps what one sows And I am glad you can justify a difference I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations? Oh, and they DO go after him on policy Gotta go to different news sources (other than ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, NPR et al) where much discussion is going on Billions for Obama's vacations? Do you still think that? https://youtu.be/CQFEY9RIRJA
  19. So Trump first notified the Russians but said nothing to congress?
  20. As it turns out, vericose viens. I could have won big. Thanks for tyring
  21. Anyone know what this is?
  22. Your desire to believe is greater than your desire know.