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Everything posted by jclalor

  1. Fake news, I recognized some of the same "victims" that were at Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Dealy plaza.
  2. Did you not read the first four words of his post?
  3. I also think that health insurance is one of the major contributors to the problems with health care in America. However, what makes you think that having the federal government as the sole insurer will be any better? I'm not saying that won't be an improvement or that I could not support it. I'm just saying I don't have a lot of faith in the federal government to do any better job of it.. It seems to work for every industrialized country in the world, I think it's about time we do it.
  4. This is getting really good.
  5. And I bet they're committing another crime right now while getting the story straight.
  6. This is getting good real quick. Mueller wants to interview WH staff involved with creating initial false press release about meeting. http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/07/politics/mueller-trump-air-force-one-statement-russian-lawyer/index.html
  7. If this is true, absolutely incredible. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/us/politics/trump-russia-investigation.html
  8. No it's not. Not eating ice cream has yet to kill a single human. Reducing crop and yield size has killed thousands.
  9. Amazing the continuing denial of science in this world. http://reason.com/blog/2017/09/05/europes-anti-gmo-stance-is-killing-a-new
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------- The Antichrist is the individual male that rises to world power bringing peace to the Mideast. World power from the Hebrew perspective, as I understand, will encompass North Africa, Southwest Asia and Southern Europe. Many assume the New World Order and One World Government represent the power base for the Antichrist. The peaceful time will last 3.5 years. During that time the Jews will reconstruct their temple in Jerusalem and resume Levitical Law and practices. After the 3.5 years the Antichrist will establish his likeness or idol in the temple and demand that the Jews worship him. That is called the Abomination of Desolation and it will bring on God's wrath which will last another 3.5 years. As Christians, we will not be here during that period as a result of The Rapture. We are trying in vain to figure out when The Rapture will occur. No one knows but many believe it is tied to the Jewish feasts, especially Rosh Hashanah. Funny how every generation of Christians think they're the lucky ones. I love reading the books of Bart Erhman, you should take a peak. https://www.bartdehrman.com
  11. Lodi. With $15 bucks to 13k and $5 to 3k Open 7 days a week. 365 if I'm not mistaken. Edited for the fact they now require 10 minutes tunnel, $125 tandem and $1000 for AFF.
  12. Evidently flunking my stats class was really apparent, I thought I would start over.
  13. I think the older the jumper the more likely they are opposed to sub 200 jumpers using cameras. In 10 - 20 years this won't even be a subject. Younger people are so desensitized to video these days, it took older generations much longer.
  14. I have a feeling as newer and younger jumpers enter the sport, experience and number of jumps will not be a factor in jumping a camera.
  15. He did not mention one deceased or the deceased officer or offer to meet With any of their families. He was wearing a hat that can be purchased on his re election site for $40. Personally, I think a hat that said Texas would have gone over better.
  16. 2nd post in two weeks since registering with no profile? You sound like a fucking perv.
  17. Yep, not worth it for the lawyer, which is why they'd say you don't have a case, and the restaurant owners know this, which is why the problem persists. . . Yep, now suddenly it's worth it for them. Some of these owners/managers are slimier than lawyers. One woman (manager of a gas station) had 3 other businesses and a nice big yellow house on a lake. Her car broke down right before her vacation for her birthday. The assistant manager sent around a birthday card telling every one of their minimum wage employees to give money, sign it, and mark how much they gave. One employee said that he's not giving anything, the manager said, "fine, then you can't sign the card." He said, "OK!" lol. Shitty thing is, is that these people were given shitty hours and barley made $800/mth, and the manager actually took it! If I was that manager, I would've fired my assistant on the spot and gave the money back. . .sick people. I hate the practice of gifting up, people should know better.
  18. Seems like he's listening to his advisers. I agree that leaving the area would endanger it to AlQ, Taliban, ISIS filling the gap and gaining a stronghold. At that point we'll never get back in short of another 9/11 or ISIS level event. Not his advisers, but advisers from our military are probably trying to steer him clear from all of the moving parts. God only knows what his appointees are telling him. I usually think it's a bad idea having Generals getting too much pull in dictating foreign policy, this is not one of them.
  19. For me, the only really terrifying jump was my first and last night jump.
  20. Congratulations! I took a very similar route.