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Everything posted by jclalor

  1. Thank you for not serving. Our military needs more independent thinkers and less blind followers.
  2. Do they get their PADI cards when they are done?[url]
  3. There’s stupid ideas floated in private and then there’s talk of engaging militarily with a foreign country in private. Both are not equal.
  4. it looks like their all going to become certified divers.
  5. If your typical Trump supporter were alive in Dresden in 1945, he’d be saying things like: “Sure we have the fire bombings, but look at the great job he did on the autobahns”.
  6. No response. Let's draw the line before the fact this time. Sure, he may actually come back with a strong move but on that off chance that he tries to downplay that NK is continuing with their program. What would you think about a US politician doing that? Trump never really wanted that Oslo piece of crap anyways.
  7. We were spending $9 billion a year on foreign abortions?
  8. 13/88 is a pretty strange fraction to use.. I can't think of any reason a person could arrive at those numbers without specifically wanting to use the number 88. What do you think? Stephen Miller has to do something for his paycheck.
  9. I sure am happy! Odds are Trump's going to get at least one more after this one. Elections do have consequences
  10. Wait until an establishment refuses service to Christians or Veterans... The revolution will be on.
  11. I really think you’re over analyzing the whole thing. The vast majority of Trump supporters love Donald Trump simply for his ability to piss off the left. The lack of our president and his supporters ability to live in a fact base world is exactly what is pissing off the left. To claim that the left is just as factless as the right is absurd.
  12. Yes, but no one is going to beat Trump by out Trumping him. Maxime Waters needs to own her mistake. And it was clearly a mistake. She wasn’t trying to out Trump him, no democrat would sink that low. “Pushing back” is not a call to violence and she doesn’t owe anyone an apology, I think most trump followers and Fox News just don’t like upitty colored folk.
  13. So The president and his minions are bitching about Maxine Water’s Tweet to “Pushback” against Trump’s cabinet members while in public. They claim it was a call to violence and wanted every Democrat to disavow her. https://youtu.be/WIs2L2nUL-0
  14. My former DZ did the groupon jump for $99 to 8,000 ft. The day of the jump they would then claim they had no aircraft that could make it to 8,000 ft, and you had to upgrade to 15,000 for another $99...When all was said and done, you’d be lucky to make it to 12k...crazy but true.
  15. Children of incarcerated parents are placed with available family and then into the foster care system as a last resort. To claim that separated kids at the border have it as “good” as children of the incarcerated is laughable.
  16. The one episode I really enjoyed was when he was in Beirut when the war of 2006 started and he ended up being evacuated by the US Marines. I was in Syria and took a day trip to Beirut a couple of months later.
  17. *** Mike Altman wrote the song at the age of 14***
  18. I never realized he was tall, 6”4.
  19. His shows were the best that were on TV, he really inspired me to see as much of the world as possible.
  20. You exit your car, and in plain site toss your keys as far as you can, and then slam down several huge slugs of an adult beverage of your choice. Are you off the hook? How could they prove when you were drunk? **Im not advocating this, just curious if this defense would fly.**
  21. After almost 15 years and they were hoping they were wrong. I don't think so. After knowing you ten years here, you have revealed yourself to be nothing but a bigoted old old man who has no honor. You believe “Bearing false witness” is fine as long as it suits your beliefs, typical Christian. Proverbs 14:5 “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.” You should pray on this one.
  22. Yeah, they know. Ron, you and your friends need to be more careful about believing those sources. That story is an outright lie. It is not even a little truthful. She is not even Muslim. And her name was not Jarrett in 1977. Her maiden name was Bowman. Really, you seriously need to inform yourself better. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/make-america-more-islamic-quote/ Ron has no desire to seek the truth, Snopes was built on folks like Ron. The simple truth of the matter is that Ron’s desire to believe is greater than his desire to know.
  23. The talk was probably about her lack of good judgment that made her true beliefs Known. I find it highly unlikely the crowd you run with would find her tweet lacking good taste.
  24. Inappropriate to offer a meal on Memorial Day, that’s more of a Veterans Day type of thing.