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Everything posted by BaronVonBoll

  1. interservice jokes and rivalry are the norm but it is almost always done with respect! Incidentally "how do you kill a hundred marines in 10 secounds without firing a shot? Throw wet sand on a concrete wal and yell... HIT THE BEACH!!!!!!!
  2. last two weekends i decided to leave the confort of my HOME DZ and see what some other DZs might be like I took a little road trip and went to three new (for me) DZs. In each case it was very similar. I went in to the manifest and signed in. Gave all my info and repack certification etc, paid my jump fees. everyone was friendly. I am a gregarious individual to start with, so I introduced myself to everyone a I met. Everyone was welcoming until they asked the question "What licence do you have?" As soon as I answered "A" people walked away. No body asked how many jumps what rig do you have nothing! they just didnt want anything to do with an "A" licence holder. Very strange. I ended up sitting in the hanger watching TV all by myself, and more to the point jumping by myself at each drop zone. Is this behavior common at most drop zones? Should I just stay at my home DZZ until I have a "C" licence and a coach rating?
  3. uhmmmm FREE TIME ? I used to know what that was Want to refresh my memory? does it have to dop with house choor do list from the wife... I cant remember
  4. If your over 40 does Advil and/or tylenol count as a food group? Morning breakfast consists of a cup of coffee or two and two Advil. Just before bed two tylenol and a drink of some kind(tea juice etc.)
  5. Its tape measures for me I swear tool goblins breed in my work place!!!!
  6. Not to mention the amount of "SHIT" you will have to deal with when the airborne Sgts find out your a licenced sky diver. Trust me they will pick you out every time. Dont tellem if you get into airborne school. after its over then you can tell not before!
  7. History inevitably repeats itself.. Rome Started out as a republic. as decadense and self interst progressed into government interposing its Ideas to satait a growing populace and catering to the desires of the body politic coruption grew. In order to maintain power politicians had to placate the masses and make life easier. Circuses parades and a show of Roman superiority gave the facade of prosperity. power for powers sake ran rampant eventually the easy life for the rich (who believed they had the right to live as they did as the natural way of things) gave way to resentment from the poor. and the empire failed. Point for point over time can be matched to the US in a condensed version due to industrialization. what took Rome centuries to fail is happening here in just two. ROme started as a republic US. Started ans a republic Rome had institutional slavery The U.S. had institutional slavery. Civil war over secesion happenes in rome Civil war of secesion happened here. Only roman land owners could be citizens and vote. In the U.S. for a long time only land owners could vote. not women not any race but white. people in rome became lazy and non productive buying more services than producing goods Same thing here in the US. Education became Reading writing mathmatics were neglected Us education system is failing to produce people who can effectivly read or do simple math here in the U.S. Rome had to concur and expand in order to maintain its lifestyle and keep brining in the items and "Necessities its citizens demanded. We are doing the same borrowing money from other countries and getting into wars to keep resourses available! The comparision is clear. What we will do about it who knows But it is clear we cannot rely upon the Gov. to provided a dolist ideaology and expect to escape the same fate of ancient Rome. Thats the way I see it. Who knows maybe we will one day elect and give power to our own ceasar on our way to further dependance!
  8. This makes me wonder how it will effect people like me who actually produce something. I mean you cant outsource a concrete pour (kind of hard to do from India). If my "Salary" gets capped I can just go offer my talents to whoever will pay for them. I chose what my pay is regardless of who says what it should be. in these instances will it trend farther toward a free market ( at least in producables outside of a corperation structure.) If somebody wants a home built or a patio in thier back yard they are going to have to pay whatever the individual with the skills requires or go without. (Unless the gov is planning on subsidizing the army corps of engineers into home building.
  9. I sent you a PM. I have been in this business for years I think I could help!!!
  10. There are a lot of people here from all over the country and I was wondering.... Here in Colorado it has been raining every day for weeks. I have not seen this kind of rain ever that I can remember. Is this happening all over or is it just here in the mountain states? BTW its putting a big crimp in the jumps we can make as well.
  11. My point wasnt wether it was landable or not. I know that if I have any doubt Im cutting it. My question stemmed from the USAPA sign up> They asked how many jumps many years . how many jumps in the last year ....AND how many malfunctions in the last year. so minor nusances or mal functions? even if they were clearable and landable.
  12. BaronVonBoll


    good lord .... My daughter just started working for dominos.. Pizza is now a four letter word in opur house!!!!!
  13. 31 one jumps and not cutaway yet. ok but... i've had line twist a break fire on opening, and closed end cells. these I think of as incidental maintenance not malls. how about you guys what is the limit or line between oh shit and oh got to fix that! edited to add that i have also had a broken line but it didn't hinder flight performance!
  14. not much opportunity to "internet" while on a construction site. wouldn't do it even if it was possible. I'd feel way to guilty!
  15. I used to be on a Mountain search and rescue team here in Colorado. fifteen years or so ago. I havnt recertified since the army though. Probably should since my father teacher CPR for the red cross!
  16. Yes it is . Its kind of like the fist bump thing before exiting the plane!!!!
  17. hmmmm,,,, at least they seem to have solved the repeat offender problem!!!!
  18. A point I would like to make. I was a 1st Lt. during desert storm. My platoon was detailed to a Prisoner of war collection point. I made it very clear to my entire command that "ANYONE" committing any kind of abuse would share the compound with the prisoner he or she abused. For the most part, the prisoners we processed through the collection point were civil people and decent enough. most didn’t even have angry or belligerent feelings towards us at all. Most were happy to have shelter and three meals a day even if they were MREs. (Meals Ready to Eat). None of my srgts. ever reported a single incident of abuse and only three incidents in nine months of someone actually hitting a prisoner in self defense! I admit there were cases in in some areas that would be considered abuse but not by my men nor is it even common just more reportable by the newsies!
  19. Quade Your statment is not entirely correct.. A true story tells this tale about the effect of having a gun in the house without putting a "hole" in somebody. My father is a police officer his main pistol is in his top drawer of his dresser. A 22 yr old broke into my dads house. "Stupid yes BNut there it is" Anyway my father met him in the hallway with his sig pointed at his head and he told the kid to have a seat on the couch in the livingroom. told him to pick up the phone and dial 911. he told him to tell the opperator that he was a thief and the home owner had caught him and was hoolding a gun on him. end if story... The police came took him into custody and not a shot was fired he was convicted of burglary and unlawfuull entry six years time in canyon city prizon. That wahat home guns are for....
  20. on jump 18 my daughter was on the plane doing her first self pull at the age of 17. when I video taped her leaving the plane I knew that this was something my kids and I were going to do together for many years. Jumping is fun...but.. jumping together with familly is incredible!!!!!
  21. uhmmmm yeah ok thats another case of Guiness!!!!
  22. On May 17 2008 I made my first sport jump! Today 2009 I got my A check dive completed! Whooo hoooo!!!!!!!!