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Everything posted by Remster

  1. Nothing better to do in Korea? Remster
  2. Any other strange changes in food preferences? Remster
  3. I second this. I haven't actually met anyone on here before so I need proof of just how ugly hot some of you are. well go boogie-hoppin' like I do & you'll meet tons of people on here. I'd make suggestions of places to go, but I don't know where you're from so don't know what's close to you. Or just facebook stalk Much cheaper option. yea but it can be hard if you don't know the person's name & they don't put anything in their profile & they make their facebook profile private. Don't these people know they're supposed to make it easy for me to stalk them??? Speaking of which: Remster
  4. You see vanity; I see confidence. I'm damn sexy and I know it. I like knowing that others agree with me too. Bla bla bla... Less talk, more pics. Remster
  5. Surely, I must have won by now. Remster
  6. mmmm.. Brains.... Sorry, someone had to! Remster
  7. It depends. Would they pay per unit, or per pound? Remster
  8. Contrary to what people in Texas like to think , their dirt isnt that different than anywhere else. Considering there is ALWAYS a good change of an off landing when you cant do you own spot and you have other people in a plane, you should plan for that. Your main landing area my be fine to landing in toed-shoes, but what about the corn field next to it? Or the rock garden on the other side? Or the rapeseed field? Or the bushes over there? Make your own call, but if you feel one place isnt appropriate for them, take that thinking to other places too. Remster
  9. That's actually very f'ing cool for commuting. Remster
  10. Besides the riggers here, how come so many people know how much a cutter is!!!!!!!! I've had a freaking AAD for close to 20 years (fuck I'm old), and I've never had to look that up... sigh... Remster
  11. Ohmigod. Shah, I'm in perfect agreement with you. I think she should be a skydiver. Then the Earth would melt below her from her hotness. To quote the only comment on that page: "Photoshopped? Check." Remster
  12. I had no idea either when we visited our 1st DZ when we moved there! I was going "what the hell are all these WWII re-enactment guys doing here"... Nope, it was a 1st jump course! lol I think they stopped this silliness since then... Remster
  13. Pussy, Douggs and the crew went there just to play and do some BASE, I worked there. When I didnt kill mice and ate them that is... Remster
  14. I lived for 2 years at Nanisivik (northern Baffin). I know how you feel, and I didnt even have to tent it... Remster
  15. You gotta feel sorry for old Ron... Remster
  16. I could see how this rule might have had validity back then when students were all pounding in under T-10's. But that no longer applies, as student landings these days are quite soft when done properly. So now we need someone to tell us if this BPA rule is an old leftover from bygone days, or something new the nannny-state folks have implemented more recently. You obviously havent seen 1st jumps SL operations in the UK. They were still using rounds mains with belly mounted reserves in 2001ish when we were there. Remster
  17. Check your emails. I just sent you the final design and payment details. Oh: and in case more of you want to join in, hurry, I'm about the place the order and I need a good estimate of numbers. Here is the design: Remster
  18. Who are you replying to? The guy in Arizona, or the guys in Florida? Remster
  19. mmm.. I dont remember there being any runners and sandmen when we lived over in the UK... Remster
  20. Well, creating the entire universe in 6 days suggests that you're wrong. Look up "omnipotent" in a dictionary. What took 6 days? That's omnipotent? What a slacker! Possibly the source wasn't peer reviewed. Cthulhu wasnt available? Remster