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Deyan last won the day on January 23

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  1. If the Speed 2000 in question is made from the PN1 a.k.a the normal fabric, it will fit. If it's made from the V3 a.k.a low packing volume fabric , it will be too soft.
  2. Two or so years ago I made a joke about the delivery times of UPT. I told a new jumper just after his AFF who wanted to buy his first rig, and he really wanted a Vector: " Go with V308 and PD126, you'll thank me later" He laughed.... Then he went with another brand. 60 + weeks later, he already had done around 400 jumps on his already "old rig" and was looking to downsize to 135 which is the tight fit for V308. We both laughed about the absurdity of their delivery times. If you finish AFF today, you can get a rig with PDR 113 and Valkyrie 75. By the time your rig is ready, you will be ready to jump that combo too
  3. I have so many questions.... Why is weight important to you? For BASE jumping I kinda understand since you will have to hike with it (sometimes for hours). For skydiving though...?! If you want to cut weight from you future rig, forget about stuff like spacer foam, hip/chest rings, Cordura and you'll probably save about 6-700 grams. If the weight is the only factor you are looking at, the undisputed world champion of light weight rigs is a Power Racer. I believe the smallest I ever saw was 275/275 and it was like 6.5 kg with canopies...
  4. I was referring to Vigil's PSB-8 Vigil R&D has confirmed that the electronics worked correctly and fired the cutter, but because of the absence of the knife blade, the closing loop could not be cut.
  5. IMO, it's a combination between the cap size, the side flaps being sewn too far in the corner, the pin cover stiffener too thick and tucked too far in. I've measured 70 mm being tucked in on one of the NexGen sizes. It's ridiculous! Being "freefly friendly" is important, but "reserve deployment friendly" is importanter. Pardon my French Interesting fact is that Aerodyne has 2 cap size RPCs (I believe 5 and 6 inches) and 2 types of cap shapes (flat one and concave), but unlike UPT they haven't published (to my knowledge) a guide which cap size goes into which container size.
  6. Even if they were "full fit", but inside the allowed sizes, that's not supposed to happen.I know the rigger who packed it and I'm willing to bet that the canopies are the correct size, the loop was the correct length and treated with silicon. Now, you can say that the picture doesn't represent "a real life scenario" because the person on the picture doesn't wear the legstraps. To which I would answer, I'll never jump a rig where the reserve deployment depends on how tight you have your legstraps.
  7. Yes. Because they were designed, tested and certified before Sept 2012. OM-7 is 4 years old canopy. If it was TSO tested it would have been C23f. The label says C23d which makes me believe it was a labeling error rather than the canopy actually being TSO certified.
  8. My money is on labeling error. If it was TSO'd, would have been C23f and not "d"
  9. The guy said he will make it. You don't need to remind him every two years....
  10. As much as I would like to agree with Jerry and BIGUN, the reality is sometimes manufacturer's rigger gets it wrong. For example, the manufacturer is located in a place where the humidity is very low. Low humidity could drastically increase the packing volume. You are jumping in very high humidity. Or, the manufacturer doesn't have hands on experience with certain model/size canopy and their advice is based on "we guess" rather than "we know for sure". And yes, this have happened to me on several occasions with different manufacturers. If I were you, I'd listen to your dealer. That's the person you've chosen to spend your money with and he/or she will be dealing with you if you end up not being happy at the end. With other words, your dealer is more interested in you being happy than the manufacturer. For that manufacturer, you are just a name on a .pdf file. Now I'm curious what rig/canopy combo you are interested in?!
  11. Here are some questions for you. What model was the rig? Does it have a free fly tuck tab on the handle? If yes, was it tucked in? Did you get a proper briefing when you rented it? The reason I'm asking is, most modern rigs will come with some kind of freefly secure handle. Sometimes that handle will require a slightly different angle to be pulled out, or just more force. If you were not aware of it, I can see why you thought you were having a hard pull. Packing the PC in the pocket could also make a difference in the pull force. If I have to make a guess based on your story, I'd say there's nothing wrong with the gear. I spend about 20-30 min briefing people how to check and use the gear they rent from me. I explicitly tell them about the free fly tab and how to avoid a hard pull.
  12. I have them, and can also make you a pair! However, I HIGHLY recommend you get rid of the reversed 3 ring risers. Here's why!
  13. TSO is useless for that exact reason. You could certify something, then change it as many times as you wish as long as you log it as a "minor change". Vector Micron from February 2022 is exact same rig like 2 pinned Wonderhog from 1977 ..... In the eyes of the FAA