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Everything posted by Remster

  1. Remster

    today's shoes

    Bullshit. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been one recorded instance of a zombie getting back up after being hit in the head with a 5 inch stiletto heel. Not one. Remster
  2. I said that I'm not taking suggestions! Remster
  3. Remster

    today's shoes

    What are you? A 15 year old punk wannabe? Remster
  4. For a guy who didnt give me my prizes, you sure aint quiet over there! Remster
  5. Um.... I actually think she turned you down. sorry She's playing hard to get, again, still. jeez you sound like 'ski with eneer Ski? That youngin? Remster
  6. Um.... I actually think she turned you down. sorry She's playing hard to get, again, still. Remster
  7. Maybe I'm on the fucking road travelling? And go away! Andrea and I are having cybersex. Remster
  8. It's so fucking hard to find good help these days... Remster
  9. Post the ad while you're at it... Remster
  10. Remster

    today's shoes

    Don't you remember? You made me give 'em back. I had to get them back to Remi. so you're saying Remi owes us a glamour pic of heels then How the hell did I get dragged into this! (Dragged... get it? I kill myself! ) lol! but I don't see any drag here yet. Dont hold your breath! Remster
  11. Remster

    today's shoes

    Don't you remember? You made me give 'em back. I had to get them back to Remi. so you're saying Remi owes us a glamour pic of heels then How the hell did I get dragged into this! (Dragged... get it? I kill myself! ) Remster
  12. How many of those are failures to take it properly? Some of them. But if you want to presume that it's 100% of them, you're wrong. If anybody was alluding to an absolute, it was Wendy. "not every" is the weakest absolute I can think of. The statement suggested that unplanned pregnancy caused by birth control failure is not due to carelessness...sounds like that could be considered as an absolute. Sure... If you start redefining terms, it can mean anything you want! Remster
  13. I thought Christian porn would look more like this; Since we're going to hell... Image number 5 on that page Remster
  14. So many favorites.. and dammit, it's been too long since I rocked out on some Zappa.. I need to put some on my shuffle... - Montana (ideally, the live Whipping Floss version from You Can't Do that on Stage Anymore) - The whole Don't Eat the Yellow Snow and Nannok saga (again, the You Cant do that on Stage version is awesome) - Dancing fool - Joe's garage and on and on and on... Remster
  15. A pick-up, by definition, cannot be "posh". Maybe trailer-trashtastic, but not posh. Remster
  16. So, what did I win? Congrats on the fund raising guys!
  17. Alright. I'm approving the final proofs for the jerseys and bibs. I think they look pretty awesome, if I may say so myself! Attached are the 3 designs: - Jerseys with short sleeves ()also shows the long sleeves option in there) - Sleeveless jerseys (a few girls asked for those; the actual jersey is a bit tucked in at the waist) - Bibs (2 of us are ordering them; if you want some, let me know) It's not too late to order one: I wont put in our order until this weekend. Let me know! Remster
  18. Except that in the swooping world, big is better. When you suck too much, you go from RW -> FF -> WS -> Swoop. Remster
  19. I know what you mean. I'm rather partial to these. Freak Remster
  20. Apparently, there isn't much food left for the other people to eat, either. I'm heading there now to help her eat less. I'll make sure there is one less Bent Burger available by end of business tonight. Remster
  21. Yeah, It's not like 100's of people fly to PHX/TUS all the time to go to the suburbs of Casa Grande all the time.. Remster
  22. Wait for it... Wait for it... Wait... Follow the smell. Remster
  23. Yeah, coz at 700 lbs she obviously isnt putting her health at risk yet... Remster
  24. Nothing better to do in Korea? Seriously there is something in the water here. It seems you either get preggers when you move here, or you get the fever Scary place. That's strange. My A-10 pilot buddy Darrell managed to spend a couple years there and didn't get anything in the oven... That we know of! lol Remster