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Everything posted by Remster

  1. I'm sure she is just dying to tell the world. I would tell, but I risk retaliation. Already whipped, huh? Remster
  2. Hey.. All of a sudden, the guy who only wants 1 wife looks like a catch! Remster
  3. You base that on what? Your gut feeling truthiness? A sample size of 600 is actually sufficient for their confidence levels and interval. Take some stats classes. Remster
  4. What do you base that on? After reading their methodology and sampling technique, I feel it's an adequate poll. The poll's methodology is a joke! It's not a scientific survey, period! Again. That's what you claim. Saying "it's a joke" doesnt say why you think it is. Care to explain why you think it's a joke? Remster
  5. What do you base that on? After reading their methodology and sampling technique, I feel it's an adequate poll. Remster
  6. Again, the OP is not in a backwards country where the age of majority and the drinking age are different. Remster
  7. Been joined since we moved bough a house after 6 months together. And why? Seemed like the most practical way to go. Remster
  8. what a daft law True, but unfortunately for our OP, it's something that will certainly make him think about the suitability of the relationship! Not in this case. It's legal in Alberta at 18. Remster
  9. Swoopers get laid?? Shit, I picked the wrong discipline Someone needs to have a chat with Jude.... Remster
  10. Sure why not. The Odd Couple I didnt know Vader swung that way. Remster
  11. lol fine here's a pic of one of the most recent dirty pirate hooker initiations believe me now? Why'd you waste that on this thread? There's a perfectly good thread in which to post perfectly good racks. I know. oh i'm sorry did my posting of boobs upset you? my apologies I'll never do it again. That's OK.. I saw a bunch of FB pics from Tiki before they were taken down... ;) Remster
  12. lol fine here's a pic of one of the most recent dirty pirate hooker initiations believe me now? Why'd you waste that on this thread? There's a perfectly good thread in which to post perfectly good racks. I know. Remster
  13. For you in AZ, that would be the Drug Runners Olympics... Coming from the guy in Texas, that's funny right there! Remster
  14. Remster

    Snip Snip

    Had it done when I had no kids, but I/we knew we didnt want any. Sounds like you're not sure at all that you'll wont want kids at all. Think about that for a while before making your decision. Beside, condons may not come in ALL sizes (and stop bragging ) but you still should still use them. Who knows where the girls who want to hang out with you have been before Remster
  15. This is starting to piss me off. Remi (and Remy) are male names in french. But it looks like more and more of you yanks are suing it for girls. Stop it dammit!!!!!!! Remster
  16. Fo shizzle. (that's all I got). Remster
  17. A very weak troll too. Remster
  18. No no. That's what you wished she said! Remster
  19. Well, at least, you knew the food would be bad... Remster
  20. That's shameful. Remster