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Everything posted by lost_n_confuzd

  1. Would I like for AQ to not continue having an authortive presence in Afghanistan? Sure
  2. Perhaps every DZ should have an Incident Response Kit consisting of a digitial video camera, recorder for notes, notpad, etc... a few essentials to, like NickD said, respond before any authorites arrive, or if a system is in place, arrive with the authorities.
  3. I like your idea. Have the local DZs spearhead the initiative with local authorities and have USPA produce/provide official documentation, a how-to guide, call it whatever. Sort of like the AAD letters to the TSA, only this will be done prior to any accidents so an established policy can already be in place. And of course there are some people who, in my opinion, should not be involved in any initial on-scene investigation; DZOs, anyone instructing or coaching the deceased, etc...
  4. Pastel colors are very dudely, but pink takes away from any dudeiness. Maybe light blue, yeah, that's dudelike Nice patch, dude! I mean, don't me wrong, I have no problem with pink....I do like boobies
  5. This was a big deal a few years ago. Just change your password and whoever or whatever is messing around and posting comments on your page or your friend's page will stop. Awhile back, maybe 2006, there was a fake myspace login page going around. Well, needless to say people logged into the fake site and then got redirected to log in again to the real myspace. So they thought nothing of it. But the fake myspace stored all your passwords and routinely logged in to post bogus comments and postings from your account. Looks like it's back.
  6. Ya know, crime is wrong, but you have to give props to anyone who can pull something like this off. Now let's wait and see if they get caught or not
  7. Whoa! That took some serious planning, sounds like it's straight out of Hollywood All the police helos were sabotaged!!!
  8. Don't rub it in! Ever since I moved from SoCal I've been craving a double meat animal style... ..mmmmmmm animal style....
  9. That's awesome, dude. Nice work Seriously, that would be great for a patch design! Maybe we should have DSA or something across the canopy?
  10. Orange's website makes it pretty clear if anyone has any questions about kids at the DZ. http://www.skydiveorange.com/kids.htm
  11. Screw policy, he looks like an idiot! There are some things meant for certain people, and cornrows are one of them. White people look like complete douchebags with cornrows!
  12. Masturbates 8 times a day... ...while watching that super fit jean infomercial. For pete's sake, download a few trailers! It's free!
  13. I'm not a big fan of Chef Boy R Dee or canned pastas. Now Cambells coup, that's where it's at Cambells soupis Mmmm Mmm good
  14. No, I'm saying that we have to be really selective in what we use it for. As another poster stated, everything was already being covered by pretty much every radio and TV nerwork. There was no nationwide emergency that required any action from everyone in the U.S. There was no need to have everyone stay in there homes or shelter up in the neighbors barn. If there's ever a fleet of enemy aircraft and ships heading towards our shores, then by all means use EBS (yeah I know that's extreme, but you get the point). First off, you're asking us why it was not used. But you never mentioned why it should have been used in the first place. So, why should the Emergency Broadcasting Sytem have been used on 9/11/2001? What instructions should have been given?
  15. The EBS is used all the time for weather related emergencies; however, we have to be VERY selective when it is used for non-weather related events. FEMA and the powers that be probably knew that if a a nationwide emergency was declared using EBS it would cause more damage than harm! What is said: EBS: The nation is under attack, tune in to your local news to see the attacks. Stay in your homes, don't leave, you children will remain at school until an "all clear" is given..... What really happens is people go crazy! Traffic is a mess with people picking up their kids from school, noone stops for traffic lights cause we're "under attack". People don't listen to authority (i.e. the police). Let's face it, stay in your home actually means go ape shit and stock up on supplies, get your kids from school , more ammo, where's my fucking gun?!!!! By the time what happened was assesed, after the oh shit factor died down a bit, it was clear that the EBS would not be needed.
  16. Good job! Did you all get to keep the custom canopies and jumsuits? Is it standard practice that any TIs / Demo jumpers keep any custom made canopies, jumpsuits, containers, etc... I'm sure it happens sometimes, but what's the norm? Always been curious about that.
  17. Wow, airtwardo! Flight Simulator 98! I haven't played that in awhile
  18. I'm looking forward to all the major SEC contendors paying each other. Minus the play-offs, I Hope that BAMA kicks ass like last year. Anyone planning on going to the Iron-Bowl this year?
  19. I use a PC at work. I have no problem with MACs, but none of the software I use at work will run on them
  20. If I understand you correctly...to put it in GPS terms? Exit - Jump elevation Deployment - Pull elevation Maybe, no?
  21. I feel your pain. It's common for me to buy 7/11 cheapos just for the day when I leave my sunglasses at home and don't have a pair in the truck.