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Everything posted by lost_n_confuzd

  1. If I understand you correctly...to put it in GPS terms? Exit - Jump elevation Deployment - Pull elevation Maybe, no?
  2. I feel your pain. It's common for me to buy 7/11 cheapos just for the day when I leave my sunglasses at home and don't have a pair in the truck.
  3. I have both tented goggles and sunglasses. Some folks like myself have VERY sensitive eyes. I have to wear shades unless it's an overcast. Friends and coworkers started calling me Blade awhile back cause I wore sunglasses until it was competely dark outside.
  4. If you have to ask why then you don't use FB very much. If very much is checking every 15 minutes to see if anyone left any comments on my page or commented on my comment, then I guess you're right. I check Facebook maybe once a day.
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/18/nyregion/18anastos.html?_r=1 Mr. Anastos has a history of using that term. Here's proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy8PfWwgY34&feature=channel_page
  6. I heard that on the radio this morning!!! Almost my spit out my coffee it was so damn funny! He's an anchor man in New York. I think it's funny when it shows the lady anchor in the tight gym clothes and he makes his "Hey, lookin' good there, heyyyy" comment. This dude's a man's man http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/17/keep-fucking-that-chicken_n_289546.html
  7. Just go to supply You don't have the "hook-up"?
  8. Class-A, bro. In my eight MC Balls I've always wore medals, unless I was deployed, lol. At a regualar MC ball bring a date, you're not going to find one there. Too much competition. At an MSG Detachment ball, go stag! 6 Marines and 300 civilians, half of which are Eastern European dimes; what more needs to be said.
  9. KISS - Keep it simple, stupid. Weight = Penetrating Force: the more force, the faster you will fall. Surface area "counters" the weight, or penetrating force. A bowling ball will fall faster than a baseball. The weight of the bowling ball is greater than it's surface when compared to a baseball that, in lamens terms, could be considered weight/surface area proportional as opposed to the bowling ball that is heavy as hell.
  10. In no particular order... 1. Driving slow in the fast lane. 2. Tailgating in the slow lane. 3. Foreigners that don't speak conversational english working the drive-thru window. 4. Crying babies in the cinema! Shut your kid up or leave. 5. Concession stand prices at the cinema. 6. Slow cars in the HOV lane. 7. Fox news 8. Auburn during the Iron-Bowl. 9. The idiot who tells me I can't bring snacks or drinks in to the cinema (see #5). 10. Spam calling.
  11. Would you go after someone who snatched your wallet and ran? Mankind needs more men like this. We need people who are willing take care of the scum of society that the legal system fails to process. We don't need a bunch of vigilantes roaming the streets with pitchforks, but a few people taking care of business as it happens would be nice.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/09/15/samurai.sword.killing/index.html I think we need more swords
  13. Why would anyone want to pay what they would charge when you can get better FreeFly coaching for much cheaper at many DZs.
  14. I can think of a few Tandem Mills around Las Vegas that need a mole to ride passenger on a few jumps. I used my own rig at a Vegas DZ during a bachelor party. I remember pulling at 5k and seeing the tandems pull at about 3.5k at the most, maybe 3k. The DZO said it's a trade secret when I ask before the jump what they pull at.
  15. Agreed, it is tough to comment and come to any definate conclusion, but with your "foolish at best" comment I thought you already made up your mind. A guess the same could be applied to the police officer. If someone, no matter how much provoking went on, would shoot someone over drinking water, then yeah, I think it's safe to say that the cop falls in to the category I outlined in my previous post, the my way or the highway approach to religion. While statements along the lines of "fuck this shithole" and "fuck this war" are very common, I don't think "fuck these foreigners" is said as much as you imply.
  16. From your source: Also, you're idea of "city" kids is limited to the U.S. This took place in Kent, not exactly the boonies, but definately not the "city" that you are thinking of.
  17. Jim, why is it foolish to be believe the soldier did nothing to provoke this? Yeah, there have been U.S. Soldiers do things towards our police/military counterparts that are not exactly PC and are not good examples of friendly diplomacy. But such instances are too far to make any statements like the one quoted above. I've heard of worse; sueing women cause they "made you rape them", selling off daughters, raping your 12 y-o wife, imprisoning women for "tempting" men to rape them, etc.... Do a google search and I'm sure you'll find more than you care to read. These are by all means not isolated incidents like they would be in the west, these are everyday occurances. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/04/04/afghanistan.womens.rights/index.html I suppose men in Afhganistan are provoked to rape their wives when they won't "give it up". And before you say it, yes I already know that the west has our share of wierdos, but they are few and far compared to countries that practice Sharia Law where this sort of behavior is often excusable and forgiven. So by your logic, we should assume that every Mulsim man is a pedophile rapist. I mean, you are generalizing an entire group based off the actions of a few, no? I'm not saying that the shooter will not get in to any trouble, he probably will, especially since it involved a U.S. Troop. Which is more likely? The Soldier provoked the cop in a matter other than drinking water? Or the cop felt offended by the solider drinking water? Either way, Does it really matter? If the soldier done a damn rain dance, head dress and all, it still would not have made a difference. The only thing he would have been guilty of is having low-class, and hopefully his superiors would have seen and done something about it. I'm not posting all this to bring any bad light to muslims, just to say that there is a huge issue with many of their mentalities and the way many of them view non-muslims and people who do not adhere their beliefs. And before someone tells me, yes, I know, Christians have their own whackos aswell, just not as many of them. I can see it going either way, you could very well be on point for all I care.
  18. No, Wilson yelling "You Lie" was not at all racist. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, NAACP, or the NNPA in this case, do more harm than good and are often (95% percent of the time) the ones who initially pull the "racist" card where it's not needed. With finger pointing like that.....nevermind, there's just too much to say
  19. I'm glad I moved away from that place. I know we have our problems, but damn, grow some balls England
  20. I realised that the minute or so you spend in freefall seems much longer when you're not focusing on a set dive flow, hand signals and being tested by an instructor. You will notice things that were not there before, like the runway, lol. I recall my AFFI telling me to work on my tracking by tracking back and forwth perpindicular to the runway; at first I was worried about finding the runway, but that all went away as soon as I left the door and started looking around.