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Everything posted by lost_n_confuzd

  1. I thought Marines honored duty and oath above self. Are you serious? What does an oath and duty have to do with a Marine's invidual opinion or preference? As long as it's not in an official capacity, Military members are allowed to support whoever they want, attend political rallies, etc... Is that against the "oath"? Anyways, duty and oath is not honored above all else. The Constitution is. If it came down to me violating anyone rights, I would gladly say fuck the oath. Blindly following orders is the most dangerous thing in any military unit. When it comes to violating constitutional and human rights in any military action, the "but I was told to" doesn't work. We all know right from wrong. The Nuremberg defense is so 1940's...
  2. I don't like either one. They're both idiots, imo. Obamacles, Bushisms, doesn't matter; it's been the same since 1776. The president goes anywhere near troops and there's gonna be a show for the press. If noone wants to show up then someone will be told to fill in the seats.
  3. Obama had nothing to do with them being there. Your command or some other decision maker voluntold them to be there.
  4. Perhaps he's "higher" amongst you and your fellow Marines. I recently EAS'ed after 8 years (with your rank, you've probably been in a bit longer) in the Marines and from what I've gathered, he's not so liked as you he was six years ago. In fact, I would go as far as saying that he's disliked by most Marines. But it all depends on who you ask... Either way, the original post by the OP is bullshit and has nothing to do with the popularity of each president.
  5. Key word - WAS. He's not so popular now. If anyone wants to argue that check out the approval polls; straight from the American people. Good point, Marines wear green cammies in the winter, except in Iraq where it's tan all year. So back to my previous posts... Bush was in Iraq, he wanted a loud and relaxed entrance. Obama was in the states where that type of entrance is alomost standard. Has nothing to do with popularity.
  6. Based on the information provided by the OP, I would have to say that this guy is definately ripping you off. He sold you a complte rig and advertised it as such. He failed to deliver on a complete rig, this is not a case of poor communication or a misunderstanding; it's thievery and just plain f'ed up. The guy who sold you the rig deserves nothing shy of a curb stomp. Perhaps a mod or site administrator can do a trace on the guys IP. Don't give in bro, you deserve either a canopy or cash back. But the seller still gets curb stomped.
  7. I still can't get over how the makers of that video could not realise that each president was in a completely different enviorment; one in Iraq and the other in the sates. Or maybe they knew and made the video anyways with the intentions of misleading uninformed viewers into thinking that Bush is liked more because he "got more props".
  8. Wow, I cannot believe the way that video (and thread author?) manipulates the entire situation. 1) Bush's entrance was in Iraq - a more laid back hoot-n-hollar atmosphere. Notice the desert cammies and *cough* spartanistic setting. 2) Obama's was in the states - professional and by the book, as it should be unless dictated otherwise. Notice the "stateside" green cammies. Two totally different enviorments requiring two totally different entrances. Has nothing to do with either president's popularity. And for the record, despite Bush's popularity in 2003 when the war first kicked off, he has lost mucho cool points by the service members since that time.
  9. What if the door-man is the one who farted? Does the door get cracked? If so, who cracks it?
  10. Ok, Newton. 32ft/s^2 is before reaching terminal velocity. You must be thinking of a vacuum, no? Weight = Penetrating Force: the more force, the faster you will fall, especially with equal surface area.
  11. lippy, while I don't have much experience in the skydiving industry, I do have a bit of experience with immigratons and the visa process. Although not the U.S., my wife is a Visa Officer for New Zealand and alot of the requirements are similar. If you want to work under the table, you simply need a multiple entry VISA, often valid for 6-12 month stays. The best way to get one is to prove that you are financially stable and have VERY strong ties to your country (i.e. family, bank accounts, job, investmants, etc...). It's harder for some nationalities, but being from Mexico you should be OK. Chinese, Nigerians and other nationalities that have a bad rep of not using that return ticket can pretty much hang it up. Foreign travel is a huge plus. It helps to show that you have traveled to other "western" countries without violating your stay. No photochop either; I remember a picture of a man who photoshoped a picture of his face over a monk standing beside the Dhali Lama and tried to pull the "traveling on official business" card. This will take awhile, but If I were you, I would get an endorsement from a reputable DZ and try to get a work VISA. Just in case something happens you will not be barred from the U.S. indefinately.
  12. Just use a couple rubber bands and double up on your loops and you should be good to go. Trust me, you won't lose it...
  13. Look at it like this: there's many different types of clubs someone could join; People that like Anime, WOWsers, Lark or whatever that nonsense is called, HALO gatherings, dance teams, rifle matches, movie clubs, etc... the list goes on. Why wouldn't there be a club for people that enjoy skydiving? Why wouldn't this club meet up on a regular basis to, I don't know, skydive? Skydiving can be a competetive sport; so why not have competitions between different schools or clubs? http://www.collegeskydiving.com/
  14. My first solo did it for me; it seems like any anxiety or worries I may have had went away as soon as I left the door. It was great Stick with it; I was a spinner. After a few solid debriefs and 30 minutes of toe-tapping and torsoe twist on the ground, I was all set.
  15. True, however on the author's comment section to the right of the video he says:
  16. Every AFF student through instructor is going to be stuffing paper planes in their jumpsuits after reading this. You've opened Pandora's Box.....
  17. I've always been curious about this. Does the "iron clad" waiver cover all three; DZ, TI, and gear manufacturer?
  18. This is dude 7.5 checking in for nothing.... Btw, if you ever have the chance to go to a Lebowski Fest....GO! It's the dudiest party ever.
  19. What about Marines? I'm within 120 days of my seperation and am very interested in this policy. I also reside in Virgina..... I'm looking into this, thanks for sharing!
  20. A year ago I started AFF and passed 1 and 2 but had to repeat 3. Went away for 7 months and started where I left off when I got back without anymore repeats. I had the same problem as you, unstable with a slight spin. I noticed that on level 4 -7 I was much more relaxed and really did not have any troubles at all. I actually felt in control rather than just being along for the ride.