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Everything posted by Kinaa

  1. Kinaa


    I had couple of unsuccessful tries to tip one over, guess she wasn't drunk enough. Or the dumb animal was just picky. I.
  2. Kinaa


    I'm afraid of cows (yes cows ), don't know why, but I'm so scared if they are near me. I tried to overcome the fear and face them, but got so scared, and run away like mad.
  3. I was professional soldier for 3 years during the war in Croatia. Served in elite infantry guard brigade. It was hard, sometime scary, but fun and beautifull time in a way. I.
  4. If you want one from Croatia, PM me the address.
  5. AN-2 C-207, 206, 210, 185, 172 L-410 Porter DC-3 MI-8 (russian heli) Blue Sky I.
  6. Taken from Adrian Nicholas article on about P. deGayardon. "He made the longest base delay ever. 32 seconds, using his wings. That was the first of the many times he used a Stiletto for BASE jumps, as he'd lent his base rig to someone else so that they could jump too." Blue Sky I.
  7. Or we could use all nuclear shit on earth, to set Jupiter on fire. It could be a nice star without interrupt balance in our solar system. Oh, I forgot to say god morning and day to everyone, it is morning for me, I worked night shift last night, and I just woke up. Nice thread, cool people in it but long for reading. Blues.. I.
  8. I recently bought a Wings h/c with freestyle handle, and I' was very satisfied with that decision. It is secure, always at same place...But after reading what happened to Lukas Knuttson I don't think that was such a god idea. It's a much easier for bridle to be caught on a f/s handle (if your p/c ends in a burble) than on hacky (f/s handle has 4 corners). Blues... I.
  9. The Moyen teaser is one of my favorite movie from Blues I.
  10. There is a Chech manufacturer MarS that still offers a drouge option for student rigs. My club has that student rigs but do not use the drouge option. Just standard SL.
  11. Cobalt 135 at 1.29 Blues I.
  12. She was so hot there But you should see Milla Jovovic in Resident Evil! So seeeexyyyy!!! I.
  13. I did that a year ago, and find out that there is actually a web page of another Igor Pesun. He is a professor in University of Minnesota. He happened to be my far relative, as my grandmother told me. I contacted him by e-mail and he was surprised and happy. His father came from my country in USA in early 70s and we together managed to build our family tree. It turned out that there is more Pesun's in USA and Canada than here in Croatia.
  14. LOL! Thanks for that! It would be funny to see that like animated film.
  15. Nice springo! Blue Sky I.
  16. O Shhhhhiiiittt!!!! Blue, green, blue, green wham and big red round above me! Woooooohaa!! Shit, where is the DZ?? Wind direction? Oh I'm not going that fast, I will stand up my landing! Wham, bam - sprained my ankle. Blue Sky I.
  17. I had line twists yesterday on my Cobalt [email protected]. Nothing hard, 4 twists, flew straight, easy to kick off... So here is the q. My canopy tends to open really slow, slower than other Atair canopys (Impulses) on my DZ, and the upper winds was pretty strong on that jump (I didn't have forward speed when I was facing the wind). So I'm wondering could this wind induce line twists? I'm pretty sure that I had good body position upon deployment, and packing was neat (packed at home I' always leave canopy unpacked after last jump). Thanks
  18. We where driving to the DZ today and when I heard this song on a radio I told to my friend "this is a skydiving song" There is something in this song.
  19. What about Quick reserve? They have a small packing volume, and it easiest for you to get it. My Quick 135sqft fits tight in container that is built to fit PD 106R, Raven-M 109 or Tempo 105. (It is a Wings w-3 container.) Blue ones.. Igor
  20. I have that video, and it looks almost unreal. Blues... Igor