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Everything posted by Kinaa

  1. Kinaa

    Memory test

    I just took this Memory test to find out how is my memory. It took me awhile to find the differences... Blues Igor
  2. Someone like Stein Olsen maybe. The video of him tracking Karlskratind is just unbelievable. Igor
  3. Kinaa

    Find the apricot!

    Just found this on net!
  4. And this one - Operation Dumbo Drop
  5. There is a movie of him from german tv on ftp. It says that the height of a jump from finger was 29 meters It was SL jump, and he used a crossbow to klimb on
  6. . I have arms and legs and face too, but this is my only picture in comp after formating I'm the left guy
  7. It is around 1Mb large, and it shows only a few seconds of him in a tunnel. I'm not shure if I can post that large file (300k is the max). But if you like I could send it to you by e-mail? Blue Sky Igor
  8. I have a video of Patrick de Gayardon flying his wingsuit in a horizontal wind tunnel. Looks really cool.
  9. I have a 9 jumps on Cobalt [email protected] and only bad thing that I had was end cell closure and slider half way down. And that was on the jumps when i did some flat flying - the speed wasn't high. On a bit higher deployment speed everything was ok. Last canopy that I had ( parafoil )was a neck breaker so I'm still getting used on nice openings (might be even to slow for my taste) I don't do anything special with packing, just push the nose inside (not to far) and roll the tail for about 4-5 times. Blue Ones Igor PS: If someone have the idea how to fast up the openings it would be god to know
  10. Kinaa

    Bad boy

    It was isolated, thick hard cable, and we did check the point were canopie lines hit the cable. But to be honest, im not defenatly shure that the cable was telephone
  11. Kinaa

    Bad boy

    Forgott the picture
  12. Kinaa

    Bad boy

    Am I a bad boy becouse i took this picture?? She hit the telephone lines, and I just could'nt miss the oportunity for great picture ( me and about 5 other skydivers) You should hear her laughs
  13. Thanx Bill, ill try to change the order. Eaven if the 24" p/c is made correctly and is recomended by manufacturer ill play on safe
  14. Man, i wish i read all this stuf before i ordered my rig... I ordered 24" p/c because the main matufacturer recomend that size, but now i would defenetly go for 28" and some large rings istead of minirings Blue ones Igor
  15. What are the sizes of their p/chutes? I cant send them the mail via their web page (allways some error report) The main will be Atair Impulse 135 ( they reccomend 22" - 24" for that main) If they dont have that small zp p/c, should i then take F111( if the F111 and zp are the same sizes ) Thanx
  16. Could someone tell me more about this container? Thnx
  17. The only thing that i heard about Black Sea boogie is from the same website If i find out some more (and i will) i'll send you a PM I'll be at that DZ next week and will ask about. BS
  18. I jump Parafoil 252 at 0.74 Beat that
  19. My friend donned 108 jumps while pregnant, and kid is now 6 years old and healthy
  20. 129,334...i feel agessive now!!! BS
  21. The Cemical Brothers - Come with the CD The Smashing Pumpkins - The end is the begining is the end - on TV... BS
  22. Kinaa


    Im 26, started at 24. BS