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Everything posted by likestojump

  1. I ahve had a number of conversations with Sunrise (Wings is the model, Sunrise is the actual company BTW), and with Rick. I ahve also exchanged plenty of emails. No issues. You are making derogatory statements based on he/she said, as opposed to your first hand experience. If your roommate is so unhappy, let them put a public bitching post.
  2. How about : "Can dumb people be well educated ? " I vote YES. Being educated is not a pre-req to being smart. It may help one be more knowledgeable, but I believe being smart is mostly in one's genes. I know a dude who has a BS in Chemistry and an MS in BioInformatics. he is one dumb motherfucker who keeps job hopping.
  3. Amore important question is which precision instrument are you using to determine your number(s) and what is you criteria for the starting and ending points ? I am betting that statistically speaking the validity (consistency) of the data in this thread is pretty much useless.
  4. Doesn't sound like a misfire. note the STUDENT mode aad. Cypres2 Student specs, straight from the horses mouth : It activates the release unit when it detects a rate of descent higher than 29 mph (13 meters per second).
  5. I hear that 70's were awesome. Reliving them one PC jump at a time. the infamous PizzaPuke. Still gets jumped a few times a year.
  6. on that note : Pillow reserve handles. Majority of the people buying them do it for the cool factor.
  7. Cramming the largest possible canopies into the smallest possible rig. And then complaining about how hard it is to pack it, and hiring a packer.
  8. I just demo'd a 168 Pilot last weekend. I loved the powerful flare. I think it just nudged the Saber2 out of the way as my favorite canopy. I think the ZPX coating is worth the extra cost too. ZPX is not a coating, but a weave. Be careful being vocal fanboy with a very small sample size of canopies flown, with a very small amount of jumps on those canopies. And btw, for fucks sake : SABRE2, the E is on the end.
  9. Ulla Berger/L&B USA Skydive AT cfl.rr DOT com
  10. I use a T7 Talon2 with adjustable MLW (so theoretically a student version) and a TV13 Vector2 Tandem rig for large to extra large canopies. an old student Vector(2) would be a good choice as well. Added benefit of ADJ MLW is that it will fit almost everyone.
  11. For the most part I see smokers acting like inconsiderate fucks. I bet that on a logistical level, myself farting in their face is no different then them smoking near me, yet I bet they will bitch up a storm about me being a dickhead for doing it.
  12. The rig will be somewhat acceptable for today's belly flying once you replace the main, the reserve and dump about $500 into the container. In other words, unless you like headaches, this is absolutely not the gear you want as a new jumper.
  13. one more time : self measure = all bets are off. Have someone else who can follow directions well measure you. Or pay hundreds of dollars to re harness. Your choice.
  14. L&B rocks. For the last 10+ years I have used them a number of times and they have always exceeded my expectations.
  15. They are 100% reusable, provided the rigger who packs the reserve find them in airworthy shape. Also, traditionally they should stay with the reserve canopy, NOT with the container.
  16. how about : spot the tandem as they leave and fall away instead of blindly dashing out the door after 10 seconds ? It's kinda like spotting ...
  17. a reserve ride (or two, or three, or four) is not a big deal. you trust your main for 1000+ terminal deployments, surely a few mostly subterminal ones on a reserve should be not a big deal ?
  18. I feel that Ravens are getting quite a bad rep. There are : Raven (181/218/249/282) MicroRaven -M (109-120-135-150) MicroRaven -MZ (109-120-135-150) SuperRaven (181/218/249/282) SuperRaven -M series (181/218/249/282) Can one definitively say that all of them suck ? I can't, and I have flown a few of them, loaded anywhere up to 1.2
  19. chop the elastic and tack the very edge of the keeper to the edge of the yoke ? (works on wings too) now, let's go debating how legal that is ... :)
  20. What's this then ? (hint : only bailout qualified for use on a P-3) It is called the Thin Pack or Dura Pack. It comes in 3 versions, the basic aircrew like the picture, a version for the P-3 and a third for the E2-C. They also tried a civilian version. Sparky the version that I have is a P22P Durachute from BAE here's more info for whatever reason the website that BAE had for the product no longer exists, but this thing has a 5year repack cycle due to being vacuum sealed. more info
  21. lost in translation :) All I meant to convey is that there are alternatives to C9s out there that some of the armed forces use. Otherwise, of course, you are 100% correct, and I wasn't arguing.
  22. What's this then ? (hint : only bailout qualified for use on a P-3)
  23. the BuffaloNAS is running a Linux w/ XFS, however unless I telnet in with root credentials, as an end user I only get to use their GUI. I was implying that I do not want a fully blown PC with an OS running with another NAS client on top of it, that's all... my biggest reason for wanting to upgrade is to to automatic cloud backups, but having researched a few it seems like they may be a bit costly....