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Everything posted by sfzombie

  1. one thing: of the violence i have witnessed, heard of from friends, and read about in the newspaper do not come with links. i live in reality, not on a computer. i don't need facebook to see most of my friends, i go visit. and violence is not ok with me, gun or otherwise. i try to shield my young son from it, but that doesn't mean he can't shoot or otherwise defend himself or others if needbe (he passed his test for his orange belt in taekwondo saturday). and i honestly witnessed the maul injury last year, and it was funny, not fatal, but not very smart. i do apologize that there is no link to accompany this memory. and i also did not say mauls cause more damage than guns, but it is non gun violence which is greater than gun violence. http://kitswv.com
  2. you should see the one bunker i helped construct. it has an entrance that is a tree stump, and the computer room looks like the old radio room. the only thing missing is the flourecent lighting, but the lamsp are stored there for emergency. http://kitswv.com
  3. i would have to agree with you on this one. but i voted boobies cause there was no vote for hole him for the cops. not the thing i would have done, but the best choice by far, should have been in both categories. i had a friend who did it with a baseball bat once, but he hit him several times first. the cops wanted to take him for assault, but there was another witness. i'd have shot him. http://kitswv.com
  4. man, where have you been getting your information? of course splitting mauls and knives are more common than chemical weapons. and yes, they exist and cause more harm than guns, at least in wv where i live. car crashes are the biggest, and i believe, in the us as well. and they let 16 year old kids do that. i would be on the side of the people as well. you see, i am a veteran, and i took an oath. an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. i'm not in any more, but that doesn't release me from my word. so yes, let someone come and try to take mine. a mosin-nagant 91/30 is a nice shot out to at least 1000 metres, maybe 500 without a scope, and i have a bayonet for each of them. and i read the links, it says that one guy is training snipers, most of the protests they talk about don't go that far. but if they do, talk about fighting in vietnam getting bad. i've got some pretty good military training and i've also watched hogan's heroes. i don't consider that being nuts, and it's a pretty cool thing to hand down to later generations. and if they do need it, that's not the time to say, "damn, i wish i'd listened to that crazy fucker." http://kitswv.com
  5. man, i was just talking the other day about how i wish i'd kept at it! i bought a ti-99/4a when i was 14 and my cousin had a ti-99/4 and we traded programs quite a bit. i still have mine but the 1 key doesn't work. i knew basic like the back of my hand, it would have been so easy back then. now i'm leaning c++. i know python and visual basic pretty well, so it's not too hard. i really miss the ease of basic, tried to find it a couple of months ago but that type of basic doesn't exist anymore. oh, well i had a lot of fun and three kids and a grand-daughter that i wouldn't trade the world for, so i guess it ain't that bad. http://kitswv.com
  6. first of all, most of the cost rise associated with medical bills has to do with malpractice insurance, the higher cost of education, and advertising. it's just like a lawyer to think that it's ok for someone to pay a 400% markup on something just because the government is given a discount. as to the cost going down in ma, i would assume (having not looked at any figures here) that it was because people could actually get treated now, so the relative decrease in the cost was offset by increasing treatment. http://kitswv.com
  7. i was referring to what you'd like to see, i wasn't aware that it was the verbiage of the state policy. http://kitswv.com
  8. why would you go to such great lengths devising a strategy, a very well thought out and workable strategy, and tehn debunk it in the next line. had you spent some time and effort in another direction, you may well have provided a workable strategy that will work. the real reason that gun violence is so prevalent is that consequences are never shown in media depictions of violence. now i am the last guy on earth to suggest more govt intervention in our lives, but without showing the aftermath, it merely glorifies the actions. take for example 200 years ago. everyone could get a gun anywhere. and why didn't kids shoot each other in the schoolyard? they had seen death and public executions up close and knew the consequences. just a thought, not necessarily the way it truly is. think outside the box and see what you can come up with in a week. i love the thought process. http://kitswv.com
  9. a very good argument to make in legalization of drugs. take the profit out of it, let anyone who is legitimate participate, and you take out the gangs. or force them to go legitimate in order to participate. either way, it's a win-win situation for all. less tax dollars spent on prosecuting and housing criminals, more tax dollars coming into the pot. sounds like a good way to take the deficit down a notch or two. http://kitswv.com
  10. i knew it! i've been wondering for a while how anyone can have such views, but this confirms my suspicion. you actually think we're all still in high school. well, this is real life. it's not a debate team. it's like the old axiom, "just because you don't believe, doesn't mean 'insert item here' doesn't exist." http://kitswv.com
  11. had i not have read your posts for years i would think that you cannot mean this shit you're spouting. the only thing that stops most people from doing shit like this is fear. either of death, being hurt, going to prison, what would happen to their families, etc. or their conscience. this guy is the epitomy of sane. as to someone who would question the shit in his manifesto, of course a place where that much shit can happen, to one man, would go covering their tracks asap. and did you read the whole thing? scary. glad i'm not on his shitlist http://kitswv.com
  12. thanx for the clarification. that's why i'm not a lawyer, but again, i didn't want to be. http://kitswv.com
  13. i didn't watch the video, was it no prior convictions or arrests? there is a big difference. had i been the judge and seen her in my court multiple times and she walked every time, i think i may have been a little pissed, but maybe not. http://kitswv.com
  14. before anything is done, the problem has to be identified. i do not think there is a problem with guns here, it is a problem with the glorification of violence in society. and the falsification of violence; nothing is ever shown of the consequences, and even the violence depicted is seldom accurate: in any fight scene you have ever seen, how many cuts and bruises are shown? or how often is a guy hit with a heavy blunt object knocked out? until this is addressed, simply making it harder for law abiding citizens to obtain a gun legally will do nothing to stem the tide of violence and/or death. and there is a huge difference in choosing to use any safety device(aad, seat belt, etc.) and having the government mandate the use. anyone for government intervention in skydiving and outlawing swooping?? anyone?? http://kitswv.com
  15. the fbi had the due process yesterday, he was the guy in the bunker that took the kid. end of story. no need for a court to say he wasn't in his right mind, he killed a bus driver and took a kid. had there been another guy there, maybe, just maybe, there would have been a need for a trial, but in this case, it was the right thing to do. same thing should be done for drunk drivers who kill someone. when the cops pull him out of the car, determine he was driving, and determine he was drunk, they should take him to the road and execute him. after about 6 months of this, the problem would fix itself. the media and hollywood is to blame for the violence that permeates society today. they never show the consequences, only actions. like a fight scene where they are kicked and hit with anything for minutes and never show a mark. kids are raised with no notion of consequences, and people wonder why it's ok in some kids head to shoot someone. http://kitswv.com
  16. wow. you would do just as well classifying it in the same category as ufc or mma fighting. but some people actually count beating the shit out of someone a sport. go figure... http://kitswv.com
  17. wow, lawyers. and it's been over 20 years since i was a "kid". http://kitswv.com
  18. i cannot fathom that you actually believe that any elected official at that level represents the wishes of anyone, except their own reelection. having studied sociology, just a little, i can see how the elites want to keep things just like they are. when everyone is bickering, it's a lot easier to keep your power. and it is all about power, not about any kind of need for action. if you don't believe me, take for example the govt. refusing to re-draw the poverty line to more closely mirror reality. it just won't happen, because no politician wants the numbers of poor to dramatically increase on their watch. reference to check: essentials of sociology, james henslin http://kitswv.com
  19. thanx a lot man. that's what i get for being under the influence...i didn't even click the links when i read that it had to be compiled in linux. anyway, i looked them over and it looks like a fun project. if i get it working i'll let you know and you can have it if you want. i may try to make those improvements you spoke of as well. happy holidays! http://kitswv.com
  20. i have a couple of questions for you if i may. first, do you have any copies of the source code available to look at on a windows system? i really hate to bug ya, but i don't currently have a linux box up(laptop that was running suse took a dump). also, i don't program in c or any c variants, but i just learned how to use visual basic and was looking for a project to work on to brush up my basic skills. i could probably figure out how to translate it, at least i can read it well enough to follow the ideas. i hate just copying and pasting and calling it programming. well, looks like it was just one question and a lot of filler...well, it is saturday night. thanx. http://kitswv.com
  21. that would only make sense if the op is right and the info has only recently been taken off the website. they would not have had time to change the whole catalog of available courses, and the courses would have started already in any case. i do suspect the links at the bottom of the article that link to cornell's policy on guns may have the answer to a lot more questions, but care not enough to check i don't. http://kitswv.com
  22. nope, got the relevance in about 2 sec. took about 3 more to place the song...discarded said relevance in the 40-50 sec mulling it over, i don't just disregard opinions of others, i first try to rationalize and look at the other perspective. i've even been known to change my mind, i used to be wholly pro-choice, until i had a 4 hour conversation with a devout christian during a long drive. you see, i believe it is time for a change and while not a member of the lunatic fringe, am completely preparing for a total withdraw from society if necessary. so, while considering the...damn, lost my train of thought. have a safe weekend, everyone. i'm just getting over the flu, this is the first day in a week that i haven't been swallowing razor blades. http://kitswv.com
  23. the boxer, love that song irrelevant, but great song http://kitswv.com
  24. logic...funny. i've seen none whatsoever from (i think) any of your posts yet. as was stated before, if you have any REAL suggestions that would (possibly) help the situation, i'd like to hear them as well. with a 10 round mag instead of a 17, and a pistol, i'd say that it would take me the same exact time to put 20 rounds anywhere. 10 + 10 = 20, 2 sec for a mag change. 17 + 3 = 20, same 2 sec for the mag change. and banning assault weapons? if i chose to go on a rampage on anyone, i'd take my 2 mosins, 5 rounds at a time, bolt action, and i could split hairs at around 150 yards. accurate up to about 500 or so. and i can still get 3 rounds on paper at 200 yards in 10 sec. and to this day, the best sniper in the world used this rifle to kill over 500 soldiers in 20 days, without a scope. so, rethink your ideas on what should be done, come up with a reasonable alternative to simply banning all guns, and try to bring some actual useful input to the discussions. oh, wait, i forgot. they say you're a professor. nevermind, ignore all i've said, you're excused, my bad, i apologize. i've heard a friend in the education system say that it's like a disability. and having recently been a part of the education system myself, i'd have to agree. we have to overlook things posted by people who can't help themselves. i have actually been known by most of my friends to take up any position that is opposite of what i may truly believe just to elicit actual thought. perhaps that is what you are doing, and if so, good job. http://kitswv.com
  25. that's why it isn't being done, if it's impossible, people stop trying. my law says it can, i've done it on a small scale. like i'm going to put it on an internet forum so anyone could do it before it's patented...just like some people here, trying to tell me it's impossible when i have the prototype downstairs...fucking unbelievable http://kitswv.com