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Everything posted by amir1967

  1. ""Sorry for rocking your world folks with our high density altitudes"" I thought High alti = low Density = fast Canopy = high rate of altitud lost per turn AM67
  2. Is it me or in the last few month most of fatality were people jumping katana . now I will never blame a canopy for too low turn so maybe is the type of people which buy them ( many down sizing from 135 short recovery to 120 which is much higher in performance class. maybe it's only me that see it and my intention is not to blame anyone. I did waited with this post for a while and now again katana incident (Germany). I think it was about the same when the Crossfire came out. But maybe I see it all wrong, I would like to know what other think. fly safe AM67
  3. it will be nice to know which drop zone it is and where is located (not that I can swoop) but at least I can watch other
  4. Nicely said one more thing over the cypres especially now when the days get longer. about 2 years ago I went jumping at around 9:00 am the night before I was on the sunset load so that morning when I put the rig on the cypres was on so far so good, when I´ve went on the second jump of the day my cypres was out , it was on for the first jump (or at least when I looked at it) but in the time till boarding call that was the 12 hr cycle from the last jump the night before so for that jump it was out. just thoght maybe newer jumper can learn something from it amir
  5. ``Performance Designs tested Sabres (rectangular) and Stilettos (elliptical) side-by-side and found maybe one knot difference in forward speed. However, Stilettos have a reputation for gliding flatter`` was that tested with the same line trim ? I´ve thoght that the Sabre was trim much stipper AM67
  6. I´ve got the 2001 and 2002 which I got last december in Arizona. Is swoop 2003 is out there AM67
  7. Hi Myself I was always on the rear riser ready for counter steer (canopy open slider down and there it goes to diving to the right - left rear riser yenk once and the canopy flies strait) but then if it would do 360° I would be 600 700 ft lower and if I open at 2500 or so I would be under my reserve hard deck So I phoned PD send them the canopy they tested it replaced line set and jumped it again,then they mailed me that my Veng was still open in a slow turn and that from a PD test pilot so I left it there and now I have Sabre2 which is not as much fun but the opening are beter. I didnt look at your wingload but my is 1.4 on the 170 and one spinning mal where I pitch at 5000 and have opening (protrack) 3800 ft on the reserve and the all thing was 4-5 second pitch,open.diving and spinning on my back,look reach look pool reach pull reseve. made me take a good look at downsizing any thurther any time soon. Maybe a good point to add to the list befor downsizing is spinning mal on current canopy. AM67
  8. What make thoes turbine so expensive ? is it the parts ? man hours or just P&W or other know that the operator will make money with an airplane so they charge very high price 200k($) or more for revision of it while knowing that we can pay it (that´s about as much as they can get for it without customers getting belly up) . I would like to know. AM67
  9. Or maybe a little competition will bring down the price of the Grand Caravan and the used Otter and most important the cost of overhaul for turbine motor I´ll drink to that cheaper ticket more jump = more money=better airplane=more fun AM67
  10. Not that I know what I´m saying,but that´s what I think. first I think it is about 40% 40% and 20% or so. student (new) , 150 to 600 jump or so conservative pilot or not and last are the pro. the student will do the panic turn instead of flat one. the second group can split in two 1. the one that learn to swoop and one wrong move 3 ft too low and it´s over. and 2. conservative people that experimenting with front riser turn or toggle once a month or so and with so much extra speed compare to the standard student pattern mistake can happens and the are very expensive if you make it alive. try to see to what group you belongs right now and to which one you would like to go . and please if you think that you are maybe low flat turn and pararoll or take the down wind and maybe you get a dirty rig. AM67
  11. Hi I had about the same happens to me . the harness was a bit too short and the main bag would fit 135 or so not 170 ft one phone call to the factory and they made me a new one within 3 days and with the shipping it all took 10 days and that´s was including weekend . How fault was it? I think a little of everyone involved but never the less Rigging Innovation (Sandy and the rest made it right for me ) and I´m thankful for them . That´s what I call SERVICE AM67
  12. Happy birthday betsy thank´s for the good work in the Dropzone boogie 2003 , you made a different for me thank´s again Amir `it´s amazing that you were born on you´re birthday` AM67
  13. How much do you will be loading that vengeance AM67
  14. I have bought my vengeance 170 @ 1.39 with 60 jumps . it wasn´t the smart thing to do ,never had a bad landing ( some ``interesting landing``) looking back I wouldn´t recomend it alltho it did work for me. be safe and have fun AM67
  15. was he flaring or did he went in full speed in,the only thing I can think that he tried was rear riser but so late will only cus dynamic stall if I learnd anything on this form. I´m glad he is alive last what canopy and size was he flying? AM67
  16. as far as I know all reseve parachute are made of f-111 material (maybe they call it a different name but it´s not zp. AM67
  17. I also gave the pilot [email protected] in Eloy a try and I was impressed then I try Sabre2 and on the first jump I had diving opnening which I´m used to from my Vengeance (not impressed) second jump I had a break line fire which gave me again diving opening (not impressed at all) . The pilot I had to fold my self (didn´t come with deployment bag) . The Sabre2 was packed by prof. packer and was ready to jump. so I´ve to give the Pilot 1st place here ps I´ve now Sabre2 while my Vengeance is back to pd for testing (for good) ,hope that this one will be a good one AM67
  18. The only thing I ca add is ,when you get a gust of wind let say 20 mi/hr at 20 ft and right after that dead air for 2 sc (no wind) your canopy will go to flare mode (with or without the small turn that you made), then the canopy will dive hard to gain its full glid air speed and the dead air will only make it dive harder. I think gentel flar as soon as the canopy begin to dive is your best option (it won´t be prety )but that say that kind of situation can also deflat a canopy , and than maybe plf is the only option left AM67
  19. QuoteQuote I can see that having happened...*nods* that's highly possible that it's what happened. But then my question is...what's the best response to this situation? I think ( my 0.02 cent ) that for each canopy and wing load there is a point of no return ,meaning if for some reason you start with the flare you have to contineus or at least keep it there and in no way let the canopy go to a full glide ( you just don´t have the altitude for it ) is that hight 10 ft or 30 ft I think it depend on how strong the down draft is. glad you ok AM67
  20. September 24 75 years old I´ll drink to that I thought I wouldn´t make it to 60 AM67
  21. of course , sorry for the miss understanding , I was not trying to be to funny. AM67
  22. I can only say shave your legs befor posting any more picture. take care & take it easy AM67
  23. nice photo, I know next time I´´l take more time to talk to people and relax a bit , looking back I think I was always occupied with something . And speaking Hebrew to the Israelis, Dutch to to the my group and English with the rest got me confuse at time and didn´t help. AM67
  24. one time in my life I´m in the middel of all the action ,,, and you expect me to keep it quite , there was also somthing the night befor with some aff graduate. all in all for first time boogie-man it was the best AM67
  25. I guess you can say that I was born there and lived for 22 years of my life hope you don´t die AM67