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Everything posted by amir1967

  1. HI I have 170 with 190 techno reserve, first I had used 175 swift plus but decided to go with the biggest reserve which will fit my container (pdr160,swift 175 or the techno190 easy choice) AM67
  2. I had one time that we took off and there was an holding (too much traffic so the jump master decide that we should go to a different landing area ,now the was no way in hell that the grong crew can get there before we exit so landing direction was south-west or so was at least in the first drop-zone ,so peolpe land with the sun in your face . after a good 2 man rw I open just to that I can try to find the precise field but just decided to go for the first one that seems safe, after landing about 500m from the drop-zone field I had to listen to some lecture why was I in so harry to land in the first field I saw and didn´t make it back, yes the right I probably could make it back if I see it in time,but from my point of view I´v landed safe did not cuse any problem to any-one and definitly shouldn´t be lecture about it So my lesson always say yes (or you don´t get to jump) and keep it safe for everyone AM67
  3. I must say that I don´t really know what I´m talking about ,but when making such statistics I think we should also look at how many people are at that group and what % of them hooking it in. Another topic for young people in this sport (me) is I can only take advice from people I trust,and not S&TA, drop-zone owner or someone with 1500 jump just Because they have experience ( I do have to listen just for the reason that I want to jump there) but advise of how to go about landing, flying,or what to buy and when you go to the people you trust AM67
  4. I guess you should go easy on those big Mac around here 10 is standard 9 it´s easy fit and any less would be luxury . AM67
  5. I must say I enjoy this topic and even more happy that I all ready have my own gear ,so I can keep jumping it . Now for a new jumper yes it is a bad luck (maybe),they will really have to start and progress slowly (hopefully safely) then before those rules another question is what is the ruling if you jump a canopy which is two class above you´r class and you want to down-size AM67
  6. It is only my 0.02 ct but I think the idea is if those guy´s screwed up every one in this sport can and at one point will . and AAD will help in some cases and give you that second chance AM67
  7. Hi Ron I respect your opinion and never called you stupid I respect what you do and belive of what you say is true (at least for you ), saying that I still like to see people using cypres in case they doing somthing very stupid. that might give them second chance to think about what happen and is that the sport that they should practicing Amir AM67
  8. Hi Ron you have opinion and it is fine I just don´t really get why you keep saying student screw up ,I have read at least one jump master in the state last year that went after his student and forgot to pull on time the student cypres fire and is maybe stupid but alive, the jm didn´t have one (don´t know the reason) and is not with us . I know that I´m not perfect But on every jump I do my best to be safe for my self and other in the Air AM67
  9. You right about that . but if we take it a step further , what you say is if someone screw up he or she should take a good look and think about stop jumping at the rate of low turn hook turn those who swoop and screw up would stop jumping we will have no one to jump with very soon , I don´t know how is it in the U.S.A but I was very supprised when I´v learn how many screw up still walking around us (broken legs hands back neck and so on) should they stop jumping to .you will soon jump alone . I guess I mean that I´m very happy that the cypres can save some people not matter what the reason is and I will use my knowing it adv, and dis-adv. AM67
  10. Hi Ron I wanted to reply to you but you post too much so, my point is shit happen and who´s fault is it at that moment dose not really matter we can debate that when we standing on the ground (if we made it through) that jump ,I would think that if someone had 2,3 or so cypres activation in the first 100 jump or so should re think about is future in the sport cypres alone would not save the day every time (it is nor it claim to be 100% )but for those time when things go wrong I would like to think that I don´t have to pay with my life for it when so sort machine is there to use. for another point I can see on your profile that you jump what called rocket pocket canopy, from what I´ve seen in the sport 100% of the people who jump those canopy usually swoop them and 95% of those had one close call or more (too low turn hook turn uneven flair line twist ) are they should all die or broken back would be paying just about right for there screw-up .it is not a perfect world all most every one deserve a second chance Amir AM67
  11. You right that's nothing to do with a poll I tried to post with new and got a massage missing poll so I just made somthing up not knowing what was the end result will be AM67
  12. If you have one switch it on if you don´t have one buy one. I saw today a cypres save due to hard pull and inability to pull the reserve (could not locate the handel ) . It was low. very low. very very low. So until I´ll see reserve maine simultaneous opening I will use my like it is my last chance option when every thing else goes wrong Amir AM67
  13. amir1967


    I´ve order my new voodoo few days ago and wanted to know if any one has a picture of the new cut in back pad , how is it compare to the standard one ,and over all satisfiction with it. photo´s please Amir AM67
  14. I had about the same on jump 60 or so the loop was too big and came over the toggel , I couldn´t get it loos so after 3 attmpt or so was at 2000 and decided to land it with one stuk and one pull to half brake toggel , was not my best landing ever but at the time and now still I think I will not chop it. but that´s me . happy that reserve work good for you AM67
  15. Nice photo´s ( informative ) just don´t forget to pack it right befor you jump the next time Amir AM67
  16. I was flying my Vengeance 170 at 1.4 with 60 jumps I hope I wasn´t stupid am AM67
  17. So would you say that stiletto will be a good beginners canopy when loaded at 1 or 1.1 to1. or is only atair cobalt can use this comparison AM67
  18. Hi I have a T-5 with a Vengeance 170 it fit but it is littel small I have to pack real good AM67
  19. Thank's I have noticed it this afternoon AM67
  20. where is the photo am I the only one hoe can't see any photo's AM67
  21. I also this problem sometime ,but talking to john I understood that they might want to stich some more tape on the nose or replace some fabric . so for the time being I dump and go for the rear riser just in case ,and it seems to me that it opens latelly a littel beter so maybe it was body position or packing problems AM67
  22. I think that at list half of the people including myself when talking about "downwind stall" mean turbelent air and shear of some sort. So maybe it's a different topic but it seem to that it still exist ,and again I might be wrong again. amir AM67
  23. I'm sure that you are right with you'r physics and arody. but win as air mass is not constant close to the ground and every time that it increases abit the canopy and the pilot need to catch up and the canopy will dive a bit while gaining that wind mass speed ,so if you swoop 6" above the ground I think the only way is crash landing. or did I got that wrong too amir AM67
  24. thank's that was the problem it's working again now AM67