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Everything posted by amir1967

  1. I don´t know . But I´m happy I was on the other side of the bunkhouse when it happens??? God it´s rains alot in Arizona or was it somthing Else? take care and don´t drink & drive amir AM67
  2. for first time boogie 7 day and 35 jump Eloy is the best and the people who work and live there too, I´m been at work for a week now and stil can´t belive how different skydiving can be in a big (homy)dropzone compare to what I been used to Special tank´s to Betsy Andy Eliana Denis all the English American and Israelis which jump with me it was pure pleasure the all time SKYDIVIND ARIZONA ROCKS there was one profet which said ´´ build them a temple and they will come´´ as I was leaving to the airport betsy came by and gave me a huge and ask me if I´´l be back ,what can I say ´´ build me a wind tunnel and they will come ´´ was my answer I had a good time in Eloy See you all next time Amir AM67
  3. I was just wondering what is a must (beside having fun) to bring along ? what kind of temperature are expected for that time of the year? and at what time ± sunrise and set. but anyone can fill any other information useful or not 2 1/2 weeks to go Amir AM67
  4. Well when I was a student with 50 jump or so (still learning only have more jump now) an Instructor ask me if I´m going to jump later on ,I´ve asked him if he was going to jump and his reply was No it´s too windy .So I said `` if it´s too windy for you why do you think that I want to jump. `its better being on the ground wishing you where in the air than being in the air wishing you where on the ground` I think I read it some where Be safe there is always tomorrow Amir AM67
  5. as always good advice from Billvon (why not all instructor teach this to all the students, not on the first jump but there after ) amir AM67
  6. Your canopy has no idea of wind in a constant wind. But as Kallend pointed out, when there is wind shear the picture is different. According to Monique, the wind which James was in "disappeared" immediately when he dropped below the treeline. I really don't want to turn this into another argument and get this thread locked like the one in the other forum, but please think about this. If you are flying into a strong headwind which is equivalent to your airspeed (20 mph for example's sake), your groundspeed is zero. You are apparently hovering over the ground descending straight down. If the wind disappears immediately (or close to it), you will now have a ground speed of zero AND an airspeed of zero. Your canopy will deflate, you will begin falling straight down faster, and the tension in the lines and the shape of the canopy will cause it to dive to inflate again, until you have regained an airspeed of 20 mph again. I must agree 100% . No one ever explained it any better for Saskia just think of what happen when there is strong east wind in teuge and you are trying to land next to those big tree to the right of the precision bak AM67
  7. Hi I´m coming on the 21-dec at 22.45 but can also wait till 22 in the morning amir AM67
  8. I guess I´ll have to start a new thread but for now, I´m arriving on 21 dec at around 22:30 ,so any-one around that time or the next morning who would like to share the shuttle bus is welcome AM67
  9. just got a ticket for the holiday boogie and I was trying to figure out how to get to Eloy from Phoenix air port . any advice will be appreciated AM67
  10. The only person I know to have cypres2 at my drop zone have the same problem with it switch on then later it goes blank . I don´t know the what was the solution but he did wanted to get it fix. AM67
  11. Nice swoop .I saw only the first video but it looks to me that the guy with the video fly a Stilleto and has even longer faster swoop AM67
  12. 204:2 now I pull stable and jump the right size container AM67
  13. chop mine 3 weeks ago and it flew about 4000ft or so, it took me about 3 hr to find it and in the end our pilot spot it , the free bag is still missing. (thinking it over I did chop at 4000 ft so it´s 45° in a very light wind) . mine seems to stay inflate and didn´t really wanted to come down that was when I thought I´ll better find a good place to land and look for it after AM67
  14. Maybe you can post a Picture ,then we can laugh just kidding Amir AM67
  15. I may have it wrong, but after the canopy has inflated no more air can go in so closed nose air-locks or open should not make much of a different (is like driving in a car with only one window open, not too much wind come in, almost like it was closed. Now if the nose is sharper (not as thick as the rest of the canopy maybe that will make grater difference in performance ? ) Amir AM67
  16. amir1967


    Does any one knows web site for Voodoo container color and design on the internet (except Square-1) AM67
  17. I don´t know what I´m saying but I would loosened the left one and then try to stay in balance in the harness , if that not enough can always lean a bit more to the right = pulling right risers down = turning right that´s my Logic AM67
  18. ``If line twists on your reserve upset you, then your reserve is too small. RSL or no RSL should not be part of your thought process.`` No they don´t upset me just wanted to share that for me the rsl has to go when I get my rig back from a repack . and maybe someone els jumping elliptical will disconnet their´s AM67
  19. just had my second reserve last sunday, spinning mal I can spiraling with my canopy level towards the ground but sunday for the first time I was on my back so I looked at my alt 4000 ft and bye-bye vengeance Hello reserve , the rsl beat me to the pin so I had 2 or 3 twist on the reserve but it flew level , so I think that for me the rsl as to go . on the other hand within 3 or 4 second I´ve lost about 800 ft and my wingload on the main is about 1.35 ,I think that I´ve learned a good lesson. I don´t wan´t to think what feel w.l. off 1.6 ,1.8 or higher if you open at 2000ft or so AM67
  20. If I got it right a canopy of the same size and at about the same wing load will fly at the same speed. so your´s jedie can fly in braks with manta or a tandam but in normal flight it will have more forward speed just my 0.02 Euro cent How fast in mile/Km per hour I couldn´t find anywhere and it seems to me that with the acception of atair no other canopy have data or will post some data for people to see. AM67
  21. get a Velocity 90 or 84 I can promise you will have fun AM67
  22. Maybe it was. Here's the cobalt 39 in formation with the cobalt 24. Dave It looks to me that the green one is 22 not 24 good work anyway AM67
  23. Important topic I for once without as many jumps as I would like to have ,came across that kind of problem. When the canopy is fully open and no traffic with two hands on the strings one good pull and the slider collapse and go over the breaks, the problem start when I have to pumpe the breaks in order to un-colapse one or more end cell, which trying to collaps the slider after would take too much time cus now I need two hand for each side . so unless there is no one up there with me I would just fly it slowly without collapsing it ( mostly because of noise and the flapping which alleady cus it once to go in front of my face ). So slinks are great but the do takes time to used to and I think if a new jumper wants to use them after student gear it should come with a few minutes of what to do if and where it is different than student gear AM67
  24. I think that you have a good point . for me it´s works like that if I just had a bad landing and someone try to be a smart ass ,I´ll say yes I know it wasn´t pretty but do you have any advice of how to do it better , if yes good ,if no he/she can keep on talking to themselves cus I´m not listening. and there some people which I trust so no questions. AM67