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Everything posted by amir1967

  1. # 17 the second freefall my fault unstable pull so the spring loaded pilot go down and back up between my legs, at that point I knew I had a problem. got my legs back down but my sweet student gear manta was not well , the right side was (7 to 9 or so) was inside out so I try slowly to pump the toggels didn't help one look at the altimeter and right left and two second later a beutifull round reserve . nedless to say I've learnd my leason abut the importent of Stabel opening Amir AM67
  2. Thank's for the respond I was below 50 feet or so when I finish a very slow flat turn and did let the braks up but at the same time i realized that it is time to flair so I did . I ask this so that the next time I will have even softer landing , on the last one I had to pull my legs a bit up ,flat turn should be every one's freinds, there will be a day when it come handy Amir AM67
  3. After a flat turn at low allt. would it be better to let the toggels up get some speed and then start the flair? ,or stay in half breaks and just continue the flair ? In turms of stoping forward speed (easy landing ) ,or what will be the best option for this not perfect situation . would different of canopy Specter ,Saber,or Stilleto will require a different respond AM67
  4. what size this Vengeance is . I have one 170 at 1.4 and have alot more to learn but I love it amir AM67
  5. thank's I've mix between two great pilots amir AM67
  6. what is wrong with the Vengeance at that wing load that you called it waist ? amir AM67
  7. From the photo's that Ive seen in " Skydiving " it's seem to me that J.C. Coclasure is 5'8" or 5'10" and 160lb or the guy's next to him was 6'8" and 300 lb but maybe I need new glasses amir AM67
  8. for one week now you ask about the differeces, adventage, disadv. and other ? between the diablo and cross braced canopy . While you allready flew the Fx 114 or am I'm missing something ( I guss you just want to get some people upset ) , i'ts open forum as they said so good luck amir AM67
  9. What happen to your'e beers AM67
  10. amir1967


    You are right , I wouldn't disconnect the RSL I just didn't put one , at least here most people agree that RSL don't go with Stiletto or any other Elliptical canopy AM67
  11. I'm not stupid , my English may not be perfect but with math I don't have any problems . just as Freezone understood my and had reply .So don't be a smart ass ( meer nuker) thank's Amir AM67
  12. What wingload on stiletto 120 will be equal to 1.4 on Stiletto 170 ( no I don't mean 1.4 that's too easy) What wingload will give the same preformance, response, diving and turn speed AM67
  13. What then or what do you jume now AM67
  14. as someone who had one round reserve ride 16 years ago in the army then took skydiving again last year and had one ride with club set while on student status . Let's put it this way " unless I have unlimited sand desert under me I"ll never ever jump round reserve again " Yes you can steer one but the only result is turnning on on you'r vertical axiss (flying side way then backward ) invest in square please amir AM67
  15. I agree with you on this one let stop with it here how you write pull high it is lower then you think AM67
  16. I've know some people that broke legs and other part on Manta's and Specter's with wing load 1 or 1.2 that's not an indication of a canopy to me. I agree that's not for every one ,but still think that it is a safe choice (for this type of sport) at least for me thank for the concern. AM67
  17. Hi freezone you are on in will the only problem is that I don't plan to leave any money in it (but you can have the Vengeance) . Why did i got the vengeance well I wanted a good canopy which will last me for the next 10 years or so without geting board or wanting to downsize every year or so so a specter was not an option .the Vengeance fill safer then a stiletto and a bit newer disign. AND NO I WILL NEVER DREAM FLYING # VLOCITY OR ANY OTHER CROSS BRACE FOR A LONG TIME # AM67
  18. with 60 jumps I've got a vengeance 170 at 1.4 and love it . and yes because I can't jump 6 time in the weekend and sometimes also not evrey weekend I'm just taking my time to learn this canopy.but than I don't know how they compare( coblat & veangeance) ? is anyone know AM67
  19. I think that it's not the right time to make joke amir AM67
  20. last I came across a student that started her flair at 500 ft and kept it until the landing on a windy day flying a Manta, yes she did went backward but she is fine . Lucky it was a Manta AM67
  21. Finally a Vengeance lover I've got my 170 @ 230lb 1.35 with 60 jumps ,I don't do anything radical yet made 24 jump on it and love them all blue skys and fun landing AM67
  22. After 16 S.L. jumps I was ready for freefall (rip cord stil on manta) . 7 more jumps and I went to the our club Sabre 210 +-10 J and Sabre 190 +- 12 J to Sabre 170 15 jumps or so later got my 2nd diploma and I started to look around for a set , I've demo a Stiletto 170 and finally went with the vengeance (was told the flare was stronger and that the chut was much more stable in turbilance) 25 jumps later I'm a very happy camper with my vengeance . Opening are nice and soft + - 45 right or left ,sometime it open in a dive turn so rear riser is a must but easy to correct ,if I turn hard I will be horizontally so for now I begin a turn slow max 360 and come out slow to , landing are what its all about fun fun fun and on no wind day are even more fun, some people looked at me, what he think he's doing on a vengeance with 60 jumps but ye those people can't land a Specter. Thanks for the info, if anyone as any more it's allways welcome am67 AM67
  23. I have recently bought one loading at 1.4 and would like to here from more people how fly and land one. At our club there is only one more and so far six reviews at this site AM67
  24. way to go Michele I had my reserve on the 18 jump ,# 17 was C&P. Nice round one landed about 20 m from the T and I was fine . The thing hit me the next morning at 02:00 .My hart beat was so hard and fast wake up and then it sunk in. Well, just learn from it is nice to know you can trust your reserve Blue sky AM67
  25. Thank's for the advise, but finally we had warm weather no glove at 12000ft and with the opening as I kill the slider all the way , it get over the steering toggel in one move and behind my head. problem solve (at least till next winter) AM67