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Everything posted by DFWAJG

  1. good read. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3908/is_200503/ai_n13244368
  2. Interestingly, those who commit murder have a very low recidivism rate. So, a guy kills someone, gets 25 to life, serves 30, gets out, likely not to murder again....But, child molesters, very high recidivism rate. Molest a kid, get 7 years, out on parole in 3. Off to molest again. The system is wacked! I don't know what the solution is, or where to begin.


    The pain to subside me too.
  4. they have common ancestors.
  5. go to www.theblueskyranch.com there is a carpooling thread there. you'll find lots of jumpers who live in the city. you can also take a bus to New Paltz and a train to Poughkeepsie to meet jumpers from that area.
  6. Yes, true. supports equals success. unfortunately, for most of the severely mentally ill, the families are burnt out of taking care of them. Most lay people don't understand mental illness (nor do most physicians, sadly) and when they are faced with a family member who is suffering, they just don't know how to cope. Or, they don't have the financial means to help. And, insurance companies put severe limitations on mental health. for instance, Value Options of NY will give a person 30 LIFE TIME days coverage for hospitalization. Manics and schizophrenics get hospitalized alot. so, with little payment for care, psych hospitals close because they can no longer afford to remain opened.
  7. child molestation makes no sense. these are just the statistics. I didn't make them up.
  8. Someone with a like mind. You single?
  9. according to Lauren Frances, Ph Double D, most men date multiple women, despite having a girlfriend. so unless he is engaged or married, he's fair game. Guys? Do you agree?
  10. yeah, we need details. we can't help if you don't give the details.
  11. ah, genetics, molecular biology, chemistry,, any branch of medicine....
  12. I say to them, "I'll take that into consideration. Have a nice day." [translation: you're full of shit, I'm not listening to you, fuck you] the latter part comes from a NY/Cali joke.
  13. I've thought about going the lesbian route many times. But the problems are just the same. What's your beef about guys. Tell us about it.
  14. Ahem! http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=blonde&word2=brunette
  15. there is a good Riesling with the same name...from Oregon!
  16. The more lubrication, the better the sex. The best lubrication is her's. So treat her well and she'll provide you with plenty. the next best is ASTROGLYDE. It doesn't get gooey like KY jelly.
  17. I recently read "Stiff" by Mary Roach. It explores the curious lives of cadavers. Very interesting. this thread reminds me of a line from THE RANCH. Compliments of Mike Rome..."This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
  18. are you treated? I have adhd. If my medication wears off during a dive, I have lousy landings or land far from target. Get treatment. and don't say "I don't have insurance". If it is important to you, you'll get treatment.
  19. sounds like you are more concerned about your precious car than you are about your wife. Reminds me of my husband, who I'm about to divorce.
  20. My cousins had the best solution. They too, lived in a townhouse and the garage was attached between the homes (so. cali). they had a cage in the garage that had the litter box in it. there was a hole in the wall behind the tv. the cats went behind the tv, climbed through the hole, and pooped in the box in the cage. the cage opened from the garage side for easy cleaning.
  21. Child molestation has nothing to do with homosexuality. It is estimated that one in four girls and one in 4 to 10 boys is molested. 2/3rds of these children are molested prior to age 6. one in 12 men are child molesters. Most child molesters are not pedophiles per say. Pedophiles have attractions to children only. but may have a relationship with an adult to gain access to children. the average child molester molests 56 children.
  22. it's not so much about the weapon. If someone wants to kill someone, they are going to do it no matter what the weapon. I work in prisons. Prisoners have turned styrofoam cups and toilet paper into weapons. Keep in mind, the terrorists didn't need a nuclear bomb to cause mass destruction in NYC. All they needed to do was hijack an airplane. Anything can be used as a weapon.
  23. That's interesting that you mention HOSPITALS. Many VA's have Burger Kings in the cafeteria. ugh!